
Countdown to the 2021 matsutake season, have you eaten matsutake this year?

author:Bright Net

Matsutake after Mo Shan Zhen

The total annual production of matsutake in Ganzi Prefecture can account for 60% of the world's matsutake production.

Every time there is a matsutake season, the matsutake markets everywhere are crowded

Let's join the hustle and bustle of the Kangding Matsutake Market!

Countdown to the 2021 matsutake season, have you eaten matsutake this year?

At 9:00 a.m. on August 12, the reporter came to the Guodaqiao Vegetable Market in Kangding City, and although it was raining heavily in the sky, it still could not stop the people who came to buy matsutake mushrooms. In the matsutake market, the shops and stalls on both sides have long been crowded with people who come to buy matsutake mushrooms.

So what are the production and price trends this year?

Take a look at how matsutake merchants are selling this year!

Countdown to the 2021 matsutake season, have you eaten matsutake this year?

Matsutake production and price?


Matsutake merchants

Sister Yang said:

Yang Dajie, who has been engaged in the matsutake business for many years, told reporters: This year's matsutake mushrooms have decreased compared with previous years because of less rain. At the same time, because of the epidemic situation, many places can not be express delivery, this year's sales volume is only half of last year's, in order to cooperate with the epidemic prevention and control work, this year's less money is also acceptable. Yang Jie said that due to the small production, the price of matsutake mushrooms this year has been at a high level, and the price is basically around 90 to 280 yuan.


This year's price is not to make people have such an expression

Countdown to the 2021 matsutake season, have you eaten matsutake this year?

Xiaobian also has such an expression,

So this year has not tasted it yet!

The third emoticon of the WeChat emoji represents the mood of the editor at this time!

But but ...

Countdown to the 2021 matsutake season, have you eaten matsutake this year?

There is an endless stream of buyers in the market

It also made the reporter really feel that he was growing up

"Elves" in the green jungle

What a temptation on the tip of people's tongues!

Countdown to the 2021 matsutake season, have you eaten matsutake this year?

A few years ago, most of these matsutake mushrooms were frozen or made into dried flakes, except for the freshest locals, and it was already past the freshest time in other cities. But now these matsutake mushrooms can be flown up on the mountain without road access through SF Express, and in about 20 minutes, the fresh matsutake mushrooms can be sent down the mountain, transported through the cold chain, and then served at tables in other places inside and outside the province at noon the next day.

Countdown to the 2021 matsutake season, have you eaten matsutake this year?

Advantages of the "indicators" of matsutake mushrooms

In addition to its taste, matsutake mushrooms actually have many benefits for the human body. Because it is rich in protein, fat, dietary fiber, vitamin B1, vitamin B2, vitamin PP and amino acids and other nutrients, it can be said that it has high nutritional value and medicinal value, the specific effects are as follows:

1, anti-cancer, anti-tumor: matsutake has a special double-sided biological active substance called matsutake alcohol that no other plant has, which has super anti-gene mutation ability and has good anti-tumor activity, and the polysaccharide anti-tumor activity contained in matsutake is also higher than that of Ganoderma lucidum and other foods, ranking first in edible mushrooms with anti-tumor activity;

2, improve immunity: matsutake also has a variety of nutrients needed by the human body, especially the loose mushroom is rich in double-chain matsutake polysaccharides, can activate the body T cells, non-specific immunity and specific immunity, has a certain enhancing effect, for the body weakness after surgery, postpartum population, rapid improvement of immunity, has a very good effect;

3, anti-aging beauty: the polysaccharides in matsutake have an inhibitory effect on tyrosinase, by intervening in the process of melanin deposition, scavenge excess free radicals in the body, reduce the degree of peroxidation of tissue cells, so that the skin whitens and moisturizes.


Matsutake mushrooms are good, but be careful not to eat with these foods!

1. Can not be eaten with high-fat foods

Matsutake contains high oil substances, mainly oleic acid, linoleic acid, palmitic acid and other unsaturated fatty acids, if the matsutake and other oily foods are eaten together, it will reduce the body's absorption of unsaturated fatty acids in matsutake and reduce the nutritional value of matsutake mushrooms. Therefore, matsutake is best for lightness.

2, can not be eaten with high calcium food

Matsutake contains a certain amount of oxalic acid and vitamin D, vitamin D will promote the absorption of mineral calcium in food after ingestion, and oxalic acid will first combine with minerals to form substances that are difficult to dissolve, and even cause urinary tract stones when consumed too much together.

3. Can not be eaten with soft carapace food

Matsutake contains a certain amount of vitamins, especially vitamin C and vitamin E, vitamin C and arsenic substances in soft A foods react with each other to produce toxic arsenic, which is extremely damaging to the liver.

Countdown to the 2021 matsutake season, have you eaten matsutake this year?

Delicious and nutritious

Why don't we grab the matsutake season "tail" and take it home!

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Reporter: Green Mai Ram Rendo Kemb

Source: Micro Ganzi

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