
The last female soldier of the Western Route Army shouted before dying: "Lao Tzu is victorious, eat rice."

A hospital in Lanzhou is racing against the clock to rescue an elderly man, after several hours of rescue, the doctor told the family, go back to prepare for the aftermath! The old man's children made a final farewell to the old man in the hospital. When the old man's clothes were put on, he actually eased up again, and the doctors present were also a little surprised, and said to the people present: "I saw two words from this old man, that is, strength."

The last female soldier of the Western Route Army shouted before dying: "Lao Tzu is victorious, eat rice."

The old man suddenly opened his eyes, swallowed the saliva with all his strength in his mouth, and said weakly: "Lao Tzu has won, fought for several days and nights, and wiped out all the horse bandits ma Bufang... Eat a fragrant meal of rice, rice. ”

A few days later, at 1 a.m. on June 2, 2012, the old lady never woke up again, having not eaten for six days, but still had a smile on her lips when she died. Who the hell is this old lady? Why did Ma Bufang still mention Ma Bufang in his mouth when he was dying?

One: Join the army at a young age and fight in the Hexi Corridor in blood

In fact, this old lady was once a female soldier of the Western Route Army, named He Yuanxiu. He Yuanxiu was born in 1917 in Yuxi Town, Bazhong County, Sichuan Province, and due to his family's poverty, He Yuanxiu was sent to his aunt's house as a child bride at the age of 12.

The last female soldier of the Western Route Army shouted before dying: "Lao Tzu is victorious, eat rice."

In 1933, the Red Army liberated Bazhong County. Because his father delivered food to the Red Army, he was beaten to death by the landlord, and his mother died soon after due to excessive grief, leaving only two brothers and sisters in the family. He Yuanxiu, who was born with a strong temperament, cut off his big braids to join the Red Army, vowing to avenge his parents and overthrow all the oppressors in the world. After joining the Red Army, he followed the Red Army to participate in the Long March.

After the three main forces of the Red Army met the division in victory, the central government decided to launch the Ningxia Campaign to open up the road communication line with the Soviet Union, so the Western Route Army was established. After the establishment of the Western Route Army, under the arrangement of the central authorities, it crossed the Yellow River as quickly as possible, but due to the lack of a base area, after crossing the river, it fought a bloody battle with several times the enemy in the narrow Hexi Corridor.

The last female soldier of the Western Route Army shouted before dying: "Lao Tzu is victorious, eat rice."

In March 1937, although it was already the early spring season, the hinterland of the Qilian Mountains was still cold. Surrounded and suppressed by the enemy, the Western Route Army broke through all the way, and fought and retreated to Liyuankou, an important pass in Qilian Mountain, which was flanked by two reddish-brown valleys, and at the bottom of the valley was a blue Liyuan River. But soon after, the blue river turned crimson.

The last female soldier of the Western Route Army shouted before dying: "Lao Tzu is victorious, eat rice."

In order to cover the withdrawal of the 30th Army into the Qilian Mountains as soon as possible, the Red Ninth Army and the Women's Regiment quickly occupied the favorable terrain of the pass, not expecting that the Ma family army would come too quickly and rush over like a tide. The soldiers of the Red 9 Army and the Women's Regiment did not have time to make any preparations, and the enemy had already killed the soldiers. The horses were hissing, the sound of weapons colliding was rising and falling, and flesh and blood were flying everywhere, and they had stained the entire pass.

In the roaring north wind, the commanders and fighters of the Red Army had already killed the red eye, and actually fought with the enemy cavalry with their flesh and blood, and the women's regiment was also exhausted, and in the face of the strong cavalry of the Ma family army, the sisters used the scissors, awls, and even grabbed the branches and stones around them to fight the enemy.

The last female soldier of the Western Route Army shouted before dying: "Lao Tzu is victorious, eat rice."

Some of the soldiers used their teeth as weapons and rolled into the valley with the enemy, and after this battle, most of the remaining more than a thousand people died heroically, even Chen Haisong, the military political commissar, and Yang Chaoli, the political commissar of the 25th Division, also died heroically.

In the battle, He Yuanxiu was unfortunately injured, the blood on his legs has been bubbling out, at this juncture he could not take care of these at all, looking at the comrades who died all over the mountains, He Yuanxiu could not care about his grief at all, supported the other sisters, and desperately fled to the nearby ravine. The ferocious Ma family army vowed to exterminate the Western Route Army, and the cavalry chased after them and rushed to the wounded female warriors.

The last female soldier of the Western Route Army shouted before dying: "Lao Tzu is victorious, eat rice."

These female warriors hid in the ravine, did not dare to come out during the day, for fear of being discovered by the horse bandits, they could only sneak down the mountain quietly in the middle of the night, get some ice knots to quench their thirst, and get some wild vegetables to eat by the way. Later, there was no grass, only cattle and sheep dung could be used to fill the hunger, some soldiers' wounds have been bleeding, which is still relatively good, and some soldiers' wounds have begun to suppurate and rot.

The days of hiding and hiding like this did not last long, and soon the horse bandits who searched the mountain surrounded them, and the soldiers who rushed up in front of them were stopped and killed by the horse bandits, and the mad horse bandits actually picked out the intestines of the two seriously injured people and cut off the breasts of the female warriors.

The last female soldier of the Western Route Army shouted before dying: "Lao Tzu is victorious, eat rice."

Horse bandits tied their arms and escorted the female fighters to the Qinghai Small School Yard concentration camp, where many female fighters were tortured to death. Some of the horse bandits burst out and shouted, "This is the end of your communism." Because He Yuanxiu did not obey discipline, he was sent to the dirtiest and smelliest wool processing farm, which worked day and night, and the slightest hesitation would cause a violent beating.

Most of these female warriors were finally assigned to the enemy bandits as wives, and He Yuanxiu was assigned to a bearded bandit, and in the face of this situation, He Yuanxiu could only pretend to agree and secretly look for an opportunity to escape. He Yuanxiu found that the wool factory doctor was more upright and sympathetic to these Western Route Army soldiers. Secretly, she and the doctor quietly discussed the countermeasures, and one day the doctor hid her and another female warrior in the dung truck and escaped from the clutches of the enemy.

The last female soldier of the Western Route Army shouted before dying: "Lao Tzu is victorious, eat rice."

He Yuanxiu, who escaped from the ascension to heaven, pretended to be dumb and begged all the way, always afraid of being discovered by the enemy, and could only rush at night, because he kept walking, the soles of his feet began to flow pus. In the process, they met several male comrades, accompanied by companions, and within a few days they encountered horse bandits, a soldier was hacked to death by the enemy, and He Yuanxiu saved his life because he fell into the ditch. In this way, He Yuanxiu rushed to the dream Lanzhou, where all her hopes were, no matter how much suffering, as long as she could find the organization, everything was worth it.

The last female soldier of the Western Route Army shouted before dying: "Lao Tzu is victorious, eat rice."

He Yuanxiu has experienced too much along the way, he does not know how many times he has stepped into the ghost gate, looking at the small gray building in front of him, his heart is full of mixed feelings. When she walked in, her heart was instantly broken, there was no one inside, she was at a loss, she didn't know what to do, whether the Eighth Office had been dissolved, or whether she hadn't found the right place. This little gray building, which had placed all her hopes on, was now smashing them to pieces.

Two: Life returns to peace and forms a happy family

In this lonely city, she is unaccompanied, and in order to survive, she does all kinds of work, washing, cooking, and taking care of children. Under the introduction of others, he met the local tailor Zheng Cuncai, and after a period of time together, He Yuanxiu found that Zheng Cuncai was a kind and capable person.

The day before the wedding, He Yuanxiu cried a lot, and the people around her didn't know why, only she knew in her heart that this life had become more and more distant from the organization and the army, and crying was also a farewell.

The last female soldier of the Western Route Army shouted before dying: "Lao Tzu is victorious, eat rice."

After getting married, with the family's hard work, life slowly improved. Did not expect an accident to happen, the husband was arrested because of the crime of speculation, after hearing this news, He Yuanxiu was suddenly confused, wanted to break his head and could not think of why? If you didn't do anything illegal and disciplined, how could you be arrested?

He Yuanxiu found Yang Wenju, a comrade-in-arms of the Western Route Army who was serving in the county, and with the help of his comrades-in-arms, Zheng Cuncai was acquitted. After this incident, Zheng Cuncai was no longer a tailor, and he thought that his craftsmanship had harmed him. Since then, he has been working as a stevedor, and although this kind of work is tiring, Zheng Cuncai is at ease.

The last female soldier of the Western Route Army shouted before dying: "Lao Tzu is victorious, eat rice."

When He Yuanxiu was 60 years old, her husband could no longer move, all the burdens fell on her shoulders alone, He Yuanxiu came to work in the rubber factory, such a day was 15 years, in a special period because of the protection of common property with others to resent, but also by the wrong criticism. Later, under the intercession of the factory director, he was released back home. Originally, I thought that I could finally have a comfortable life with my wife for a few days, but no one expected that Zheng Cuncai said to leave. When his wife died, He Yuanxiu did not shed a single tear, because her tears had already dried up, leaving only the unforgettable grief in her bones.

Three: The sisters of the Western Route Army are "reunited" again

By 2010, the staff of the Shuaibei Forest Museum in Sichuan's Bazhongchuan Shaanxi Su District came to visit He Yuanxiu and made a hand model for her, the old man did not know what this was for, she just held out her hand, under the operation of the staff, left a historical memory, so that this great spirit has been passed down, and will be as immortal as Qilian Mountain.

He Yuanxiu was particularly happy to hear the familiar hometown voice, and since he left his hometown with the Red Army in 1933, he returned once in 1963 and never went back. He Yuanxiu once told his daughter-in-law that he would take her to see the hometown of the beautiful people of the mountains and rivers, but by the time the daughter-in-law had become white-headed, this wish was still not realized.

The last female soldier of the Western Route Army shouted before dying: "Lao Tzu is victorious, eat rice."

The place where He Yuanxiu now lived was less than a kilometer away from the original Eighth Route Army office, but He Yuanxiu had never been there. The younger son once tried to ask the old man why, and the old man said that what he saw was not the Eight Offices but the Liyuankou Battlefield, which was a battlefield full of corpses.

When the old man is older, he always sorts out the birthday clothes in the middle of the night, and it is not one piece, but many pieces, which are neatly stacked and locked in the cabinet. The son asked to prepare so much, did he bring it over and wear it? He Yuanxiu smiled and said, "Silly son, it is so wasteful for the mother to wear alone!" This is for the other sisters, they are pitiful! Dressed in rags when they left, it was for them.

The last female soldier of the Western Route Army shouted before dying: "Lao Tzu is victorious, eat rice."

Since his wife left, the old man's brain has slowly become unconscious, often sitting on the noisy street basking in the sun, especially after rescue, the old man's young son He Chenggui said that the old man often tossed in the middle of the night, the mouth has been shouting, at first thought that he was calling his son or daughter-in-law, and finally found that the old man was calling his comrades-in-arms Yang Wenju and Cheng Fengying, she wanted to go into the soil for safety and reunite with her sisters.

The last female soldier of the Western Route Army shouted before dying: "Lao Tzu is victorious, eat rice."

Someone once asked the old man what a revolution was, and the old man said that the revolution was to be able to eat enough, wear warm clothes, and live a peaceful and stable life. Just like the comments of netizens after watching "Chosin Lake", "Walking out of the cinema, seeing the lights outside, the high-rise buildings, the bustle, I think it is the best Easter egg", this is also a revolution.

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