
A pot of flour, two eggs, stir and stir to quickly make egg pancakes, soft and fragrant

author:First cuisine

Hello everyone, I am the first gourmet Ah Fei, every day there are several dishes to share with you, pay attention to take you to appreciate the taste of the tongue of the world.

Egg pancake is a very time-saving dish, more suitable for the morning time is not enough to do, the ingredients are also very simple, flour and eggs are common at home, plus a little spring onion, carrots, nutritious and delicious.

The following is to share the detailed steps for everyone, interested friends to take a look at it.

A pot of flour, two eggs, stir and stir to quickly make egg pancakes, soft and fragrant

Ingredients: Flour, eggs

Accessories: shallots, carrots

Seasoning: Table salt

1. Prepare the batter below

Take a small basin and add 300 grams of flour, beat in three eggs, the amount of flour can be added according to the number of people, and then add the right amount of water to stir into the batter.

A pot of flour, two eggs, stir and stir to quickly make egg pancakes, soft and fragrant

Stir the batter into strips, not too thick or too thin, then add 4 grams of table salt, stir well, and let it sit for 5 minutes.

A pot of flour, two eggs, stir and stir to quickly make egg pancakes, soft and fragrant

2. Prepare the excipients below

Prepare a handful of shallots, cut them into green onions and place them in a pot to set aside.

A pot of flour, two eggs, stir and stir to quickly make egg pancakes, soft and fragrant

Prepare a slice of carrots, cut into thin strips, then finely chopped, and set aside with shallots.

A pot of flour, two eggs, stir and stir to quickly make egg pancakes, soft and fragrant

3. Start pancakes below

Pour the oil in the pan, heat it, drain the pan thoroughly, pour out the hot oil, pour in the cool oil, and spoon in two spoons of batter.

A pot of flour, two eggs, stir and stir to quickly make egg pancakes, soft and fragrant

Turn on low heat, heat slowly, shake the pan to spread the batter evenly and roundly, and the edges of the cake can be drizzled with a little oil to make it non-sticky.

A pot of flour, two eggs, stir and stir to quickly make egg pancakes, soft and fragrant

Then add the carrot grains and green onion and shake the pan so that the dough is not sticky.

A pot of flour, two eggs, stir and stir to quickly make egg pancakes, soft and fragrant

After one side is browned, turn over and fry the other side, wait until both sides are fried yellow, take out the pancakes and put them on the plate.

A pot of flour, two eggs, stir and stir to quickly make egg pancakes, soft and fragrant

Follow the method above, fry the remaining batter in turn and stack the fried egg pancakes together.

A pot of flour, two eggs, stir and stir to quickly make egg pancakes, soft and fragrant

Place on a board, cut in half and serve on a plate.

A pot of flour, two eggs, stir and stir to quickly make egg pancakes, soft and fragrant

Well, a nutritious breakfast egg pancake is ready.

A pot of flour, two eggs, stir and stir to quickly make egg pancakes, soft and fragrant

Pay attention to Ah Fei, there are simple and practical dishes for your reference every day

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