
Christopher_Horoscope for December 20-26, 2021

When will it end?

Changes appear in different ways in astrology. The moon represents periodic changes, while Mercury develops rapidly and requires your immediate attention. A planet's retrograde portends a shift, and an exoplanet like Pluto could take years to reshape the corners it passes through. Saturn is the planet that sustains the status quo. It will not give up its land easily. Uranus is a planet that represents revolution and change. Its requirements for the new rules will not be overlooked. As we strive to regain our direction, everything around us proves it. Although saturn/Uranus's third and final quarter phase of 2021 occurred on December 24, the removal of dust will still take time. These are slow-moving planets, which means their effects will be long-lasting and irrefutable. It's safe to say that the worst is over, but it may not be until April to see what they have left behind.


You are not the one who will give up. In fact, the more opportunities you have against you, the more you want to overcome them. However, you're not like most people, which is why you need to accept that your significant other – maybe your spouse, business partner or creative collaborator – just doesn't share your drive and motivation. It's a pill that's hard to swallow, but it's better than two people doing it together.


They say you can't stuff square stakes into round holes. This is a hard truth to accept. You're not going to get into trouble. However, it is clear that the problem is not the status quo; It's up to you. You are the one who cannot accept things, which means you will have to acquiesce or leave - Uranus is currently in Taurus and you are unlikely to give in. In the end, you have to be true to yourself – which means there will be dramatic development in 2022.


On December 20th, the resourceful Mercury trichotomy Uranus, everything was fine. Things may not have gone the way you had hoped, but they are certainly better than when you started. It is important to celebrate when victory comes along, rather than dwelling on inadequacies. 2021 hasn't been all smooth sailing, and you've been able to get through this period unscathed, proving your intelligence and skill. A lot of people fall, but you always find a way to get back on your feet. That perseverance will come in handy in 2022.


There is always a way to make you forget about the shattered hopes, the hurt feelings, and the bitter accusations. Some people will say that you do this to justify an unhealthy relationship, but in fact, you believe in your relationship. The Retrograde Conjunction of Venus/Pluto does strain the relationship, but it also forces you to dig deeper to preserve what you have. Your determination may not make sense to others, but as long as it does mean something to you.


The Saturn/Uranus quadrant isn't easy, with three times a year putting you up to the test. It also teaches you to be resourceful. Leo people aren't known for their wisdom, but that doesn't mean you can't learn. Igniting hope, only to see them shattered again, makes you determined to move forward in this difficult journey – as long as you don't give up, you will succeed.


Sometimes, in order to get what you want, you need to pay a higher price. This is the dilemma you will face this week. Right now, most people will leave with their winnings, but you've been in the block long enough to know that this can have a negative impact. So will you return what you deserve? This is equally devastating. The solution is to work as things unfold. Trust the bureaucracy at work and remain absolutely transparent in all transactions. There's a good chance things will turn out in your favor at the end of January.


It seems that in order to keep the peace, you have to take back what you have said. This is a political issue. It's not easy because you're telling the truth, and you think it's necessary to say it. Still, there's one thing that's sensitive, and that teaches you how to use diplomacy and wit effectively. You know very well that others know that everything you say is serious, and if you change your mind, they will pay more attention to you.


The wise men say you should bend like a reed in a changing wind, but this has never really worked for you. Maybe it's because it's these tribulations that inspire your personal transformation, not your escape. You've been through a lot this year, and the Saturn/Uranus quadruplication shakes you in February and June, so you'll be nervous about the third and last one on December 24. Does this herald another twist or are you free? Ironically, you'll find yourself almost the same as you did last December. The question is: Has the world changed, or have you changed?


When the retrograde Venus meets Pluto this week, the money problem you think has been solved looks like nothing. Truth be told, the troubled fiscal situation is nothing new. You've been through so many crises that they start to look and sound the same. The difference, however, is that it's the other party and not you, so you'll definitely want to figure out exactly what went wrong, because not only is it a refund or compensation, but your reputation can also be washed away. This can take up to 5 weeks to resolve, so be prepared for the long term.


It's hard to believe that you work so hard and only see everything in danger again. December 24 is Saturn/Uranus' third and final quarter phase, and you may have overreacted to the feeling of this change. Yes, things are changing, but that doesn't mean you're a loser. If anything, it's that you have the potential to get everything through this huge reshuffle. You need to wait and see how that all goes. Keep an open mind (and an open heart) and you'll be happy with what you see in mid-February.


You're just an ordinary person. This is a fact of life that most of us have accepted, but for some reason, you don't accept it. You don't treat yourself the way you would anyone else, and you're not particularly kind when you face your own failures or forgive your own mistakes. There's no more appropriate time to exercise compassion than now because it's long overdue. You'll also find that there are many benefits to adopting a kinder, gentler attitude toward yourself. You'll feel less stressed and appreciated, like someone who's always there: yourself.


December 26 is a great time to sit down and discuss the future of your relationship. The sextant phase of cooperation between communicative Mercury and receptive Neptune shows that your lover or spouse is in the right mindset to discuss all the pros and cons. No accusations, no guilt, no emotional disputes. Some uncomfortable topics will be discussed frankly in a way that makes you both relax. Don't expect any final answers, as your relationship is still evolving. However, you will be encouraged by the demolished walls and the rebuilt bridges.

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