
Summers that are addictive from eating once are more likely to succeed !️!

author:Bean and fruit delicacies
Summers that are addictive from eating once are more likely to succeed !️!

The high temperature in summer is very suitable for the season of fermentation cuisine, which is very conducive to fermentation, so it is easier to do success at this time. To make mash needs to steam the glutinous rice, it must have a good steamer, first of all, prepare the appearance I like using mirror polishing process, shiny Teibrand stainless steel steamer, a pot of eight uses: one pot of four dishes, double steamer, three layers of steamer, seafood pot, plus broth pot, hot pot, pot lid can be used as a dust cap, bottle killing container, three layers of large capacity is really the strength and appearance of the coexistence, not much to say, now share the process of making mash at home

By clover jkyc


Glutinous rice 1000 g

Cool white open 750 g

Dessert koji 4 g

<h2>Practice steps</h2>

Summers that are addictive from eating once are more likely to succeed !️!

1: Add glutinous rice to the pot

Summers that are addictive from eating once are more likely to succeed !️!

2: Rinse the glutinous rice and soak in water for more than 6 hours

Summers that are addictive from eating once are more likely to succeed !️!

3. Soak until the grains of rice can be easily crushed with your fingers

Summers that are addictive from eating once are more likely to succeed !️!

4: Drain the glutinous rice

Summers that are addictive from eating once are more likely to succeed !️!

5, put into the Tibblean stainless steel steaming drawer with a wet cloth, and poke a few small holes with chopsticks, so that the glutinous rice can be cooked as thoroughly as possible

Summers that are addictive from eating once are more likely to succeed !️!

6: Cover the pot and steam for about 30 minutes on medium heat

Summers that are addictive from eating once are more likely to succeed !️!

7. Cool boiled water in advance when steaming glutinous rice

Summers that are addictive from eating once are more likely to succeed !️!

8: Put 4 grams of koji into the basin

Summers that are addictive from eating once are more likely to succeed !️!

9: Pour a little 100ml of cold boiled water into the stirring and set aside

Summers that are addictive from eating once are more likely to succeed !️!

10: Steamed glutinous rice

Summers that are addictive from eating once are more likely to succeed !️!

11: Remove the steamed glutinous rice into an oil-free and water-free basin blanched with boiling water and place it at about 35 degrees Celsius

Summers that are addictive from eating once are more likely to succeed !️!

12. Pour the sweet koji water and the remaining cool boiled water into the warm glutinous rice, wear disposable gloves to separate the glutinous rice, the grains are clear, and avoid agglomeration.

Summers that are addictive from eating once are more likely to succeed !️!

13. Mix well and compact, dig a hole in the center, and sprinkle a little sweet wine koji around the hole and on the surface of the glutinous rice

Summers that are addictive from eating once are more likely to succeed !️!

14: Cover with plastic wrap and place in a warm place

Summers that are addictive from eating once are more likely to succeed !️!

15. Wait 36 hours until the central hole is filled with rice wine

Summers that are addictive from eating once are more likely to succeed !️!

16, brew a good dormant wine, their own mash sweet, fresh taste, no wine taste but full of staying power, this weather to drink is more refreshing and comfortable, in the air-conditioned room, drinking their own cold wine brewing, that feel just think about it is very cool.

Summers that are addictive from eating once are more likely to succeed !️!

17: Cook a few small dumplings for breakfast, add a few red dates, add mash + goji berries

Summers that are addictive from eating once are more likely to succeed !️!

18. Nutritious and delicious and healthy

Summers that are addictive from eating once are more likely to succeed !️!

19, the mash into the boiling water blanched bottle, put into the Tibran stainless steel steamer steamer for 5 minutes to prevent the fermentation again, made into mash cans open at any time you want to drink


All utensils should be blanched with boiling water to ensure that there is no oil and no water, because any greasy and bacteria will destroy the fermentation of the wine. The water added to the glutinous rice must be put in boiled boiled water to cool and then used before the finished sake can also be used to make sake balls, sake steamed buns, sake stuffed bread, etc

<h2>Nutritional benefits of glutinous rice</h2>

Glutinous rice taste sweet, warm, into the spleen, stomach, lung meridians, has the effect of tonifying qi, strengthening the spleen and nourishing the stomach, and stopping sweating.

1. Tonic products: it has the effect of tonifying deficiency, tonifying blood, strengthening the spleen and warming the stomach, and relieving sweating.

2. Relieve spleen and stomach deficiency: it is suitable for nausea caused by spleen and stomach deficiency, decreased appetite, diarrhea and qi deficiency caused by sweat deficiency, shortness of breath, pregnancy abdominal distension and other symptoms.

3. Relieve symptoms of frequent urination

4. Glutinous rice has an astringent effect, and has a good therapeutic effect on frequent urination and self-sweating.

There are skills in cooking delicious dishes, each of my dishes has a little trick, everyone search for "bean fruit" can directly view my recipe!

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