
Caesarean section or vaginal delivery, which is more painful?

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Caesarean section or vaginal delivery, which is more painful?

Caesarean section, also known as caesarean section, surgical delivery, caesarean section delivery, caesarean section delivery, is a way to give birth to a fetus by surgically cutting the abdomen and uterus.

After reading the hot search, everyone said:

It's already hurting;

After reading it, I just want to thank my mother;

After death or death, I will not let my wife give birth by caesarean section...

How painful is a caesarean section? Which is better than a vaginal birth or a caesarean section? Today we will talk about this topic.

How painful is a caesarean section?

Caesarean section is a common surgical procedure in obstetrics.

The procedure is quick, and if smooth, it usually takes about 5 minutes from the opening of the uterus to the removal of the fetus.

However, the time to suture the wound will be longer, requiring layer by layer, usually 7 sutures.

It looks terrible, but in fact, during the caesarean section, we don't feel pain because of the effect of anesthesia.

However, when the caesarean section is over and the anesthetic gradually dissipates, the uterus needs to contract to its original size, a process that is the same as the pain caused by contractions during vaginal delivery.

Wounds also heal for longer periods of pain than vaginal deliveries.

Compared to vaginal delivery and caesarean section

Which would be better?

Pain in vaginal delivery, mainly from the pain of contractions.

This pain is difficult to avoid after a caesarean section, but it can be alleviated by "painless delivery" during a vaginal birth.

Clinically, the degree of pain is usually graded according to 0 to 10 points, and after using labor analgesia, the degree of maternal pain can usually be controlled to less than 3 to 4 points, and some people can even reach 0 points.

In addition, vaginal women can generally stand up and move within a few hours after delivery, while women with caesarean section generally need to recover for 1 to 3 days after surgery.

So overall, the pain of a vaginal birth can be smaller than that of a caesarean section.

However, there is no better way to say that there is a better way to give birth.

In some special cases, a caesarean section is necessary. Like what:

Complications and complications during pregnancy;

Abnormalities of the fetus, placenta, and amniotic fluid;


Abnormal birth canal, etc.

What we can do is to trust the judgment and advice of doctors and choose the way that suits us best.

At the same time, within the scope of ability, the pain of childbirth is minimized.

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Caesarean section or vaginal delivery, which is more painful?

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