
Shandong people's breakfast is all in pancakes

author:Lightning News

Shandong people love noodles, even breakfast.

Steamed buns, fritters, fire-roasted... But the favorite is pancakes.

Shandong people's breakfast is all in pancakes

When the batter is delicately matched, spread on the tweezers, brushed with egg liquid, with the sound of nourishment, the pancakes slowly take shape, with sweet noodle sauce, shortbread, ham, a hundred times more satisfied!

Such a generous breakfast will fill you up all day.

Shandong people's breakfast is all in pancakes

"The taste is crisp and refreshing, and the fragrance is scattered and far away", Pu Songling once commented on Shandong pancakes.

In Shandong, wheat, corn, sorghum, sweet potato can all be made of skin, sour pancakes, vegetable pancakes, pancakes, sugar pancakes have their own territories, but the important thing is that they can roll everything.

Shandong people's breakfast is all in pancakes

The second season of "China on the Tip of the Tongue" visited Linyi. Linyi is an area where pancakes are the main food, and pancake rolls with green onions are their usual way of eating. When pancakes become a staple food, pancakes become dry and hard, can't be beaten, can't be chewed, and can't bite.

Shandong people's breakfast is all in pancakes

In "Breakfast China", the Boshan pork head meat roll pancake is introduced. When carefully boiled pork head meat + millet pancakes sold on the spot, who doesn't love such a breakfast?

But to say that the top is full, it must be a dish pancake. You can take a small pot of cabbage, vermicelli, tofu, radish, melon, leeks and other vegetarian dishes, and you can also add eggs, ham sausages and so on. Don't worry about the full dish can not taste the original taste of the pancakes, the caramelized crisp pancakes wrapped in delicious vegetable filling, oily but not greasy, crispy on the outside and soft on the inside, filling fresh cake fragrant.

Shandong people's breakfast is all in pancakes

You can't find the pancakes you like to eat without sweetness? Find out about sugar shortbread pancakes! Sugar shortbread is as thick as paper, pale yellow in color, neatly rectangular, crisp and sweet, with peanuts, chestnuts, pineapple, rose and other different flavors.

Shandong people's breakfast is all in pancakes

The most common is also multigrain pancakes, you can always find TA in the streets and alleys, belonging to the pyrotechnic gas of the city, time-consuming, delicious and cheap.

Shandong people's breakfast is all in pancakes
Shandong people's breakfast is all in pancakes

Do you understand the basic common sense of new rice noodles? Do you know how hot tweezers and tweezers work together? Can you tell if the pancakes are spread, scraped, or rolled?

If you can't answer these questions, you may not know about Shandong pancakes at all.

Pancakes have "three major pieces": tweezers, oil rubs, and chís

Shandong people's breakfast is all in pancakes

In the eyes of Shandong people, it is grain that can be made into pancakes. Shandong pancakes do not have any additives, the raw material is the grain itself. Wheat pancakes, corn pancakes, millet pancakes, sorghum pancakes, sweet potato pancakes, various raw materials washed, soaked, crushed, and then added water to mix into a paste, is the raw material of pancakes - pancake paste.

Shandong people's breakfast is all in pancakes

Whether the pancakes are thin and crisp or soft, it is crucial to burn the tweezers. Fire Taiwang pancakes are easy to burn paste, and when they are cold, they will be white and fragile, moist and sticky.

There are two main tools for pushing paste, in addition to the more common Tianjin pancake fruit of the same style, there is also a kind of chí seed, which looks very much like a ruler with a curve.

Shandong people's breakfast is all in pancakes

Pushing batter with a chime is really not easy to learn. Between the hands, the angle and speed of pushing the noodles, the thickness and roundness of the pancakes are all difficult to grasp.

With professional tools, you have to choose the pancake method. Shandong pancakes are divided into spread, scraped and rolled in the production.

The practice of spreading pancakes is the most popular, with thong-shaped pancake batches spreading in a circle on the tweezers.

Shandong people's breakfast is all in pancakes

Pancakes are made by scooping the paste onto a hot tweezer and spreading it out left and right with the pancakes.

Shandong people's breakfast is all in pancakes

Rolling pancakes is one of the most laborious methods, which is made by rolling the dough on the tweezers several times, rolling a full layer, and the cooked pancakes can be peeled off. Although the appearance is not very flat, it wins with the original taste.

Shandong people's breakfast is all in pancakes

But no matter which way it is done, the pancake is still the shandong specialty pancake, with its unique strength and noodle aroma.

Shandong people's breakfast is all in pancakes

In the matter of loving pancakes, Shandong people want to say second, then no one is the first.

After all, in 1967, the Dongyanglou Village of Tai'an City discovered the Ming Dynasty "Family Separation Contract", which contained "a plate of tweezers and twenty-three pounds of pancakes". Can be regarded as a property separation, it can be seen that pancakes in Shandong is simply like the existence of weights and measures.

Shandong people's breakfast is all in pancakes

Because pancakes are resistant to storage and fullness, in the era of poverty, it was once a staple food for every household.

As a major grain province, Shandong has all kinds of staple grains and miscellaneous grains. When high-quality raw materials are made into batter and made into pancakes, the noodle aroma that cannot be hidden also makes Shandong people who love noodles irresistible.

And only pancakes have no side dishes, which is completely unattractive to modern foodies.

Shandong people's breakfast is all in pancakes

Shandong pancakes keep pace with the times, from the previous "pancake roll scallions" to "pancake rolls all things", only you can't think of it, without it can not be rolled.

Want to try a "pancake" like tissue paper? Now, from the "good grain has a net" you can order Shandong pancakes! Mobile phone order, Shandong special pancakes delivered to home!

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