
He was a famous anti-Japanese general, who was imprisoned for 11 years because of his wife's report, and mysteriously disappeared after his release from prison, and there was no news

He was a lieutenant general in the National Revolutionary Army, a famous anti-Japanese general, who was awarded the Order of the Blue Sky and White Sun during the War of Resistance Against Japan, and the American Silver Medal of Freedom. Later, he was reported by his wife, spent 11 years in prison, and mysteriously disappeared after being released, and no one knew where he went. This person is Wang Lingyun.

He was a famous anti-Japanese general, who was imprisoned for 11 years because of his wife's report, and mysteriously disappeared after his release from prison, and there was no news

In 1899, Wang Lingyun was born in present-day Ruyang, Henan. The Wang family was not rich, but his father was open-minded and good at running the family, so he had the opportunity to go to school. In 1920, the 21-year-old Wang Lingyun and his classmate Zhao Daying from the same village went to Wu Peifu's West Engineer Battalion as a soldier. Three months later, he found an excuse to leave the barracks, returned to his hometown, and defected to his mentor. With the help of a teacher, I entered the prefectural high elementary school.

After graduating from the academy, Wang Lingyun was recruited by Zheng Guohan, the brigade commander of the mixed brigade, and became a guard. He was greatly appreciated by Zheng Guohan and was promoted to adjutant within a year. Later, he was appointed as the battalion commander of the mixed brigade guard battalion and returned to his hometown to recruit soldiers. Soon, Zheng Guohan was killed by Li Wanlin at the mouth of the Lingbao Pipe, and he had to defect to Wang Jianzhao, and his official position was gradually elevated. By 1930, Wang Lingyun had been appointed commander-in-chief of bandits in Linru, Yiyang, Pingping, and Liberty counties, responsible for dealing with bandits in the four counties. During this period, he followed the advice of his subordinates, recruited soldiers everywhere, and the team grew rapidly.

He was a famous anti-Japanese general, who was imprisoned for 11 years because of his wife's report, and mysteriously disappeared after his release from prison, and there was no news

In September of the same year, Wang Lingyun was recruited by Zhang Xiao, the commander-in-chief of the 20th Road of the National Revolutionary Army, and served as the commander of the 3rd Division, assisting Yang Hucheng, commander-in-chief of the 17th Road, in attacking Song Zheyuan, who was stationed around Luoyang. The following year, for his merits, he was promoted to major general brigade commander and later major general in the army.

In 1937, the "Battle of Songhu" broke out, and Wang Lingyun led his troops to follow the headquarters to Shanghai to fight the Japanese army. He led his men in a fierce battle with the devils in fukuyama town for four days and four nights, and without ammunition, they went into battle shirtless to block the enemy. After the war, the division became famous in the first battle, and Lao Jiang personally changed the code name of this division to "Fukuyama Troops" and gave them priority to providing them with troops. Later, Wang Lingyun led his troops to Jiangsu, Zhejiang and other places, fought against the Japanese and Kosovo countless times, and also participated in the famous "Battle of Nanchang", "Battle of Guinan", and "Yunnan-Burma War of Resistance", and made many contributions.

He was a famous anti-Japanese general, who was imprisoned for 11 years because of his wife's report, and mysteriously disappeared after his release from prison, and there was no news

After the end of the War of Resistance Against Japanese Aggression, Wang Lingyun's troops were stationed in western Yunnan. In the spring of 1947, he was transferred to the Central Plains Battlefield by Chiang Kai-shek and served as a firefighting captain, going around to rescue the Nationalist troops besieged by our army. Unexpectedly, Old Jiang dismissed him from his division commander position on the grounds that his determination was too slow and his action was slow. It wasn't long before he was reappointed to fight against our army and promoted to lieutenant general.

At the end of 1949, the year after the founding of New China, Wang Lingyun came to Sichuan Province under the pseudonym Zhang Keming. In Tongjiang, he found a village girl to marry, planning to hide his name and live the life of ordinary people. What he did not expect was that his previous deeds were known to his wife, who denounced him, so he was captured by our army and escorted to the Gongdelin War Criminals Center in Beijing.

At the end of 1961, Wang Lingyun, who had been imprisoned for 11 years, was pardoned and released, and was placed in an apple orchard in Hongxing Commune, Daxing County, a suburb of Beijing, to learn fruit cultivation techniques. Two years later, he moved to Zhengzhou, Henan, where he served as a commissioner for the Secretariat of the Henan CppcC. In 1968, he ran away from home due to the impact. Since then, there has been no news, and no one knows where this former famous general has gone.

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