
If Guan Yu was impressed by Cao Cao, Zhang Fei could really kill his relatives and kill Guan Yu with his bare hands

According to the meaning of the title, Guan Yu really surrendered to Cao Cao, that is to say, it will cause Guan Yu and Zhang Fei to turn against each other, the two people will have a battle of life and death, and Guan Yu is very powerful, so can Zhang Fei kill Guan Yu?

In my opinion, Zhang Fei was really able to kill Guan Yu for the following reasons. (Calculated according to the records of the Romance of the Three Kingdoms)

Guan Yu would be merciful to his subordinates, but Zhang Fei was by no means merciful and determined to take Guan Yu's life

At that time, Guan Yu, Zhang Fei, and Liu Bei worshipped in Taoyuan and once said that they would live and die together, but today Guan Yu defected to Cao Cao and had broken the oath of that year. Therefore, Zhang Fei should kill Guan Yu, even if Guan Yu is a brother, but those who betray their brother will not have a good end.

If Guan Yu was impressed by Cao Cao, Zhang Fei could really kill his relatives and kill Guan Yu with his bare hands

When Guan Yu faced Zhang Fei, he remembered all kinds of past events in the past, after all, he would be merciful to his subordinates. Even if he was strong in martial arts and could suppress Zhang Fei, he would still let Zhang Fei go everywhere and did not want to hurt Zhang Fei. But Zhang Fei's violent temper, in the face of Guan Yu's betrayal, has completely made him lose his mind, and Zhang Fei must kill Guan Yu to extinguish the anger in his heart. One is to have no intention of fighting, and a person is bound to take his life.

As long as Zhang Fei grasped the opportunity, even if Guan Yu was very powerful, he would have the opportunity to kill Guan Yu. Moreover, sneak attack is also Zhang Fei's skill, not to mention that Zhang Fei has also secretly attacked Guan Yu, which has been recorded in the Romance of the Three Kingdoms.

Guan Gong saw Zhang Fei coming, overjoyed, and paid the knife to pick up Zhou Cang, and patted the horse to greet him. Only to see Zhang Feiyuan open his eyes, upside down the tiger's whiskers, roaring like thunder, swinging his spear at Guan Gong. Guan Gong was horrified and flashed by

If Guan Yu was impressed by Cao Cao, Zhang Fei could really kill his relatives and kill Guan Yu with his bare hands

This is in the battle of the ancient city, Zhang Fei thought that Guan Yu had already surrendered to Cao Cao, so he must kill Guan Yu, but Guan Yu did not turn to Cao Cao, and was very happy about Zhang Fei's arrival, and as a result, Guan Yu almost died at the hands of Zhang Fei. From this point of view, Guan Yu's fortification of Zhang Fei is very small, if Zhang Fei is a little prepared, his face is not too angry, and he may really kill Guan Yu in the end.

Zhang Fei's martial arts are no less than Guan Yu's, and he can use intrigue and trickery to kill Guan Yu

I heard that Guan Yu's martial arts were very powerful, and he was able to kill Wen Ugly, but Zhang Fei was also full of guts, and he had scared off The Thousands of Troops and Horses of the Cao Army by himself. If the two individuals really fight to the death on the battlefield, it may not be Guan Yu who wins. Even Guan Yu admitted that Zhang Fei's martial arts were better than his own, which was also recorded in the Romance of the Three Kingdoms.

Fu Yue: "General True God Man also!" Guan Gong said, "So-and-so Ho Foot Dao! My brother Zhang Yide took the head of a general in a million troops, such as probing the bag to take the ear. Cao was horrified, looking back at the left and right: "In the future, if you encounter Zhang Yide, you must not take the enemy lightly." "Write it on the bottom of the robe to remember it."

If Guan Yu was impressed by Cao Cao, Zhang Fei could really kill his relatives and kill Guan Yu with his bare hands

When Guan Yu killed Yan Liang and cursed Wen Ugly, Cao Cao lamented that Guan Yu was the incarnation of the heavenly gods, but he said that he was no more than that, and his brother Zhang Yide was even more powerful, so he said a famous sentence to describe Zhang Fei, taking the head of the general in the million army, such as probing the bag to take things. Cao Cao was very shocked, perhaps because of this sentence, Cao Cao already had a deep memory, so when facing Zhang Fei, even if Cao Cao already had thousands of troops and horses, he did not dare to come forward.

Zhang Fei's hands are relatively dark, Guan Yu disdains conspiracies and tricks, and in the end Guan Yu must have been killed by Zhang Fei. At that time, when Guan Yu returned with his wife, Zhang Fei did not directly explain to him, and only sneaked in when Guan Yu approached. From this point of view, Zhang Fei is not a good person, even if Zhang Fei can't beat Guan Yu, he can still use other methods.

If Guan Yu was impressed by Cao Cao, Zhang Fei could really kill his relatives and kill Guan Yu with his bare hands

For example, Zhang Fei created a trap to lure Guan Yu into being deceived. Guan Yu trusted Zhang Fei very much, so in the face of Zhang Fei's request, he would definitely go alone. Even if Guan Yu had the courage of a thousand men, Zhang Fei was already the heart to kill, how could the trap be so easy to escape, Guan Yu could not escape.

Guan Yu was bent on death, and Zhang Fei killed Guan Yu easily

If Guan Yu really surrendered to Cao Cao, he would definitely regret it. Thinking of Guan Yu I's heroic name, he has always advocated the two masters of non-triviality. Now that he had betrayed his ideals, his heart must have been distressed for a long time, plus Zhang Fei wanted to murder Guan Yu. Even if Guan Yu got a financial status and weight from Cao Cao, without his brother, he would not be happy doing anything. In the long run, Guan Yu will definitely die.

If Guan Yu was impressed by Cao Cao, Zhang Fei could really kill his relatives and kill Guan Yu with his bare hands

Guan Yu surrendered to Cao Cao, but Guan Yu did not like the money, and the beauty, and refused everything about Cao Cao. On the contrary, he was interested in Maxima, and this is for a reason, according to the Romance of the Three Kingdoms.

Fucking displeased: "I am tired of sending beautiful women and golden veils, and the public has not tasted to worship; now I give horses, but I am happy and worship again, what mean and noble animals?" Guan Gong said: "I know that this horse travels thousands of miles a day, and now I am fortunate to have it, if I know the whereabouts of my brother, I can meet him in one day." ”

Guan Yu was never happy when he was working under Cao Cao, until Cao Cao sent a thousand-mile horse, and Guan Yu was happy. It is because Guan Yu has a Maxima to see Liu Bei as soon as possible, and he will be happy to think of this Guan Yu's heart. However, if Guan Yu could not see Liu Bei, Guan Yu would not be happy all the time, thinking that Guan Yu's fierce nature was silent, sooner or later he would get depression.

If Guan Yu was impressed by Cao Cao, Zhang Fei could really kill his relatives and kill Guan Yu with his bare hands

After Guan Yu suffered from depression, if he met Zhang Fei again, he might not need to commit suicide himself and directly let Zhang Fei kill himself, which may be the best end for Guan Yu. It is better to die at the hands of one's own brother than to die at the hands of others. In the end, Guan Yu let Zhang Fei complete himself, in the face of Guan Yu's death, Zhang Fei will also shed tears, before the two people died, remembering the scene of worship in the past, how could they end up like this? Guan Yu must have regretted it, but at that time, there was no chance, Guan Yu had already died at the hands of Zhang Fei.

If Guan Yu was impressed by Cao Cao, Zhang Fei could really kill his relatives and kill Guan Yu with his bare hands

From these aspects, Zhang Fei always had a way to kill Guan Yu. First of all, with his strong martial arts, he was able to confront Guan Yu, and maybe he could kill Guan Yu. Second, set traps, and use sneak attacks and other strategies to kill Guan Yu. In the end, Guan Yu wanted to die, and Zhang Fei would definitely be able to kill Guan Yu.

Do you think Zhang Fei is good to kill Guan Yu?

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