
Euler, change the world with "her power"

Euler, change the world with "her power"

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Euler, change the world with "her power"

Euler, a brand that truly puts "Love The Woman The Most" from slogan to practice.

Author 丨Cha You Yin

Responsible editor 丨 Cui Liwen

Editor 丨Zhu Jinbin

"We aspire to be the 'world's most woman-loving car brand.'"

On March 20 this year, at the 2021 Automobile User Conference held by Great Wall Motor Group, when Great Wall brand Euler (ORA) announced its focus on the female market segment strategy, public opinion did not show complete goodwill to it.

Euler, change the world with "her power"

Of course, this is not unexpected. After all, in the automobile industry, which is highly dominated by "straight male thinking", everyone will feel that men dominate the industry.

However, everything will change.

In 2018, just before the launch of the Euler brand, Great Wall Motors conducted a gender survey of car owners in the domestic automobile market: in the first half of 2018, the number of female users in China's passenger car market increased, increasing by nearly 30%.

Looks like it's grown quite a bit? However, if all car owners are taken as a reference, then the proportion of female car owners in China is only about 16%. In the United States, female car owners account for 39.6%; germany is more, more than 57%.

Euler, change the world with "her power"

According to 2017 data from the Ministry of Public Security, there are about 270 million male drivers and 110 million women in the country, and the proportion of growth is much higher than that of men

Rising growth means that demand is really emerging. This is a generation of rising female power, and there are a full half of human beings in this world, and their needs need to be truly respected and satisfied.

This is exactly what the ORA brand means: Open, Reliable, Alternative. The strategy of "the world's most female car brand" is to carry forward the spirit of ORA.

Euler, change the world with "her power"

"Double Twelve" fantasy garden party, to create a "cat star" pet boogie

In just 9 months, Euler's strategy of focusing on female segments has risen, setting off a trend of women in China's automotive industry.

United with China's first female horse "Sweet Run", and the majority of meow fans "eloped to the cat star".

Euler, change the world with "her power"

Fusing cheongsam shows and Hong Kong make-up parties to create a retro classic LOHAS for Meow Fans.

At Fantawild Water World, a fun trip for female car owners.

In the just-concluded "Double Twelve", Euler brought an unforgettable night to the majority of female car owners.

On December 12, 2021, Euler's "Cat Star Awards" opened brightly, and many "cat people" gathered at Haikou Changying Universal 100 Fantasy Park, representing the current 200,000 users of Euler, exchanging emotions with each other and conveying the exquisite and fashionable life attitude advocated by Euler.

Euler, change the world with "her power"

As the closing event of 2021, this year's "Cat Star Award", which is praised by Euler car owners as a "pet powder festival", continues euler's "most cute cat" style experience area, and also sets up a "fantasy garden party" for cats who are looking forward to a more prosperous life, and there are also pet powder links such as "bonfire dinner" that experiences food fun.

Euler, change the world with "her power"

The Euler Ballet Cat Treasure Girlfriend Group also officially debuted during this year's "Cat Star Awards".

On the shining catwalk, the "girlfriends" of Euler Ballet cats walked out of their elegance, showed their self-confidence, and raised their fashion, leaving a brilliant figure belonging to the "cat star" in this great era.

Euler, change the world with "her power"

In order to take care of the car owners who could not be present, on this "beautiful meow night", they also opened the live broadcast show synchronously, met online with the users in front of the screen, poured out each other's "love" intentions, and called for Euler.

Euler, change the world with "her power"

Such a fun event brings a pleasant experience to the majority of "meow fans", as well as countless exquisite gifts and exciting moments, while also conveying to the world a "Euler-style" exquisite lifestyle and exclusive pampering experience.

Euler has been committed to creating a platform for "meow fans" for female car owners in China. To this end, Euler insists on understanding the real demands of female users for cars, approaching them, understanding them, and pampering them. For more than a year, Euler has painted a colorful picture of modern women's life for female drivers through one activity after another.

Through colorful activities, circle gatherings, rounds of exchanges and dialogues, users' views and lives are constantly recorded and seen. In the end, all this is shared and exchanged in the Euler ORA APP.

A gorgeous world of female drivers was born.

Determined to become a car brand that focuses on female users at all times, Euler must strive to respect women's needs, pay attention to women's needs, and finally meet women's needs on the basis of continuously improving the model layout and upgrading car manufacturing technology. Constantly launch exclusive products for female users, walk with users, so that every female user can truly feel respected, cared for, and loved.

Euler, change the world with "her power"

And the feedback from the market proves the great success of Euler.

In November this year, Euler sold a record 16,136 units. If you count the 84,731 units from January to October, the total sales volume has exceeded the 100,000 mark in the first 11 months of 2021.

Just as some people regarded "100,000 units" as the life and death line of new energy independent brands a few years ago, now, Euler has successfully crossed this life and death line.

With the full support of many "cats", a future with unlimited possibilities has slowly unfolded towards Euler.

Euler, change the world with "her power"

Choose a "pleasing" car

What do women rely on to choose a car? For this problem, the automobile industry once had a long-term misunderstanding, thinking that what pleases women is only the internal and external color, and then add some "feminine style" to the design to open the market.

The color of this car is very good with you - to this day, there are many sales consultants in 4S stores who use such words to female customers.

However, modern women, the requirements for the car have far exceeded the "color" and "appearance". They need a car that can truly understand women's needs and take care of them in all aspects, rather than simply hoping to show themselves through their own cars.

Euler, change the world with "her power"

In this special period, can Euler, who holds high the banner of "the world's most female car brand", really convince millions of female car owners with the help of new technology?

The answer is indisputable. The accumulation of more than 200,000 car owners in just three years is enough to illustrate the success of this brand. However, it is also very meaningful to select different individuals from as many as 200,000 EULER owners and listen to their sincerity.

So, how did Euler "conquer" car owners?

"I chose to buy 'Euler' in part because of the 'face value' of the car." In October this year, in a WeChat group of car friends, Miss Gu (screen name), who lives in Shanghai, said that she supported Euler when talking about the topic of "what kind of car do women really want": "But this does not mean that female drivers have no requirements for other aspects of the car." ”

Euler, change the world with "her power"

Ms. Gu is a professional woman who works in a joint venture and holds a middle management position. Not long ago, she became a "new mom". Miss Gollum, who has the new identity of a mother, actually has highly differentiated requirements for the car, a close companion of the modern family, and her husband.

"My husband drives a medium-sized SUV of a high-end brand on weekdays. (The car) is big and spacious, weekends, holidays outings, the whole family and children come back to a child safety seat, a car to load away does not feel crowded at all. However, I feel that when [the vehicle] was designed, it was basically not taken into account that the driver was a woman. ”

In fact, the "straight male thinking" at the beginning of the design of the vehicle is not limited to the recognition of the driver's gender identity. Even most of the time, it seems that they have not stood in the perspective of women at all, and have considered how to provide the functions and services they need to give the "second sex" that is extremely important in the human world.

In the cold winter and hot summer, presumably most mothers have been forced to hold their young children outside the car and wait for the air conditioning in the car to work. Remote start is an "advanced function" for traditional fuel vehicles, not to mention remote function control.

Euler, change the world with "her power"

As for the fact that there is only one adult in the family and you have to go out, it is inevitable to take the baby with you. However, in this post-epidemic era, when going out to run errands, mothers also trust their cars more than in public places with huge flow of people.

But in order to leave the young son alone in the car for a short period of time, it is necessary to be able to remotely monitor the situation and ensure that nothing is lost: the temperature and humidity prompts in the car, the remote start or shutdown of the air conditioner, the switch lock, and even the electronic fence on the mobile phone APP are very necessary.

Euler, change the world with "her power"

One of the great advantages of intelligence is that it can solve the different needs of thousands of people, and this feature is particularly important for cars.

"I'm no worse than a male driver when I reverse into the garage, but side parking hasn't been good. And it is particularly prone to fatigue in congested sections. Ms. Li, who lives in Nanjing, is a senior "cat star", and when discussing the topic of female car driving in a well-known domestic car enthusiast forum not long ago, she explained why she chose Euler.

Not only is the problem of side parking, but also the daily painful commute, which is also the key to driving its choice of Euler. For all female motorists, the feeling of exhaustion following the "creeping" of the car in front of them in the slow flow of traffic is inevitable.

To alleviate this pressure, the ADSA (Advanced Driver Assistance System) function is needed.

Euler, change the world with "her power"

In terms of intelligent driving, the Euler brand has the strength not to lose to the current mainstream new energy brands - not only realizes full-speed domain adaptive cruise, provides lane keeping functions, but also supports safety functions such as active braking, road traffic sign recognition, and reversing side warning.

Of course, the Euler brand provides users with an intelligent experience that does not stop at the driving level. Its intelligent voice recognition capability enables drivers to use voice to achieve functions: turn on and off air conditioning, start the radio, search for network music, etc., effectively avoiding the dangers that may be brought about by distracted operation and control during driving.

In fact, among the many Euler car owners, there is no shortage of high-net-worth people. Many people have actually tested many brands when choosing a car, even including some high-end brands with the label of "women-only". But after much deliberation, they all chose Euler and became one of the thousands of "cats".

Euler, change the world with "her power"

With the increasing confidence of modern women, buying a car based on whether it is suitable for them is increasingly becoming the basic principle of women when buying a car. This is like the transformation of women from the old era of "for pleasing themselves" to today's "for pleasing themselves". A car that can truly "please yourself" is an overriding advantage.

On August 5, 133 years ago, Bertha Benz, the wife of the inventor of the automobile, Karl Benz, drove from Mannheim in Baden-Württemberg in southern Germany to Pforzheim in a car developed by her husband and her two children. On a journey of 106 kilometers, they drove for a full 12 hours.

Euler, change the world with "her power"

An oil painting that showcases this great journey

It was a journey of historic significance. Because since then, the car is no longer regarded as a high-end toy or a show tool, but has truly become a means of transportation that can adapt to various road conditions and meet the requirements of long-distance travel.

Amid the roar of the engine, Bertha held the joystick in her hand and drove through bumpy country roads. On both sides stood stunned men and women. "In the history books, it was recorded in this way—at that moment, she believed not only in the car, but also in herself.

Yes, the true birth of the modern automobile was announced by a woman.

Euler, change the world with "her power"

Bertha Mercedes-Benz, the mother of modern motors

Unfortunately, however, such a tool of travel, which was born so closely related to women and would profoundly change human society, was soon monopolized by men. 133 years ago, the female driver Bertha Benz was like a meteor breaking through the sky, brilliant but fleeting.

In the centuries since, although more and more women have mastered driving skills, day after day with their husbands and fathers, safely controlling vehicles, traveling back and forth on the road, and making their own contribution to connecting with the world, the title of "female driver" has been given more and more negative meanings after more than a hundred years.

If it is necessary to say that catering to the needs of female car owners is "eating soft rice", then Euler is to stick to this "soft rice" to the end - 9 months ago, at the moment when the strategy of "the world's most woman-loving car brand" was announced, Euler vowed so.

Of course, creating a brand of "loving the woman the most" does not mean "eating soft rice", in fact, it is only a complete correction of the incorrect values of the entire industry that has lasted for more than a hundred years.

"Build a car for a woman", this slogan has been proposed by many car brands for more than a century, but without exception, history has proved that it is only a slogan. This absurd scene was not declared to an end until the rise of the Euler brand.

Euler, change the world with "her power"

"Look, this is our woman's car!"

At the Wangjing SOHO, a young woman dressed as a student pointed to an Euler black cat on the side of the road and said to the male companion next to her. Holding the steering wheel, the lady in her workplace attire smiled at the young junior Wan'er. Subsequently, she skillfully controlled her car and gracefully merged into the traffic.

This is the recognition of Euler by Chinese women. I believe that in the near future, women will also come from all over the world.

Euler, change the world with "her power"

Cha You yin

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Euler, change the world with "her power"

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Euler, change the world with "her power"
Euler, change the world with "her power"

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