
Xia eats lotus root the most nourishing, but eating it hurts the kidneys very fiercely, and cancer cells are also recruited! The hotter the day, the more everyone loves to eat like this

author:Journal of Family Physicians

Every June and July, it is the season when lotus flowers are in full bloom and lotus roots are in full bloom, and the earlier lotus roots are now ripe and marketed.

Lotus root has a crisp and sweet taste, whether it is stir-fried, cold mixed, or stewed soup, it is deeply loved by people.

In the eyes of the editor, lotus root is not only a dish, but also a "medicine" of the same origin as medicine and food, and the effect is still quite a lot.

Lotus root is a summer treasure, eat raw to clear heat, cooked to eat healthy spleen

Lotus root is a good summer food.

Chinese medicine believes that raw lotus is cold, can "clear heat, moisturize the lungs, cough", summer temperatures are high, the human body is easy to catch fire, at this time to eat it is the most appropriate.

Xia eats lotus root the most nourishing, but eating it hurts the kidneys very fiercely, and cancer cells are also recruited! The hotter the day, the more everyone loves to eat like this

After the lotus root is cooked, the nature becomes warmer, and it has the effect of strengthening the spleen and nourishing the stomach, and improving qi and replenishing weakness. Lotus root is rich in tannic acid, vitamin K, can also help constrict blood vessels, help stop bleeding.

Lotus root is used to cook soup, which can clear the urine, clear the heat and moisten the lungs, and has the characteristics of "activating blood without breaking blood, stopping bleeding without stagnating blood".

Made of lotus root powder, can eliminate food and stop diarrhea, appetizing and clearing heat, nourishing, is a tonic treasure, as early as the Qing Dynasty was designated as a royal tribute.

However, although the lotus root is good, it cannot withstand everyone's casual tossing, the following 3 methods, it may provoke parasites, provoke cancer cells, especially not recommended.

Lotus root has 3 worst ways to eat, I advise you not to try any of them

1. Juice

In the hot summer, directly take the lotus root juice to drink, eat cool and mouthy, let people have a great appetite, many people like.

Xia eats lotus root the most nourishing, but eating it hurts the kidneys very fiercely, and cancer cells are also recruited! The hotter the day, the more everyone loves to eat like this


However, lotus root as an aquatic food, easy to infect ginger slice worms, without treatment directly raw eating, it may swallow ginger slice worm cystic larvae, resulting in ginger slice worm disease, resulting in abdominal pain, diarrhea, loss of appetite and other discomfort, severe can lead to malnutrition, affect growth and development, and even death.

Therefore, before squeezing the lotus root juice or eating the lotus root raw, be sure to wash it thoroughly, peel it, and soak it in boiling water for a few minutes to reduce the risk of parasite infection.

In the same way, aquatic foods such as water chestnuts and diamond horns can also be used for similar operations.

2. Fry

The lotus root of the barbecue stall, wrapped in a little flour and fried, is full of color and flavor, and is crispy and soft on the outside, which is very tempting and is a must-have dish for many people to skewer in summer.

However, fried lotus root is delicious, but it may attract carcinogens.

Xia eats lotus root the most nourishing, but eating it hurts the kidneys very fiercely, and cancer cells are also recruited! The hotter the day, the more everyone loves to eat like this

As with most fried foods, when lotus root is immersed in high-temperature oil, the moisture it contains will quickly vaporize and lose, and some of it will be replaced by grease. In this way, extra fat is added to the lotus root.

If you often eat high-fat and high-calorie foods such as fried lotus root, it will increase the total energy intake and fat accumulation of the human body, resulting in obesity, hypertension, hyperlipidemia, diabetes, cardiovascular and cerebrovascular diseases and other diseases.

3. Halogenation

Ordinary lotus root, after a variety of spices brine, has a different flavor, many people love to eat.

The brine root has been steamed at high temperatures, the parasite has been killed, the oil content is also very low, and it may seem healthier at first glance, but many people ignore the salt in the brine.

The harm of high-salt food is well understood, and the most harmful of them is the kidney.

Xia eats lotus root the most nourishing, but eating it hurts the kidneys very fiercely, and cancer cells are also recruited! The hotter the day, the more everyone loves to eat like this

Because 95% of the salt in the daily diet is metabolized by the kidneys, too much salt intake will force the burden on the kidneys to increase.

Coupled with the fact that sodium is hydrophilic, sodium in salt will cause the human body to be difficult to excrete water, sodium accumulates in the body, and it is easy to cause edema, thus increasing the burden on the kidneys.

Long-term overloading of the kidneys will cause damage to the kidneys, and abnormal renal function will occur over time.

Therefore, although the brine lotus tastes good, it is still not recommended that you eat it often.

Lotus body has a treasure, don't throw it away

Lotus knots, that is, the internodes of lotus roots, have a relatively poor taste, are difficult to clean, and they also have to remove the roots, which are often discarded by everyone. However, it is a good thing for health.

Xia eats lotus root the most nourishing, but eating it hurts the kidneys very fiercely, and cancer cells are also recruited! The hotter the day, the more everyone loves to eat like this

Chinese medicine believes that lotus energy saving converges to stop bleeding and dissolve stasis. The "Compendium of Materia Medica" clearly states that it can "eliminate blood stasis and detoxification". Doctors often use raw lotus joints into prescriptions to cool blood, disperse stasis, and stop bleeding.

After modern medicine studied the pharmacological effects of lotus knot, it was found that it has a variety of biologically active substances. For example, the lotus joint contains a variety of tannin active ingredients, which have antioxidant and hemostatic effects.

Therefore, when eating lotus root, don't lose this health treasure again!

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