
Hoe grass but dug out Li Shimin's sister, unearthed an epitaph, experts after interpretation: this woman is really chaotic

The discovery of many ancient tombs in this year is actually directly related to the people, if it were not for their accidental discovery, relying solely on our archaeological team to survey, it did have little effect, fortunately, most of the people are still very good, found the tomb also took the initiative to report to the state, unfortunately, the tombs that were basically found were looted by tomb robbers, indicating that the tomb robbers these people are really powerful, and everything is in front of the archaeological team.

Hoe grass but dug out Li Shimin's sister, unearthed an epitaph, experts after interpretation: this woman is really chaotic

The tomb to be introduced in this article is an ancient tomb from the Tang Dynasty, the identity of the tomb owner is extremely honorable, especially the epitaph unearthed in its tomb, it can really be said that it is more valuable than any cultural relics, but the excavation of this tomb is very strange, it is actually dug out by farmers when picking up large dung and hoeing grass.

It was in the 70s of the last century, the location is in LuCun, Fuping County, Shaanxi Province, Shaanxi Province is definitely a national key cultural relics province, after all, Xi'an is the ancient capital of history, this land does not know how many tombs have been excavated, of course, the vast majority of tombs are still lying underground, which is looking forward to our archaeological team to slowly excavate it.

Hoe grass but dug out Li Shimin's sister, unearthed an epitaph, experts after interpretation: this woman is really chaotic

At that time, there was a villager in Lu Village who was ready to carry the dung to his own field to water the ground, but he did not expect that the accident happened like this, just after the villagers were lagging behind after pouring the dung, they began to take a hoe to dig grass in the field, but they did not expect to dig out a very strange stone slab, which looked and huge, and there were some patterns on it, the villagers naturally did not know what it was, and they could not guess what it was after half a day of study.

So the villagers quickly reported to the village cadres, although the village cadres did not know what it was, but vaguely felt that it might be related to the ancient tomb, so they immediately arranged for someone to notify the comrades of the local cultural relics bureau, while the other side arranged for people to protect the place and prevent miscreants from coming to cause trouble.

Hoe grass but dug out Li Shimin's sister, unearthed an epitaph, experts after interpretation: this woman is really chaotic

The next day, the archaeological team of the Cultural Relics Bureau rushed over, and then began to survey the slate, and soon confirmed that the slate was from the ancient tomb, and at the time of the initial excavation, the archaeological team dug up the traces of the tomb, for which the experts reported that they hoped that archaeological excavations could be carried out immediately.

Hoe grass but dug out Li Shimin's sister, unearthed an epitaph, experts after interpretation: this woman is really chaotic

After the approval of the higher department, the archaeological action began, I did not expect that this is a Tang tomb, and the tomb owner is even more remarkable, it is actually the Tang Dynasty Fangling Princess, Fangling Princess is Li Shimin's sister, Li Yuan's daughter, this identity is undoubtedly extremely honorable.

Hoe grass but dug out Li Shimin's sister, unearthed an epitaph, experts after interpretation: this woman is really chaotic

Of course, many precious cultural relics have been unearthed, but there is no doubt that the epitaph in the tomb really shocked the experts, and it can be said that the historians were shocked, because this epitaph recorded many important historical materials.

Hoe grass but dug out Li Shimin's sister, unearthed an epitaph, experts after interpretation: this woman is really chaotic

The above record says that Princess Fangling's life was very chaotic, first married to the Left Guard general Dou Fengjie, then she was good with Yang Yuzhi, and finally divorced, and the second married to the Right Guard General Helan Sangha, but even so, it still could not change the chaotic private life of Princess Fangling, and it can only be said that the openness of the Tang Dynasty was indeed incredible!

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