
Why do some people love coriander so much that some people hate it? Experts tell you: this is really not picky eating

author:Health Times

Smelling coriander is uncomfortable, seeing sweets and wanting to eat, can not eat broad beans, the same spiciness some people feel that spicy can not stand, while some people can accept ... these individual differences related to eating, may be related to genes.

1. Smell the coriander like a bed bug

A study in the United States showed that people who do not like coriander have a gene called OR6A2 on chromosome 11, which is related to olfactory receptors, which are sensitive to aldehyde compounds, and if there is no mutation in this gene, it will be easier to smell coriander as a bed bug.

Wu Yan, Department of Nutrition, Union Hospital Affiliated to Tongji Medical College, Huazhong University of Science and Technology, said that if you are not allergic to coriander, you can slowly try to taste coriander from a small amount, and slowly you may also like it.

After all, from a nutritional point of view, the content of dietary fiber, carotene and potassium in coriander is not low, and there are a variety of volatile oil substances that can stimulate appetite. Eat coriander daily, put it in a cold dish for garnish, and put a few slices of coriander on the surface of the cooked meat and soup to degrease and stimulate appetite.

In addition, don't throw away the coriander root, wash and dry it to make crispy pickles, or when curing meat, put some mashed coriander root, adjust the taste, the smell is not so strong, and there will be a special fragrance.

2. When you see sweets, you want to eat them

An international team of researchers who genetically tested more than 6,500 Danes involved in a large heart disease study found that those with a specific variant of the FGF21 gene (two in total) were about 20 percent more likely than the average person to like and buy sweets.

Liu Ailing, director of the Institute of Nutrition and Health of the Chinese Center for Disease Control and Prevention, said that she wants to eat sweets when she sees them, but she must also try to control them. The reason why sweets are made is because a large amount of added sugars are added to the production process, such as white sugar, brown sugar, rock sugar, as well as fructose syrup, corn syrup and so on.

A large number of scientific studies have shown that eating too much added sugar is prone to caries and increases the risk of chronic diseases. Therefore, it is recommended to eat less added sugar, preferably not. No more than 50 grams per day, preferably less than 25 grams. The porcelain soup spoon used at home, a soup spoon is 5 grams, a sugar cube is 4.5 grams, and the average sugar content of the general 100 grams of pastries is 20 grams. We refer to this amount to control the total sugar intake.

Added sugar, in addition to being able to provide energy, basically does not contain other nutrients. So, a balanced diet or food diversification, excluding sugar. There is absolutely no problem in not eating added sugar in daily life.

How to eat less sugar? Ordinary processed foods, including sugary drinks, pastries, desserts, as well as ice cream, candy, preserves, and preserved fruits, are all sources of added sugar, and this kind of thing should be eaten less. In addition, the sugar added when cooking, especially some friends in the south, love to eat sweets, and love to add sugar when cooking, such as cold vegetables, braised pork ribs, sweet and sour tenderloin, rock sugar and silver ear soup, all of which should be added sugar, and it is recommended that we usually add less sugar when cooking. When eating out, order less of these dishes to control the intake of added sugars from these aspects.

3. Meals with less salt can not be eaten

In 2016, researchers at the University of Edinburgh published a report in the American journal Circulation that if a rat missed a gene called Hsd11b2, it would show a particular love of saltiness, followed by symptoms of high blood pressure, which explained why there are people who are heavy and cannot eat less salt in their meals.

Jiang Fang, department of nutrition of Jiangsu Subei People's Hospital, jiangsu province, reminded that eating too much salt is not conducive to health, or should eat less, if you feel that such a meal is tasteless, you can try to reduce salt without reducing taste.

When cooking, you can borrow more flavors of vegetables themselves, such as borrowing the flavor of onions, tomatoes, green peppers, shiitake mushrooms and other foods to enhance the taste of the dish. These ingredients have a natural taste of food, not only to enrich our vegetable intake, but also to enrich the taste and texture of food.

In addition, you can also make good use of other flavors, such as sour taste can increase the taste of the tongue to the salty taste, add a little sour condiment when stir-frying vegetables can use less salt, but also feel the same salty taste, such as lemon juice, tomato sauce, vinegar. Onion, ginger, garlic, and five-spice powder can increase the freshness of the dish, thereby reducing the dependence of the dish on salty, so it is recommended to use onion, ginger and garlic to simmer the pot when stir-frying, and sprinkle a little five-spice powder before leaving the pot.

Daily, try to use low sodium salt, and put salt before starting the pot, you can reduce the amount of salt.

4. Some people feel spicy and some people say it is not spicy

Modern molecular biology has revealed that several polymorphic loci located on the TAS2R38 gene on chromosome 7 determine an individual's response to spicy. People who are sensitive to spicy taste feel particularly spicy; people who like spicy do not have an unbearable burning pain because of eating spicy.

Xu Huichao, Department of Nutrition, Affiliated Hospital of Jining Medical College, said that fresh peppers and bell peppers can be eaten as vegetables, and dried peppers can be used for flavoring.

Fresh bell peppers are very rich in vitamin C, and the moisture is sufficient, the spicy taste is light, washing and mixing can retain most of the nutrients, green, yellow, red, used to make cold dishes very good. Compared with bell peppers, the long sharp peppers are more spicy, and making a small stir-fried meat or stir-frying a shredded potato can add a lot of flavor. However, don't overcook, such as the tiger skin pepper method to throw away many of these heat-afraid nutrients.

Dried peppers tend to be more spicy, and attention should be paid to the right amount, otherwise it is easy to "catch fire". You can try it with some milk.

5. Preference for "junk food"

In 2015, researchers from Imperial College London found that two genetic variants that cause people to crave unhealthy foods extremely ---- FTO and DRD2, and that people with variants in the FTO and DRD2 genes were more likely to become obese because the dopamine signals in their brains made them crave high-calorie foods more.

Wei Wei, department of clinical nutrition at the Oriental Hospital of Beijing University of Traditional Chinese Medicine, said that the so-called "junk food" is actually a high-oil and high-fat food, as long as it is well matched, there is no "junk food".

For example, I sometimes want to eat instant noodles, I know very well that oil and salt will exceed the standard, protein and trace elements will be insufficient, then I will only put half a bag of spices when cooking noodles, add an egg, throw some greens, and then eat a fruit after the meal to make up for the loss of nutrition.

For example, if I eat a high-calorie food such as fried chicken, I will increase the amount of exercise after meals, consume more energy, and also maintain a good physical condition.

6. After eating broad beans, the urine becomes soy sauce color

Fava bean disease is a hereditary glucose-6-phosphate dehydrogenase (G6PD) deficiency, fava bean disease gene is present in everyone, if the G6PD gene has a mutation, resulting in g6PD expression decreased or not expressed, resulting in red blood cells can not resist oxidative damage and suffer damage, causing hemolytic anemia and so on.

Liu Shaowei, deputy director of the Food and Drug Regulatory Research Center of East China University of Science and Technology: According to statistics, fava bean disease is widely distributed, with about 400 million patients worldwide, and China has the law of "high south and low north", and Guangdong, Yunnan and Sichuan are high incidence areas. Every year, when the fava beans are ripe, it has become the high incidence season of "fava bean disease".

Fava bean disease occurs some times because of the consumption of fava beans or fava bean products, while others even inadvertently inhale pollen from roadside fava bean flowers. It is generally manifested as nausea, vomiting, abdominal pain, fever, anemia, and soy sauce colored urine, and should be treated with medical attention in time once the onset of the disease. Most children develop hemolysis within 1 to 2 days of eating fresh fava beans, and symptoms appear within a few minutes of inhaling pollen.

Fava bean disease is a genetic disease that can only be prevented. Patients with fava bean disease should not eat fava beans and fava bean products, and should also stay away from fava bean flowers, and also avoid taking oxidative drugs. Children under 3 years old, the first time to eat fresh fava beans must be cautious, parents should pay attention to observe the child's reaction after eating, if there is discomfort as soon as possible to send to the hospital for treatment.

This article was first published from 2021-04-21 Health Times "Taste Differences Come from Genes"

Editor: Lu Yang Review director: Yang Xiaoming

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