
Discover the secrets of Nezha U Pro anti-freeze! The performance of the same level of battery life is the first

As we all know, the battery of new energy vehicles will reduce the endurance in a low temperature environment due to process reasons, and the performance of all aspects will also decline. Some car owners take operations such as placing indoors, flushing and using, turning on air conditioning and heating, etc., but the symptoms are not cured, and it is still unable to effectively alleviate the problem of reduced endurance. On December 17, Nezha Automobile released the secret of Nezha U Pro winter antifreeze, let's take a look at it.

Discover the secrets of Nezha U Pro anti-freeze! The performance of the same level of battery life is the first

Nezha U Pro

Nezha U Pro 610 Fire Detection Edition ranked first in 150,000-level endurance, energy consumption, braking, and ring tests. The secret of the car's endurance performance in the same level NO.1 lies in three aspects, high energy ratio battery: battery energy density up to 180Wh/kg; EPT2.0 battery constant temperature management system: 95% of the use time, the battery cell is maintained in the best temperature range of 15-45 ° C, the winter mileage increases by more than 80km; AGS active intake grille: according to the cabin temperature, vehicle speed automatically adjust the opening and closing of the grille, under high-speed working conditions, 100 km energy saving 0.91kWh, contribution rate of 6%, NeDC's total mileage has been increased by up to 37km.

Nezha U Pro in the ice and snow ring test maximum speed of 60.5km/h, the car's EPT3.0 electric drive system can achieve 90% of the total efficiency of NEDC in a wide range of speed ratio, 12.066 speed ratio brings the maximum torque at the end of the wheel, to meet the AsilC safety product certification.

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