
Original | Cai Xianglong: "Old into a Qingli Jinggong, it is difficult to change the Beijing a paper book" poetry collection

Watching the news in the morning, I learned that today was the day of the 1,000th anniversary of Wang Anshi's birth, and I felt very emotional.

This ancient man who has been so far away from us, because he has been an official in Kaifeng for many years, because he is ranked among the eight masters of the Tang and Song Dynasties, makes me feel very familiar and kind, has written many articles about him, knows him a lot of anecdotes, and is even more infected by his wind and bones.

Success or failure turned to the void, the advantages and disadvantages of changing the law for thousands of years have been divergent, and he has also been controversial and mixed.

My experience is that he was originally a very simple person, a person with feelings, but he chose an extremely complex career.

Whether it is success or failure, he does not regret it.

Therefore, using the afternoon time, ten poems were written from multiple angles, which is a tribute and remembrance to this thousand-year-old strange man, as follows.

Original | Cai Xianglong: "Old into a Qingli Jinggong, it is difficult to change the Beijing a paper book" poetry collection


It is difficult to be proud as much as frustration, and looking back on it half a lifetime is a stumbling.

Although the shape of the country is still the same, I only play one song on the front.


Find the end of the mountain, hold the cup drunken shadow curling.

The old qingli jinggong body, it is difficult to change the Beijing paper book.


Zeng was also a beautiful teenager in Linchuan, and the spring breeze was full of gold.

Because of the birth to help Cangsheng dream, both in and out of the two sideburns.


Climb the mountain and look at the sea and clouds, sink and float for thousands of miles.

Even if his reputation is destroyed after his appointment, he does not live up to the depth of the grass and trees in front of him.


Lying on the rivers and lakes, the waves are heavy, and Fang knows that the most evil is the human heart.

The storm rises in the air, and the more he is in danger, the deeper he is.


In the blink of an eye, it will become an old decaying body, and it will suddenly shoot off a piece of dust.

From now on, only with the Aoyama language, the cliff cang pine loves the most people.


If the slander is not heard, the body is willing to give up the work.

Fame and fortune will tire people, and fame and fortune will never enter the heart.

Its eight

Ben has a clean and re-engineering heart, but he li sentences to know the sound.

Poor Zaifu has a high standard eye, can read articles but does not know people.


The rise and fall are all opened by tianshui, who will rearrange the annals of history?

Jing Kang is ashamed of the north and south, and the new law of the wengong is coming!

Ten of them

Born not to be with the world, determined to be self-sufficient.

Even thousands of people are difficult to shake, and the wind and clouds stir me as the peak.

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