
Babies can't walk after 1 year old, do I need to worry?


Learning to walk is one of the most important schedules for babies after the age of 1. In this worrying process, the mother will have a lot of worries and confusion, but as the baby's steps become more and more steady, the action becomes more and more free, these worries will also disappear. Moreover, bear children will become more and more fun!

1. Is it too late for my baby to learn to walk?

How old will your baby start to learn to walk? Generally speaking, it is normal to start walking at 9-15 months, and most babies can walk well after 6 months of learning to walk. There are many factors that affect the baby's toddler time, such as the baby's personality, body shape, whether there are brothers and sisters, previous wrestling experience, and so on.

Some babies are natural adventurers, they are not afraid to try, they are not afraid to fall, and they start learning to walk very early. There are also some babies who are more cautious and are willing to start trying until they are fully prepared. Moms should not compare their babies with the children around them, and let him decide for himself when to take the first step in life.

If your baby is 18 months old and hasn't taken the first step yet, the mother will need to seek help from a doctor.

2. Are these walking postures normal?

Babies can't walk after 1 year old, do I need to worry?

Under the expectations of the whole family, the baby finally took the first step in life, but how is the baby's O-shaped legs? It's hard to be less obvious, it's X-legged again, and sometimes it's tiptoeing like a ballerina... Baby, are you swollen, let the mother cry for a while.

In fact, most babies' knees are inverted (O-leg), knee valgus (X-leg) and tiptoe walking are normal physiological phenomena, and the baby is squeezed in the womb during pregnancy, the baby's lack of experience in learning to walk, and ligaments, bones have not yet fully developed and other factors.

As your baby ages and the experience of walking accumulates, these phenomena will improve and disappear on their own. Generally O-legs (knee varus) and tiptoe walking will disappear between the baby's 1.5 and 2 years of age, and X-leg (knee valgus) will also improve before the baby goes to school (5-7 years old).

If it is found that the degree of bending of the baby's two legs is not the same, walking is affected, and even pain occurs, mothers should pay attention to it, and it is recommended to consult a child health care doctor in time.

3. What should I do if my baby often falls?

When the baby first learned to walk, it was the most tired time for the mother, bending over and following behind all day, afraid that he would bump into it. In order to protect the baby and their fragile waist, some mothers will use artifacts such as "sitting walker" and "walking belt", but in fact, this does not help much, and improper use may cause harm to the baby.

Mothers should be calm, and during the toddler period, wrestling is natural and necessary. At first, the baby is not very good at balancing, controlling the speed, and does not know how to stop. Only through repeated falls can babies gradually master the new skill of walking.

What the mother has to do is not to prevent the baby from falling, but to protect him from injury. Create a safe and soft toddler environment for your baby, such as laying a carpet or crawling mat on the ground, making sure that there are no raised corners or easy to fall around, and the ground is not too slippery.

In addition, when the baby falls, the mother should not make a fuss. Give him a comforting hug and then encourage him to keep practicing so that your baby will also feel that wrestling is no big deal.

4. Do you want to wear shoes for your baby?

Maybe you've already bought your baby new shoes early and are waiting for him to wear them when he learns. But for a baby who is just learning to walk, there's nothing better than being barefoot. Walking barefoot can not only stimulate the baby's rich sole nerves, promote his blood circulation, strengthen the arch of the foot, strengthen the ankle, but also allow the baby's toes to grasp the ground more firmly and prevent slippage.

If it's cold, you can put on a pair of non-slip socks for your baby. If you're taking your baby out, choose a pair of soft, non-slip, fit shoes for him. Remember to check that your baby's shoes fit every month, because your baby's feet are growing fast and you may have to change into new shoes in 2-3 months.

5, do not use "walker" and "toddler belt", then what else can I do?

Many mothers feel that the baby learns to walk such an important thing, how can I "stand by and watch"? You've got to do something to help him. You do have room for effort, and these things will help your baby:

Baby, come and cuddle

Crouch a few steps away from your baby, then open your hands to get him to walk towards you, say something encouraging to your baby, and use his favorite toys to attract him.

Interesting track

Use softer things like pillows and cushions to set up obstacles for your baby, build a "track", and then let him go around or step over. Mom can grab some toys on the side to attract the baby while paying attention to his safety.

I'm a little courier

Cart toys are a good helper for babies to practice walking, which can not only provide him with support, but also expand the baby's activity space. Mom and Dad can sit in different places in the room and ask the baby to help pass on the items. The little one will have a lot of fun, and you can also take the opportunity to steal laziness.

Precautions for babies to learn to walk

1, walking posture should be correct. The feet should be facing forward, not outward, nor inward, so that the inner figure eight foot or the outer figure eight leg will be formed, which is easy to fall down, and it is very unsightly.

2, to spend more time in the sun. Eat some cod liver oil and foods high in calcium, so that the bones of young children grow hard, can bear enough weight in the body, and do not form loop legs because the legs are not hard.

3. When adults hold the hands of young children, do not pull hard, so as not to dislocate the shoulder joints and elbow joints of children.

4. Strengthen the protection of young children who learn to walk. Babies learn to walk, and inevitably there will be falls, bumps on the scalp, etc., so pay attention to protection, especially in areas that are vulnerable to damage.

5. Let the baby play with non-dangerous toys. The baby has just learned to walk, but his hands-on ability has increased significantly, so he loves to play with toys, which requires the protection of the baby's eyes, ears, nose, etc.

Do not let your baby play with sharp toys or long sticks, otherwise it will hurt the body after falling, and you can't plug such toys into your nostrils and ears.

6, do not let the child put something in the mouth. When your baby learns to walk, don't let him stuff anything in his mouth, otherwise it is easy to cause accidents, such as swallowing small toys into the trachea. In addition, these things are not hygienic.


Every child has their own rhythm of development, follow the inner order of life!

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