
During the Sino-Vietnamese War, When the troops were withdrawn, Xu Shiyou issued 3 orders in a row, so that Vietnam could not rise again for 40 years

As we all know, less than a year after the founding of the People's Republic of China, it is still generous with foreign aid despite its poverty and poverty. It has provided economic assistance to more than 110 countries and regions such as North Korea and Vietnam. Among them, Vietnam was the first republic recognized by China and established diplomatic relations with him. He once took out a large amount of combat materials to help Vietnam resist the French colonial army, and even more in the War to Resist US Aggression and Aid Korea, China still remembered Vietnam. Therefore, our country has been in many wars, and the war with Vietnam is the most unacceptable war for our country, and it is chilling, they are simply a white-eyed wolf.

During the Sino-Vietnamese War, When the troops were withdrawn, Xu Shiyou issued 3 orders in a row, so that Vietnam could not rise again for 40 years

Because at that time China and the Soviet Union began to fight, so Vietnam, at the instigation of the Soviet Union, began to invade the people on our border, and China's repeated warnings were still fruitless, and even began to fight the idea of Chinese territory, which had reached the point of intolerability, and if we tolerated it, our country would be regarded as a weak and incompetent country by all countries in the international community, so China had to fight back.

During the Sino-Vietnamese War, When the troops were withdrawn, Xu Shiyou issued 3 orders in a row, so that Vietnam could not rise again for 40 years

In 1979, the mighty Sino-Vietnamese War broke out, in which our army sent 200,000 troops to the Vietnamese military line, and in less than a month it had reached the vicinity of Hanoi, the capital of Vietnam. Vietnam never expected our country to do this, and it felt that China should not dare to attack head-on, because the Soviet Union stood behind Vietnam, and the entire military strength of the Soviet Union at that time was the largest in the world. However, our country has unexpected explosive power both on the battlefield and in the handling of diplomacy, and even if Vietnam has the support of the Soviet Union, it is urgent to defend the territory and dignity of the motherland. In this Sino-Vietnamese war, Xu Shiguang issued three consecutive orders during the withdrawal of troops, so that Vietnam could not rise again for 40 years.

During the Sino-Vietnamese War, When the troops were withdrawn, Xu Shiyou issued 3 orders in a row, so that Vietnam could not rise again for 40 years

Our country has successfully occupied many cities and regions in Vietnam in more than a month, and Vietnam thought that we would take advantage of the victory to pursue, but chose to withdraw its troops when it attacked near the Vietnamese capital. During the withdrawal of the troops, our general Xu Shiyou issued three orders to the soldiers in succession, and the first xu Shiyou ordered the soldiers to withdraw, and all the guns, weapons and materials that our country had donated to Vietnam were brought back. Including the once favorite Type 54 pistol of the Vietnamese soldiers, if it could not be brought back, the soldiers had to destroy all of them on the spot and burn them all. The second article destroys all the industrial facilities that our country helped build in Vietnam, and Vietnam's construction of some infrastructure and industrial facilities is to provide technology to help Vietnam develop in our country, but Vietnam did not expect to use Chinese technology to make weapons and fight against the Chinese army, which is really abominable, so the military and government facilities that helped them build before naturally became the focus of explosion.

During the Sino-Vietnamese War, When the troops were withdrawn, Xu Shiyou issued 3 orders in a row, so that Vietnam could not rise again for 40 years

The last one is to ask our soldiers to plant mines along the way out of Vietnam. We know that mines are extremely cost-effective weapons for defensive operations, and if Vietnam pursues and counterattacks our soldiers, the power of its mines is enough to hurt them, even if they want to pursue them again, I am afraid that they are powerless. Some military fans also wonder why we have suddenly withdrawn our troops since our country has attacked near the capital of Vietnam. In fact, this strategy adopted by our country is to make a quick decision and strike at the arrogant atmosphere of the Vietnamese army. A month is just right, if more than a month, the Soviet side may help Vietnam to deal with China's actions, Vietnam is only a small country is simply not enough for China to put in the eyes, the Soviet Union is China's real opponent.

During the Sino-Vietnamese War, When the troops were withdrawn, Xu Shiyou issued 3 orders in a row, so that Vietnam could not rise again for 40 years

There is no doubt that China has won the Sino-Vietnamese war, the world knows about this war, and Vietnam has lost it completely. After this war, the Vietnamese were extremely poor, and to this day Vietnam has developed no more than that. Vietnam originally wanted to have the support of the Soviet Union behind it to expand its own power, but it never thought of overestimating its own strength, underestimating China's strength, and undoubtedly getting no benefit in the end. Vietnam has proved through practice that China is not easy to mess with.

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