
There is always a "peculiar smell" on the body? Or hint at these 5 reasons, do a good job of checking in time

Under normal circumstances, the body will not inexplicably produce a special odor, but some people have a bad smell lingering, if you do not know the specific source, you can be vigilant in this situation, go to the hospital in time for detailed examination, perhaps a warning of the disease. First understand the type and severity of the disease, and then improve it through follow-up treatment, do not simply think of it as a small problem.

There is always a "peculiar smell" on the body? Or hint at these 5 reasons, do a good job of checking in time

What diseases are the special odors associated with the body?

1. Diabetes

Finding yourself with a special smell on your body requires suspicion of diabetes. The emergence of diabetes is related to the reduction of islet function, too much sugar is not consumed, and when blood sugar is unstable, it brings harm, and the relative symptoms are obvious. If there is still no active treatment, the condition worsens or causes ketoacidosis, and there will be a rotten apple smell on the body. Finding this condition requires reasonable treatment for diabetes.

2. Gynecological diseases

Many gynecological diseases are menacing, and when they are serious, they will cause a variety of adverse symptoms due to the spread of inflammation, and many women's intimate parts emit a fishy odor related to gynecological diseases, and will also be accompanied by local itching, abnormal vaginal discharge, menstrual changes and so on. When these signals are found, gynecological examinations must be carried out in time to understand the cause and then choose countermeasures.

There is always a "peculiar smell" on the body? Or hint at these 5 reasons, do a good job of checking in time

3. Oral diseases

Those who have a special smell on the body should judge whether there is a oral disease developing, maintain oral health should pay attention to personal hygiene, rinse mouth after meals, brush teeth morning and evening, and pay attention to the lightness of diet. If you do not pay attention to hygiene, the gums and the health of the teeth will be affected after the bacteria breed. Some people actually emit special smells from the mouth, and it is inevitable that they will be embarrassed when talking to people.

4. Uremia

There is a special smell on the body may be related to uremia, uremia itself is not an independent disease, but a variety of chronic kidney diseases are caused by the continuous development of various types of chronic kidney diseases, at this time the patient will have metabolic disorders, multi-organ function reduction and other situations.

With the development of the disease, the amount of ammonia produced may cause ulcers and inflammation in the intestine, and the patient will also have a special odor at this time. After the detection of uremia signals, it is necessary to treat as soon as possible and control the progression of the disease through dialysis or kidney transplantation.

There is always a "peculiar smell" on the body? Or hint at these 5 reasons, do a good job of checking in time

5. Liver disease

The liver plays an important role in the human body, and its function needs to be improved through correct maintenance, otherwise there will be diseases, the ability to excrete harmful substances will be reduced, and the digestive process will be affected. Those with liver failure may be related to the absence of treatment for the original disease.

The disease continues to worsen, the liver's ability to excrete harmful substances is reduced, more ammonia substances will be produced, and there is also a special odor on the body, which can obviously find that the patient has a liver odor. It was found that most of this signal is related to the arrival of a serious liver disease and requires targeted treatment to save it.

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