
Imported cases of Omikejong have been found in the three places, and China will strictly release the standards for the release of quarantined personnel

Recently, Tianjin, Guangzhou, Changsha and other places have reported the discovery of imported cases of the Aomi Kerong variant, and some regions have reported local cases caused by the imported cases of the Aomi Kerong variant. Lei Zhenglong, deputy director of the Disease Control Bureau of the National Health Commission and a first-level inspector, introduced at the press conference of the joint prevention and control mechanism of the State Council on December 20 that the standards for the lifting of quarantined personnel will be strictly enforced, and the three negative samples of people, things and environment can be lifted. For those who are found to be positive for nucleic acid tests in centralized isolation places, it is necessary to immediately trace back the flow adjustment, recalculate and extend the isolation time for risky personnel.

Imported cases of Omikejong have been found in the three places, and China will strictly release the standards for the release of quarantined personnel

The staff carried out the killing operation of the entering vehicles at the east gate of the Chang'an Road residential area of Chang'an University. Xinhua News Agency

Mi Feng, spokesman for the National Health Commission, said on December 20 that at present, 89 countries and regions around the world have reported the Aomi Kerong mutation, and the epidemic situation in some neighboring countries in China has grown rapidly, and the pressure of "external prevention import" continues to increase.

Lei Zhenglong said that he will adhere to the "characters and defense", implement the prevention and control requirements such as standardized protection, closed-loop management and high-frequency nucleic acid detection for high-risk post personnel at ports, increase the proportion of high-risk national entry goods sampling, and do a good job in preventive disinfection of the surface of goods.

In addition, in order to strictly prevent cross-infection, the state will strengthen the management of centralized isolation sites, strengthen ventilation and disinfection measures in public areas of isolation points, and carry out terminal disinfection of contaminated areas. Strict standards for the lifting of quarantined personnel, and only those who meet the negativeness of three samples of people, objects and environment can be lifted from isolation. For those who are found to be positive for nucleic acid tests in centralized isolation places, it is necessary to immediately trace back the flow adjustment, recalculate and extend the isolation time for risky personnel.

Lei Zhenglong introduced that all eligible imported cases, inbound items and related environmental positive samples will be determined by virus gene sequence, such as the sequencing result of new variants such as Aomi Kerong, immediately report to the local joint prevention and control mechanism, organize experts to study and judge the risk of epidemic transmission, strengthen targeted prevention and control measures, and resolutely and decisively carry out epidemic disposal.

"The existing infection prevention and control measures in China's medical institutions are still effective against the Aomi Kerong variant, and the existing prevention and control measures must still be adhered to in the infection prevention and control work in medical institutions." Lei Zhenglong said. All personnel in medical institutions should implement standard preventive measures, and new inpatients, escorts and staff of the institution should undergo nucleic acid testing. Medical institutions should formulate emergency response plans and implement emergency drills under different circumstances to ensure that once the new crown infection is found, it can be accurately, quickly and effectively dealt with.

Written by: Nandu reporter Wu Bin from Beijing

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