
The real hero of the Republic of China period was once Chiang Kai-shek's martial arts instructor, who slapped the American boxing king to death with one slap

Everyone should have seen a lot of martial arts TV series and martial arts novels, and many of them will be very powerful in martial arts. Of course, we also have people who know martial arts in real life, for example, Huo Yuanjia is not unfamiliar to everyone, we all know that his martial arts are very powerful, once a person can single out many people, today we want to talk about this person and Huo Yuanjia, he was once Chiang Kai-shek's martial arts instructor, known as the last generation of Chinese heroes, his name is called Lü Zijian.

The real hero of the Republic of China period was once Chiang Kai-shek's martial arts instructor, who slapped the American boxing king to death with one slap

Lü Zijian's martial arts attainments are related to his family, Lü Zijian was born in a martial arts family, and his father and mother were both martial arts students. Lü Zijian first learned martial arts with his mother, and he was only seven years old. Lü Zijian was intelligent and talented from an early age, and after a few years of study with his mother, he made great progress, in order to make him go further, his mother let him go to Wudang Mountain to learn art at the age of twelve, and after three years of study, he went to Jiang Ying to learn for three years. Lü Zijian, who had been studying for such a long time, was already very powerful, and then he came out of the mountain?

The real hero of the Republic of China period was once Chiang Kai-shek's martial arts instructor, who slapped the American boxing king to death with one slap

Lü Zijian has always been dissatisfied with his current situation, and he believes that learning is endless. So he kept learning, first to Beijing and then to Mount Emei. Such Lü Zijian studied martial arts for many years before and after, and he later became the third generation of Li Changye of Mount Emei, and the wandering Bagua Serial Palm was also taught to him by Li Changye's housekeeping skills. In addition, Xu Benshan of Wudang Mountain also served as his master. After decades of study, in the later martial arts competition, Lu Zijian, who was only 27 years old, won the championship.

The real hero of the Republic of China period was once Chiang Kai-shek's martial arts instructor, who slapped the American boxing king to death with one slap

Later, Lü Zijian decided to do a big career, to be a generation of martial artists to fight unevenness is something he has dreamed of since he was a child, he wants to help poor people, he wants to fight away bad people. He did a lot of things with martial arts and earned enough face for Chinese. At that time, the Japanese were very rampant in Shanghai, Lü Zijian used his martial arts to fight with Japanese samurai, beating them and fleeing, but the Japanese would not let him go so well, and soon the Japanese began to hunt him down, Lü Zijian escaped with his life, but his wife died at their hands.

The real hero of the Republic of China period was once Chiang Kai-shek's martial arts instructor, who slapped the American boxing king to death with one slap

Lü Zijian's fame was great, and Chiang Kai-shek also heard about this figure, so he invited him to be a guest. Later, Chiang Kai-shek wanted Lü Zijian to stay by his side as a dart master, and also gave him a position, that is, the chief instructor of the major general Guoshu, Lü Zijian also became Chiang Kai-shek's martial arts instructor, teaching Chiang Kai-shek a lot of martial arts. Later, there was a very powerful person in the United States, who was said to be a well-known figure in the American boxing world, and he was the boss. The boxer was very proud, and he not only provoked Chinese, but also said that no one in China could beat him. As soon as this remark came out, Lü Zijian was the first to be unhappy. As a Chinese, he very much wanted to justify Chinese. So Lü Zijian found Chiang Kai-shek, hoping to compete with this boxing king, Chiang Kai-shek was unwilling and did not want to have some conflicts with the Americans, but this boxing king became more and more arrogant, so Chiang Kai-shek agreed.

The real hero of the Republic of China period was once Chiang Kai-shek's martial arts instructor, who slapped the American boxing king to death with one slap

Lü Zijian and the American boxing king signed a life and death certificate before the competition, before the competition, there were many people to dissuade Lü Zijian, saying not to be too impulsive, this boxing king is really powerful, if you are not careful, you may lose your life, Lü Zijian just smiled, how can people with strength be afraid of these? The result was also expected by Lü Zijian, he not only won, but also won very easily.

After this boxing king received a punch from Lü Zijian, a mouthful of black blood spewed out, and he actually fell to the ground and lost his life. This incident made the Boxing King's General Sima Sher very angry, but what could he do, the two of them signed a life and death certificate, and Marshall had nowhere to vent his anger. However, in order to give an explanation, Lü Zijian's position as major general was still removed.

The real hero of the Republic of China period was once Chiang Kai-shek's martial arts instructor, who slapped the American boxing king to death with one slap

Lü Zijian, a great hero, lived to the age of one hundred and eighteen, which can be said to be a very long-lived person, which also has a lot to do with his continuous study of martial arts throughout his life. His life was full of ups and downs, wonderful and varied, whether it was in the early days when he had been learning martial arts, being diligent and endless, or later practicing chivalry and righteousness, eliminating violence and peace, he upheld his own nature, kindness and full of justice, and later after escaping the disaster of the Japanese under the japanese, he also loved the motherland and tried everything to win glory for the country.

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