
The exhibition of works by the People's Artists of Russia will open in Xiamen

[News Page-Taiwan Straits Network]

In order to celebrate the 100th anniversary of the founding of the Communist Party of China, the 72nd anniversary of the founding of the People's Republic of China and the 72nd anniversary of the establishment of diplomatic relations between China and Russia, the "Great Art Without Boundaries - Exhibition of Works by The People's Artists of Russia" will be officially opened on December 23 at the Wansongding Art Museum in Xiamen, and the exhibition period will last until January 8 next year.

The exhibition of works by the People's Artists of Russia will open in Xiamen

Produced by Huang Xintian, the Russian International Culture and Art Charity Foundation, together with the Russian Artists Association, the Fujian Provincial Artists Association, the Propaganda Department of the Siming District Committee of Xiamen City, the Moscow State Academy of Arts and Crafts and the Wansongding Art Museum, co-organized. The exhibition will feature more than 40 sculptures and oil paintings by a group of Russian People's Artists and Professors.

The four artists participating in the exhibition are all outstanding russian people's artists, namely: Life Honorary President of the Russian Artists Association, former Cultural and Artistic Adviser of the Russian President, and Russian People's Artist Sidorov Valenkin; Andrey Kovalchuk, People's Artist of Russia, current President of the Russian Artists Association and Cultural and Artistic Adviser to the President of Russia; and Yevgeny Romashko, Russian People's Artist and Academician of the Russian Academy of Arts Kurazov Sergei Vladimirovich, president of the Moscow State Academy of Arts and Crafts and a member of the presidium of the Russian Academy of Arts.

As the main initiator of this exhibition, the Russian International Charity Foundation for Culture and Art represents the Russian Artists Association, engaged in artistic exchanges between Russia and other countries, as well as academic exchanges between the Moscow State Academy of Arts and Crafts and universities around the world. The fund will also be the only authorized organization in the Chinese region of the Moscow State Academy of Arts and Crafts, and is fully responsible for the enrollment and cooperative education in China. The four Russian artists participating in this exhibition all held honorary chairmanships at the foundation; Shen Xinxin, the chief curator and curator of the exhibition, was the executive director of the foundation, and the curator Guo Xiaobin was the executive chairman.

Artist Shen Xinxin is the chief curator and curator of this exhibition; he is a ph.D. student at the Moscow State Academy of Arts and Crafts, a member of the China Democratic League, and a director of the first board of directors of Fujian Normal University. Shen Xinxin said that Chinese contemporary art and Russian contemporary art have the same historical source, and hope that through this exhibition, we can have a deeper understanding of the cultural history of China and Russia. Welcome the masses to come to Wansongding Art to visit.

Exhibition Artist Profile

The four artists participating in this exhibition are all Russian meritorious artists, including former Soviet artists.

The exhibition of works by the People's Artists of Russia will open in Xiamen

One of Dorov Valen's representative works

Dorov Valian is not only an artist of both eras, but also a Ukrainian artist and the Academy of The Russian Academy of Arts, which can be said to be highly qualified. Because of this, his oil paintings are no stranger to China, because his painting style has a typical "Su Pai" style. And of course, Dorov Valian has also been innovative in his language, picturesquely integrating more feelings, adding my lyrical color, and so on. It can also be seen from this that generations of Russian artists were looking for breakthroughs based on their traditions. This is similar to the late-year change method of many generations of Chinese oil painters.

The exhibition of works by the People's Artists of Russia will open in Xiamen

One of the representative works of Andrey Kovalchuk

Andrey Kovalchuk, the current president of the Russian Artists Association, is mainly engaged in sculpture creation, and his works have a solid foundation of realism. He transformed this styling kung fu into the shaping of historical objects, animals and plants, which can be described as a wonderful song. Interestingly, Andrei Kovalchuk also carved many Chinese figures. For example, the portrayal of Xu Beihong not only accurately grasps the shape of the object, shows the inner nature of Xu Beihong, and provides me with an exotic vision of Chinese artists, from which we can also see Andrei Kovalchuk's deep feelings for China.

The exhibition of works by the People's Artists of Russia will open in Xiamen

One of Yevgeny Romashko's masterpieces

Evgeny Romashko's oil paintings are also based on the traditional technique of the "Soviet School", throwing the brush to the present, depicting the beautiful scenery of the Russian land. The expansion of his painting style lies in the fact that he alienates the macro narrative, combines the color texture with the ordinary scenery, cuts the landscape painting theme from the microscopic degree, and shows us the magnificent northern picture scroll. At the same time, Evgeny Romanshko's enhancement of the realism of his paintings made him even more intrinsically textured on the basis of the traditional "Supai" style.

The exhibition of works by the People's Artists of Russia will open in Xiamen

One of Kurazov Sergey Vladimirovich's masterpieces

Kurazov Sergei Vladimirovich is both an art critic and an artist and designer, and this pluralistic identity has made his thinking more active and his horizons broader. Therefore, although his paintings are based on the "Su School" style, they are far away, and whether they are artistic concepts or painting styles, they all absorb the elements of European and American expressionism. Such as language begins to detach from the object, gradually to abstraction; such as color drive to subjectivization, become more pure, and so on. However, behind his rough and unrestrained paintings, there is still a strong Russian spirit, and it is only Kurazov Sergei Vladimirovich who has injected this spirit into Expressionist paintings, thus giving Expressionism a Russification character.

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