
The general Who killed Zhang Zizhong, the Japanese chieftain, was killed on the spot and threw his body into the wilderness, and the inscription recorded his sinful life

Hubei Yicheng Banqiaodian Town Luowu Village Changshan, there is a stretch of mountain ridge like a dragon lying across the sky, majestic, a newly built 800-meter-long wide avenue and memorial garden, memorial tower straight line and memorial tower straight connected, the green trees on both sides of the avenue and the green vegetation of the mountains show the solemnity and sacredness here.

The general Who killed Zhang Zizhong, the Japanese chieftain, was killed on the spot and threw his body into the wilderness, and the inscription recorded his sinful life
The general Who killed Zhang Zizhong, the Japanese chieftain, was killed on the spot and threw his body into the wilderness, and the inscription recorded his sinful life

In front of the bluestone staircase leading to the top of the mountain, there stands a solemn four-pillar archway, the archway reads "Heroic Thousand Autumns" four big characters, the stone pillars on the left and right of the archway are inscribed with "Shrouded Ma Ge Pumpkin Shop, General Zhongyong Zhenhuan", as the road leads to the top of the mountain, a stone stele towers into the movement, reading "General Zhang Zhongzhong martyrdom", which is to commemorate the commander-in-chief of the 33rd Group Army of the Nationalist Army during the War of Resistance Against Japan, the highest-ranking general Zhang Zizhong in the anti-fascist camp in the second world war.

The general Who killed Zhang Zizhong, the Japanese chieftain, was killed on the spot and threw his body into the wilderness, and the inscription recorded his sinful life
The general Who killed Zhang Zizhong, the Japanese chieftain, was killed on the spot and threw his body into the wilderness, and the inscription recorded his sinful life

Zhang Zizhong, a native of Linqing, Shandong, witnessed the bullying of China by the great powers, the warlords fighting each other, the misfortune of the country, the difficulties of the nation, and the determination to serve the country, so he abandoned his studies and followed the rong, and when the War of Resistance broke out, he led the army to fight a bloody battle at Xifengkou, made great military achievements, served as the mayor of Tianjin, endured humiliation and burdens and maneuvered with the Japanese Kou, and then ventured out of the tiger's mouth and played linyi on the battlefield.

The general Who killed Zhang Zizhong, the Japanese chieftain, was killed on the spot and threw his body into the wilderness, and the inscription recorded his sinful life

General Zhang Zizhong was the commander-in-chief of the 33rd Group Army of the Nationalist Government before his death, and received the rank of general. On May 1, 1940, in order to control the traffic on the Yangtze River and cut off the transportation line to Chongqing, the Japanese army gathered more than 100,000 troops, with the cooperation of more than 100 tanks and more than 70 aircraft, launched a large-scale attack on the troops of the Fifth Theater on the east bank of the Xianghe River, and the Battle of Zaoyi began. Zhang Zizhong, as the commander-in-chief of the group army, personally led his troops to cross the Han River to fight against the Japanese Kou, after several days of bloody fighting, the officers and men were killed and wounded, and were forced to retreat into the pumpkin shop, at this time, the fierce 6,000 Japanese Kou surrounded the village of Gouyanli north of the pumpkin shop, he was seriously wounded in 7 places, and finally because he was outnumbered, he was martyred on May 16, 1940 in the town of Banqiaodian in Yicheng City, Hubei Province, at the age of 49.

The general Who killed Zhang Zizhong, the Japanese chieftain, was killed on the spot and threw his body into the wilderness, and the inscription recorded his sinful life

The Japanese chief who led the 6,000-day Kou to encircle the pumpkin shop and kill General Zhang Zizhong was Takehiko Yokoyama, the commander of the 231st Infantry Wing of the Japanese 39th Division. Under the cover of aircraft artillery, he led his troops to launch 9 charges in one night, all of which were defeated by Zhang Zizhong's troops, and the battle, which was expected to end in a few hours, was delayed until the afternoon of the next day, and finally relied on artillery to take the position of the Chinese army, and it was this battle that the commander of the 33rd Group Army, Zhang Zizhong, was killed!

The general Who killed Zhang Zizhong, the Japanese chieftain, was killed on the spot and threw his body into the wilderness, and the inscription recorded his sinful life
The general Who killed Zhang Zizhong, the Japanese chieftain, was killed on the spot and threw his body into the wilderness, and the inscription recorded his sinful life

Takehiko Yokoyama, a native of Hiroshima Prefecture, Japan, graduated from the 25th Infantry Section of the Army Non-Commissioned Officer School. After the September 18 Incident, he went to northeast China with his troops and served in the Kwantung Army. He was promoted to Nakasa in 1936. On July 20, 1938, he was incorporated into the Independent Second Mixed Regiment and served as the commander of the Second Independent Infantry Brigade. In the winter of that year, the Daqingshan Detachment of the 120th Division of the Eighth Route Army set out from northwestern Jin to the north and entered the Suiyuan Daqingshan area to open up a guerrilla base area.

The general Who killed Zhang Zizhong, the Japanese chieftain, was killed on the spot and threw his body into the wilderness, and the inscription recorded his sinful life

As soon as the Battle of Zaoyi ended, He was promoted to deputy brigade commander of a major general, and Yokoyama Takehiko, who was promoted to an officer, intensified his cruelty to the Chinese people, and successively created a "killing pit" and "Tulong Temple Massacre" in Guangming Village, Weixi Town, with Chinese blood on his hands, and the crimes are hard to describe! Such a demon is condemned by everyone.

The general Who killed Zhang Zizhong, the Japanese chieftain, was killed on the spot and threw his body into the wilderness, and the inscription recorded his sinful life

As the saying goes, many acts of injustice will kill themselves, the wicked have their own harvest, and Takehiko Yokoyama, a fascist executioner who has committed many crimes, finally died at the hands of the Chinese army and threw his body into the wilderness.

The general Who killed Zhang Zizhong, the Japanese chieftain, was killed on the spot and threw his body into the wilderness, and the inscription recorded his sinful life

In May 1944, the Japanese army was defeated in the Pacific naval and air battle, in order to open up the mainland communication line, concentrated the strength of 13 divisions and regiments, launched a large-scale Changheng campaign, and the southeast side deployed a strategic operation, that is, more than 10,000 people under the commander of Lieutenant General Uchida Takayuki's division wanted to break through the Lanxi, Tangxi and Longyou defense lines, invade Quzhou, and seize the airport. The Chinese army defending Quzhou and Longyou fought fiercely with the Japanese army, known in history as the "Battle of Qulong".

The general Who killed Zhang Zizhong, the Japanese chieftain, was killed on the spot and threw his body into the wilderness, and the inscription recorded his sinful life

In this battle, the Japanese army was divided into three routes, and the commander of the 62nd Infantry Brigade of the 70th Division, Major General Takehiko Yokoyama, was responsible for the frontal attack from Jinhua to Quzhou. When the battle began, Yokoyama Takehiko ordered a unit to capture the Bailong Bridge, The WineGlass Mountain, and the nearby right bank of the Baisha Creek, 10 kilometers southwest of Jinhua, to cover the main force of the brigade to cross the river. At dawn on the 10th, Takehiko Yokoyama led the main force of the brigade to cross the river using folding boats. When approaching the 4 km west of Baisha Creek, he was suddenly sniped by the Chinese defenders' 20th Division. Takehiko Yokoyama ordered two independent infantry brigades to quickly deploy, waiting for the opportunity to pursue the Chinese army to the west.

The general Who killed Zhang Zizhong, the Japanese chieftain, was killed on the spot and threw his body into the wilderness, and the inscription recorded his sinful life

In the course of the pursuit, Takehiko Yokoyama received a reconnaissance report on the way, and the forward army, centered on the Dragon Tour Lion Mountain, was grasping the construction of the "Inverted Eight Characters" position fortification. Yokoyama immediately decided to focus on the east side of lion mountain, divided the brigade and regiment into three roads, detoured back to the right side of lion mountain, and launched a surprise attack to capture the nameless mountain in front of the highlands on the east side of lion mountain.

The general Who killed Zhang Zizhong, the Japanese chieftain, was killed on the spot and threw his body into the wilderness, and the inscription recorded his sinful life

Lion Mountain is located on the north bank of Longyou Luojia Creek, northeast of Xiachen Village, there are legends entangled, there are immortals leading the way, there are historical sites, there are vicissitudes of time, lush mountains, there is a sudden shape of the lion's head of the mountain is lion rock, to resemble the name, there are poems to describe: cup wine lion rock sits in the green shade, bitan wind through the clothes. The warbler can call friends to be gentle, and the fish is not surprisingly interesting. The white clouds of the fenggu valley are scattered, and the flowing streams are floating and sinking. Why should Mingxin perch in the Xuan Room, Shiraishi Qingquan foot to solve the sound.

The general Who killed Zhang Zizhong, the Japanese chieftain, was killed on the spot and threw his body into the wilderness, and the inscription recorded his sinful life

Lion Rock today

The general Who killed Zhang Zizhong, the Japanese chieftain, was killed on the spot and threw his body into the wilderness, and the inscription recorded his sinful life

Trenches left by the Japanese

In order to retake the high ground, the Chinese army launched a fierce attack many times, the battle was extremely fierce, Yokoyama electric asked for air support, the enemy with the cooperation of the air force, repeatedly repelled the Chinese army, at this time, Yokoyama Takehiko was on his toes, was commanding the battle from a commanding height, was discovered by our army, organized several heavy machine guns, immediately ordered to concentrate fire on its fierce fire, Yokoyama Takehiko was shot several bullets on the spot, Yokoyama Takehiko died on the spot, after Yokoyama Takehiko's death, the Japanese Emperor posthumously promoted him to lieutenant general of the army.

The general Who killed Zhang Zizhong, the Japanese chieftain, was killed on the spot and threw his body into the wilderness, and the inscription recorded his sinful life

The scene is looking for the lion mountain enemy chieftain killed

The general Who killed Zhang Zizhong, the Japanese chieftain, was killed on the spot and threw his body into the wilderness, and the inscription recorded his sinful life

There is now a stone stele of the death of the Japanese chieftain

After the death of Takehiko Yokoyama, the main force of the 2nd Commando Team of the 32nd Group Army stationed in eastern Zhejiang was ordered to rush to the vicinity of Xikou, meet with the 26th Division, attack the Japanese army occupying Xikou, and recover Xikou and Lingshan. After the Japanese army captured Quzhou City, it was still blocked by the anti-Japanese army, the 25th Group Army and the 10th Group Army arrived successively, surrounded Quzhou City and its Japanese army south on three sides, forced to withdraw from Quzhou City, the 105th Division chased and recaptured Longyou in one fell swoop, and the "Battle of Qulong" ended.

The general Who killed Zhang Zizhong, the Japanese chieftain, was killed on the spot and threw his body into the wilderness, and the inscription recorded his sinful life

In order to celebrate the killing of the demon Yokoyama Takehiko, the locals on the top of the Lion Mountain erected an inscription "Where the Japanese Invasion of China Lieutenant General Takehiko Yokoyama was Killed", which recorded the heinous life of this demon, and although the handwriting on it was mottled, it was still vigorous and powerful, prompting future generations of this history that should not be forgotten.

The general Who killed Zhang Zizhong, the Japanese chieftain, was killed on the spot and threw his body into the wilderness, and the inscription recorded his sinful life

The crystal clear water of Lion Rock

Today, the water of the Lingjiang River next to Lion Rock flows, like a long river of memory, inheriting the feelings of defending the homeland and defending the country for generations of Chinese, and also comforting the heroic spirits of the heroes who bravely sacrificed their lives to resist foreign aggression.

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