
The Germans were already trapped beasts, so why would the Soviets prefer to pay a heavy price and forcibly take Berlin?

On the eve of the Battle of Berlin, World War II had already come to an end. Earlier, when Germany blitzed the Soviet Union, it was true that it was about to enter the heart of the Soviet Union with great vigor and rapid progress, but the fighting nation was worthy of the fighting nation. In the winter, the Soviet Union once again turned the tide of the war and once again snatched its country back from the fall at a terrible cost. This war also became the most tragic war in World War II, and the German offensive was seriously delayed by the Soviet Union, and finally the rest of the Allied forces landed in Normandy, and they fell into a situation of being attacked on all sides.

The Germans were already trapped beasts, so why would the Soviets prefer to pay a heavy price and forcibly take Berlin?

Later, the Soviet army began its own counterattack, recovering all its territory in ten major battles, and the Red Army swept through southeastern Germany, all the way to the wall of the city of Berlin. From that time, Germany had long lost the ability to turn the tables, and in the later stage, it could only rely on geographical advantages to fight defensive battles, and there was no way to take the initiative to counterattack, and before the Red Army reached Berlin, the Us-British coalition army had reached the other side. It can be said that the fascists had already taken the initiative to defeat at that time, and the defense of Berlin was just a battle of trapped beasts. Curiously, however, the Soviet army did not choose the strategic means of encircling and not attacking to reduce its own casualties and take Berlin, preferring to forcibly conquer Berlin at the cost of up to 300,000 lives. So why were the Soviets so anxious to capture Berlin? The author believes that there are the following reasons:

First, completely crush Hitler's illusions

The Germans were already trapped beasts, so why would the Soviets prefer to pay a heavy price and forcibly take Berlin?

You know, although everyone knows where their position is in the face of war, they also know that after the end of the war, although they were friends during the war, they were not after that. And this was known not only within the Allies, but also to the Germans. Therefore, in the later stages of the war, the German top brass often demanded that Russia be actively defended against their offensive, so that the British or Americans could come ahead and talk to themselves. Until the Soviet army approached the city, he was still fantasizing about being able to talk to the United States and Britain and deal with the Soviet Union together.

But people are not fools, naturally know that they must be discredited in doing so, so they should be deaf to Hitler's words. The subsequent Yalta Conference divided Germany in half, with Berlin on the Soviet side, which meant that even if the European and American Allies on this side preemptively captured Berlin, there would be no profit to be gained. Later, hitler saw that the peace talks were broken, and he planned to fight with the beast and let his remaining troops rush back to defend Berlin, but the Soviet army naturally knew his calculations, so even if he paid a heavy price, he had to lay down Berlin before the other troops returned.

Second, the Soviet army wants to take revenge on snow and hate

The Germans were already trapped beasts, so why would the Soviets prefer to pay a heavy price and forcibly take Berlin?

As the Soviet Union, which was suppressed by German blitzkriegs, it can be said that the whole country hated Germany to the bone marrow. The various battles launched by the German army before made the Soviet Union pay its own price for two generations in the self-defense war, and almost let the young people in the Soviet Union die in the battlefield. Therefore, after the beginning of the counterattack, the combat effectiveness and enthusiasm of the Soviet army were quite high. In order to avenge the snow and hatred, the Soviet army naturally will not give up this good opportunity to attack Berlin in general, and the siege and non-attack will only make their subordinates frustrated, but it is not conducive to the battle, plus the allies on the other side are also willing to provide materials to the Soviet Union for adult beauty, and naturally the Soviet Union will also retaliate.

Third, grab resources in advance

The Germans were already trapped beasts, so why would the Soviets prefer to pay a heavy price and forcibly take Berlin?

Since in the previous meetings, these major powers had already divided Germany into their own territory. Therefore, the American and British Allies were unwilling to pay the price for taking Berlin. Although the Soviet Union had control of Berlin, compared with these territories, Germany's advanced industry at that time still had a large number of talents, which was more scarce in the Soviet Union.

After invading German land, in order to make up for its losses in the war, the Soviet army did produce or dismantle many of Germany's advanced industrial equipment either on the spot or dismantled back to China, but the tools were only tools after all, and the use of them must be people. The capture of Berlin allowed the Soviet Union to make up for the scientific and technological talents lost in the war, and even made the overall national strength further. Previously, although the Soviet Union's scientific and technological capabilities were not inferior to those of other powers, the closed-door construction of cars also made the Soviet Union's scientific and technological level reach a bottleneck, and it was more important to take back most of the scientific and technological talents and technologies from Germany.

Fourth, the capture of Berlin is also of great significance

The Germans were already trapped beasts, so why would the Soviets prefer to pay a heavy price and forcibly take Berlin?

However, in the conference the Soviet Union did not need to solve Germany alone, bearing in mind that in the East, Japan was caught up in the People's War of China. But there was still room for active plundering of Siberia from the northeast, and germany's defeat might have caused the Japanese dogs to jump off the wall, and three months after the war, the Soviet Union would participate in the war against Japan. This meant that if it dragged on any longer, the Soviet Union would be caught up in a long-distance attack to participate in the war on the other side of the country immediately after the elimination of German fascism, which would only make the troops lose more than they lost, so the Battle of Berlin, even if the Soviet Union paid a heavy price, had to fight a quick decision immediately.

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