
Why did the Wang clan, who did not do things in an outdated manner, be able to escape the martyrdom and die well?

The protagonist today's editor wants to talk about is the original empress Wang Shi of the Ming Dynasty Jingtai Emperor Zhu Qiyu.

Some readers have felt strange before that Ming Yingzong's abolition of the palace concubine burial system implemented by the Ming Dynasty for about a hundred years or so is not so worthy of the name.

Less than a month after the change of the gate, the Jingtai Emperor Zhu Qiyu fell ill and died, and his harem concubines except wang were all martyred and died, and the person who ordered these concubines to be buried according to the custom was Ming Yingzong.

Therefore, if strictly measured, Zhu Qizhen's original intention to abolish the martyrdom system is not as tall as the historians say, Zhu Qizhen is a good person, but not necessarily an old good person.

The end of Wang's life after the waste is very illustrative of this.

Why did the Wang clan, who did not do things in an outdated manner, be able to escape the martyrdom and die well?

After Wang's waste, this person's temper is not generally rigid, just to her to do things for people has never been"

Not anachronistic"

Never let go of your principles and ideas to submit to others, even if this person is the emperor.

After Wang's abolition, she was the princess that Zhu Qiyu married when she was a prince, and the wedding between the two was presided over by Zhu Qizhen in the name of the eldest brother.

After the change of Tumu Fort, the unfortunate town of Zhu Qi was captured by Vala and became a prisoner of the order. The Ming Dynasty was in chaos. In the midst of the crisis, the chancellor headed by Yu Qian requested Empress Sun to appoint Zhu Qizhen's younger brother Zhu Qiyu as emperor.

Before the attack, Zhu Qizhen's arrangement for the rear was as follows: Zhu Jianshen, the eldest son who was less than two years old, was made crown prince, and his younger brother Zhu Qiyu, who was in his twenties, was the overseer of the state.

The crown prince was to stabilize the foundation of the country, and to order Zhu Qiyu to supervise the country was to ensure the daily operation of the country.

This arrangement really works. After Zhu Qizhen was captured, the ministers believed more in the "state relied on the chief prince" and demanded that Zhu Qiyu be promoted from a supervising state to an emperor, so that he could stabilize people's hearts before stabilizing the situation.

Zhu Qiyu lived up to the expectations of the people, and with the help of these loyal old ministers, he won the defense of Nanjing.

Why did the Wang clan, who did not do things in an outdated manner, be able to escape the martyrdom and die well?

The Ming Dynasty was able to survive this crisis and continue in 195

In the national pulse of the year, Zhu Qiyu's contribution was not small.

Of course, the person who has the greatest credit must be Yu Qian.

After Zhu Qiyu became emperor, Wang became empress.

Zhu Qiyu had tasted the taste of authority, and he was also worried that his fate would be miserable after he returned to power, and he was determined to firmly grasp the throne in his hands.

As the first step in consolidating power, the first step was to change the crown prince.

When Zhu Qiyu ascended the throne, he made an agreement with Empress Sun and his courtiers that as a power arrangement in an extraordinary period, the crown prince must be Zhu Qizhen's own son Zhu Jianshen.

Now, Zhu Qiyu saw that this nephew was very unpleasant, and he wanted to depose his nephew's crown prince and replace him with his own son Zhu Jianji.

The person who opposed it most strongly in the inner palace was Wang Fuhou.

After Wang deposed, he believed that Zhu Qiyu's throne had come to a special place. If you renege on the previous agreement, you are ungrateful and do not pay attention to good faith.

Wang's opposition after the abolition made Zhu Qiyu resentful, and it was not even if others scolded him for being selfish, and his wife also came to mix a foot.

Zhu Qiyu thought in his heart, it is estimated that it is because your son is not your own child, you are so jealous!

Wang had only two daughters after his death, and Zhu Jianji was born to another concubine, Hang.

Why did the Wang clan, who did not do things in an outdated manner, be able to escape the martyrdom and die well?

This Empress Hang is Tan Yunxian, played by Liu Shishi in "The Biography of a Female Doctor of The Ming Concubine"

One of the prototypes

After the abolition of Wang, he not only opposed it fiercely, but also opposed it with honor and justice.

This was good, Zhu Qiyu was angry, and Wang became the second deposed empress of the Ming Dynasty.

This was the first time after Wang wasted that things were "out of place". Maybe she had her own selfishness and didn't want her husband and other women's children to sit on the throne. Maybe she was really upright and kind, she didn't covet the throne like her husband, and she always felt that her position was that of a princess.

I believe she is really kind. Therefore, this move brought her great rewards, making people believe in the simple and just words in the bloody history line - "good people have good rewards".

After the change of the door, Zhu Qizhen walked out of the Nangong Palace where he had been imprisoned for seven years and regained power.

Zhu Qizhen hated his brother's ruthlessness towards him. The hatred of imprisonment led him to frantically liquidate everything related to Zhu Qiyu, deprive him of the imperial title, grant him evil titles, lower the rules of funeral rites after death, and suppress and unjustly kill Zhu Qiyu's ministers, including Yu Qian.

Zhu Qizhen has always hated the martyrdom system. After the death of the princes of the clan, he ordered that the wives and concubines of these princes should not be martyred. But when it comes to Zhu Qiyu, he has some "double standards". He ordered all of Zhu Qiyu's women to be martyred.

Why did the Wang clan, who did not do things in an outdated manner, be able to escape the martyrdom and die well?

Everything he wanted to do with Zhu Qiyu would disappear from the world, even if he used means that violated his conscience! Posterity may understand the psychology of this emperor who was a prisoner and a prisoner!

Where in the world is there so much forgiveness!

After the abolition of Wang, it was also on the list of martyrs at the beginning. But both the chancellor and Ming Yingzong's concubines were interceding for her.

Minister Li Xian said the Wang clan had been deposed for years and that both of her daughters were still young. If children are innocent, why should they lose their mothers?

Empress Qian and Emperor Ming's Concubine Zhou Guifei had always been at odds, and this time it was rare to agree. They all interceded for Wang's resignation, saying that she had given them a lot of care behind Zhu Qiyu's back and supported Zhu Jianshen to continue to be the crown prince, which was very rare.

The inside and outside sides agreed, and Ming Yingzong also understood the situation and choices of this former younger sister. With a big wave of his hand, he said that he would let it go, and after Wang was deposed, he became the only one among Zhu Qiyu's many women who escaped martyrdom.

Zhu Qiyu's concubines were the last concubines to be martyred in the Ming Dynasty.

After Wang was abolished, he also bought a way for himself because of his good and righteous actions in the past.

Why did the Wang clan, who did not do things in an outdated manner, be able to escape the martyrdom and die well?

Under the care of Empress Qian and Concubine Zhou, Wang moved back to the palace of Zhu Qiyu before he ascended the throne with his two daughters, private property, and his own servants and maids.

Wang's belongings out of the palace are quite a few, and there are many fine products.

Among them, there was a jade linglong, and Ming Yingzong also liked it. When he remembered it one day, he sent someone to ask Wang For it.

When ordinary people encounter the emperor asking for money, they must immediately offer it, for fear of offending the Son of Heaven. Wang Was very dissatisfied and said, "My family's prince has also been emperor for seven years, can't I still enjoy a jade linglong?" ”

She ordered someone to throw Yu Linglong into the well and not to give it to the emperor. This incident made Ming Yingzong furious, and he directly ordered the confiscation of the property that Wang had taken out of the palace.

Wang shi also did not take it seriously.

Why did the Wang clan, who did not do things in an outdated manner, be able to escape the martyrdom and die well?

She lived a very moist life. She had a very good relationship with Zhou Guifei, and from time to time she entered the palace to talk, knock on doors, and live a very peaceful life.

With the help of Zhou Guifei, her life will not be too bad. And completely out of the political whirlpool, a lifetime of safety.

Wang was still very long-lived after the abolition. She lived through the five dynasties of Orthodoxy, Jingtai, Tianshun, Chenghua and Xuande, and lived longer than the same batch of people, at the age of 80.

Wang's life after the waste can be regarded as complete. Doing things is based on conscience and mood, and fate has not lived up to the kindness she has paid, giving her a peaceful and peaceful rest of her life.

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