
The story will | colorful ducklings

The story will | colorful ducklings

The story will | colorful ducklings
The story will | colorful ducklings
The story will | colorful ducklings
The story will | colorful ducklings
The story will | colorful ducklings
The story will | colorful ducklings
The story will | colorful ducklings
The story will | colorful ducklings
The story will | colorful ducklings

There was a duck crouching in the nest and thinking: If I have a bunch of colored eggs, I can hatch a group of colored ducks, and I can take this group of colored ducks on a trip.

The female duck thought again: As long as I eat beautiful flowers and fruits every day, as long as I drink drinks made of flower juice every day, as long as I watch the beautiful sunrise and sunset every day, as long as I bathe every day with the water of the pond dyed by the sunset, as long as I sleep in a bed made of flowers every day, I will give birth to a bunch of colorful eggs, I will hatch a group of colorful ducks, and I can take them everywhere every day.

Thinking and thinking, this female duck fell asleep in her dreams, there were colored flowers, colorful sunsets, colorful lakes. There is also a group of colorful ducklings.

One Point No. Zhong Fusheng photography

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