
Liaoning public security arrested the 81-year-old "old farmer" and chose to execute him immediately, but the crowd clapped their hands and applauded

"A country that profits from life and death avoids it because of its blessings and misfortunes."

In modern times, China has suffered great humiliation, and the people are also suffering in the depths of the waters. At this time, countless benevolent people stepped forward and served the country and the people with their own enthusiasm.

There are also many scum who have been wrongfully made rich by taking advantage of the country's peril.

We must not forget the heroes who sacrificed themselves for others, nor will we spare those thieves who collaborated with the enemy and betrayed the country.

Liaoning public security arrested the 81-year-old "old farmer" and chose to execute him immediately, but the crowd clapped their hands and applauded

After the founding of New China,

Liaoning police once arrested an old farmer. After the arrest was successful, the local people clapped their hands and applauded.

The old man's name was Liu Yutian, and he even had a Japanese name, Kameda Matsutaro.

It is clearly one China

Man, why does he have a Japanese name? Why did the police arrest him?


Son of a landlord's family

In 1870, Liu Yutian was born in Dalian, Liaoning Province.

Liu Yutian's father was a famous local landowner

。 Since his birth, Liu Yutian's life can be described as a golden food, and he has never suffered from fatigue

。 Although the Qing Dynasty at that time was already in turmoil, Father Liu always hoped that there would be someone in the family who would be able to serve as an official in politics so that the family could get rid of the fate of mediocrity.

Since he was already hopeless as an official, Father Liu pinned his hopes on his son.

In order to be able to make Liu Yutian's gold list title, Liu's father did not hesitate to spend a lot of gold and silver to invite various famous teachers to come to his home to give lectures for his son. From this point of view, Liu Father's state of mind of hoping for his son Jackie Chan is no less than that of today's parents who are desperate to make up lessons for their children.

However, Liu Yutian does not seem to have much patience in learning.

After leaving private school, he often went out with various people in restaurants and squandered his father's money.

Liaoning public security arrested the 81-year-old "old farmer" and chose to execute him immediately, but the crowd clapped their hands and applauded

Ten years passed, Liu Yutian soon reached the age of taking the imperial examination, and his family was very nervous, hoping that he could win the meritorious name in one fell swoop. However, Liu Yutian himself has long known that after so many years, he has only been messing around with his life, and participating in the imperial examination is just a show.


Liu Yutian's first imperial examination ended in failure.

However, his father did not seem to recognize his son's nature, and still asked Liu Yutian to continue his studies and participate in the imperial examination. But

Liu Yutian fell off the list again

Since then, he has indulged in eroticism, often asking a group of fox friends to go out to eat, drink and have fun.

Because his father is a landlord, Liu Yutian also has some family foundations, so it is not painful to squander it

。 At this time, a person stared at Liu Yutian, and this person eventually took Liu Yutian to the abyss of eternal disaster.


Zheng Yongchang's induction

At a banquet, Liu Yutian met Zheng Yongchang by chance. Zheng Yongchang was a man who was very good at demagogy, and soon deceived Liu Yutian, who was also convinced of him and soon called him a brother.

In fact, this Zheng Yongchang is not a Chinese, but a Spy lurking in China by Japan.

Liaoning public security arrested the 81-year-old "old farmer" and chose to execute him immediately, but the crowd clapped their hands and applauded

Obviously, at this time, the Japanese were already paving the way for the war of aggression against China, and Japan sent many people such as Zheng Yongchang to incite the dissatisfaction of the Chinese people in China and create turmoil so that the Japanese army could take advantage of the situation.

At that time, most of the people in our country were ignorant, and people like Liu Yutian, who repeatedly failed the imperial examination, were even more dissatisfied with the country, and Zheng Yongchang gave Liu Yutian only three words and two words


Tricked Liu Yutian into throwing himself into the hands of the Japanese.

Due to the long period of not doing business, the family members were somewhat disappointed in Liu Yutian. Liu Yutian pondered in his heart that he could do things for the Japanese and could barely calculate a way out, and in the future, with the support of the Japanese, he would also be able to raise his eyebrows and breathe. Therefore, he was dead set on the Japanese, hoping that the Japanese could take him to the top.

It didn't take long,

A noon in the middle of the day

Naval warfare broke out, and although the Beiyang Marine Division desperately resisted, it only ended up with a total annihilation. The Japanese landed on Liugong Island and began to invade the northeast region.

Many benevolent men and women have stepped forward to drive the Japanese out of our country. But what Liu Yutian thought of was the opportunity to make meritorious contributions.

Liaoning public security arrested the 81-year-old "old farmer" and chose to execute him immediately, but the crowd clapped their hands and applauded

Therefore, the 24-year-old Liu Yutian took the initiative to act as a guide for the Japanese, and he also went back to encourage his father to join the Japanese, and donated half of the family property to the Japanese army to buy military supplies.

Whenever he saw Liu Yutian standing in front of the army flaunting his might, the local people were angry and itchy.

Since then, Liu Yutian has embarked on the road of traitors and never returned.


He traveled to Japan, became a Japanese citizen, and served as a professor of Chinese at Japanese universities. In Japan, his name is Kameda Matsutaro.

Soon after, war broke out between Japan and Russia over the issue of rights and interests in northeast China, and Liu Yutian returned to the northeast again as a guide for the Japanese army.

In recognition of Liu Yutian's traitorous behavior, the Japanese Emperor personally summoned him and awarded him meritorious service.

Now it seems that this is the indelible bad deed in his life.

Later, Japan began an all-out war of aggression against China. At this time, Liu Yutian completely forgot his identity as a Chinese, and he had long been oblivious to the praise of the Japanese.

Liu Yutian, then 67 years old, who was single-mindedly serving the Japanese, sat in the seat of a senior adviser and calmly directed the Japanese army to carry out the massacre.

Liaoning public security arrested the 81-year-old "old farmer" and chose to execute him immediately, but the crowd clapped their hands and applauded

He had long since lost the bloodiness of a Chinese, he was a traitor through and through.

Liu Yutian, who was completely reduced to a traitor, used the power of the Japanese to loot the people's fat and people's paste, and even provided financial support to the Japanese army in the Pacific War, buying two fighter jets for the Japanese.

Although there were many traitors like Liu Yutian who were betraying the motherland, our army won the victory in the War of Resistance Against Japan. After the Japanese announced their unconditional surrender, Liu Yutian knew that he had no way back.

In order to survive, he had to disguise himself


Hide in anonymity and hide in the countryside.


Good and evil will be rewarded in the end

In fact, Liu Yutian had hoped that the Japanese would give them a certain blessing so that they could escape the people's trial, but the Japanese did not come forward to protect him. No matter which nation it is, those who collaborate with the enemy and traitors should always be nailed to the pillar of shame and will not be forgiven.

Liaoning public security arrested the 81-year-old "old farmer" and chose to execute him immediately, but the crowd clapped their hands and applauded

In order to avoid the search of the guards, Liu Yutian and his family had to hide in Tibet.

Liu Yutian himself changed his name to He Wenquan and wandered in the countryside of the three northeastern provinces.

Maybe it's because I've been a traitor for years,

Liu Yutian's disguise was very successful.

For a long time, Liu Yutian's whereabouts were not discovered.

Until the period of the Liberation War, Liu Yutian had not been brought to justice.

Perhaps the life of hiding was too easy, Liu Yutian quickly relaxed his vigilance.

With the possessions accumulated by the previous traitors, Liu Yutian married a young girl in the countryside as a wife, which suddenly caused a sensation among the villagers.

Some good villagers with a curious mentality to explore Liu Yutian's old bottom, this does not know, a check frightened,

The old man in front of him was a notorious traitor.

In 1950, Liu Yutian was arrested and sentenced to death the following year

Before dying, Liu Yutian actually laughed, and he also said that he had no regrets in his life and was very content.

Liaoning public security arrested the 81-year-old "old farmer" and chose to execute him immediately, but the crowd clapped their hands and applauded

Such an unforgivable man was not ashamed of what he had done, and his deeds were spurned by the people. With the sound of a gunshot,

The 81-year-old traitor also ended his sinful life.



Just as the so-called "evil will eventually be full of profits," Liu Yutian did all the bad things in his life, and in the end he could not escape the people's judgment and punishment. In Liu Yutian's body, it is completely impossible to see that as a Chinese should have the most basic patriotic feelings, and no words can describe his bad behavior.

"The world rises and falls, and the pirate is responsible." In the face of national crisis, the first thing we should think of is to defend the interests of the country and the people. Patriotism is an excellent quality deeply rooted in the heart of every Chinese son and daughter, and it is a firm belief that every Chinese should uphold.

Now that we have entered an era of peace, we should remember the soldiers who defended the dignity of the nation on the battlefield, and we should also remember the thieves who collaborated with the enemy and betrayed the country, who are a mirror that illuminates the good and evil of human nature and also tends us to move in the right direction.

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