
"Refuse to surrender, annihilate on the spot!" The New Fourth Army was demoted

There is a plot in the TV series "Bright Sword" that is very impressive.

After the unconditional surrender of the Japanese army invading China, Chiang Kai-shek ordered the Japanese army to surrender to the nearby Nationalist army, but at the same time ordered the Eighth Route Army and the New Fourth Army to stand by. Li Yunlong did not do it, the War of Resistance against Japanese Aggression for so many years, the battle was not less fought, the blood was not less shed, and besides, the independent regiment belonged to the 18th Group Army, and the good villains were also in the sequence of the National Revolutionary Army, so why were they not eligible to be surrendered?

"Refuse to surrender, annihilate on the spot!" The New Fourth Army was demoted

Therefore, Zhang Dabiao led people to ambush Chu Yunfei's surrendered troops, stripped them of their clothes, and he and his soldiers put on the costumes of the Jin Sui Army, disguised themselves, and drove into the Maguan stronghold in a mighty way.

The Japanese troops at the Maguan stronghold had finished their march under the leadership of Ishikawa Shosa, and the weapons, ammunition, and various materials had been neatly stacked, waiting for the surrendered troops to come and receive them. Ishikawa Shosa did not understand at all, the other party was obviously wearing the uniform of the Jin Sui Army, but Zhang Dabiao showed that he was from the independent regiment of the 386 Brigade and did not hide it at all.

Fortunately, the Japanese army did not mind at all, and was willing to surrender to the independent regiment of the Eighth Route Army. This Japanese army unit had fought with Li Yunlong and surrendered to such a unit as the Independent Regiment of the Eighth Route Army, and it was not shameful!

"Refuse to surrender, annihilate on the spot!" The New Fourth Army was demoted

In fact, Zhang Dabiao's heart in wearing the military uniform of the Jin Sui Army was also twisted, and he scolded in his mouth: "I knew this earlier, and we also saved ourselves from taking off our pants and farting!" ”

The New Fourth Army, which is also an army led by the Ccp, has also encountered such embarrassment. Chiang Kai-shek also did not allow the New Fourth Army to accept the surrender of the Japanese army, and even demanded that the Japanese and puppet armies maintain social order on the spot and resist the surrender to the New Fourth Army. In the face of fruitless negotiations and protests, the New Fourth Army resolutely broke through Chiang Kai-shek's arbitrary and unreasonable restrictions and took military action of surrendering on its own.

In October 1945, the 1st Column 3rd Brigade of the Shandong Field Army suddenly received an urgent telegram from the central authorities: "The original task was cancelled, and you rushed to Jinpu Road to intercept the Japanese Watanabe Brigade that was about to go to Jinan to surrender to the Kuomintang, and forced them to surrender." The previous task of the 1st Column 3rd Brigade was to cross the Bohai Bay to the northeast.

By January 1946, in accordance with the unified deployment of the central authorities, the 2nd and 3rd Brigades of the 1st Column of the New Fourth Army and the troops of the Lunan and Luzhong Military Regions were ordered to arrive at designated locations and make various preparations for forcing the Watian Brigade to surrender.

"Refuse to surrender, annihilate on the spot!" The New Fourth Army was demoted

The Wata Brigade consisted of 6 garrison infantry brigades with a total of more than 4,000 Japanese troops, and had been entrenched in the railway station of the Yanzhou-Tai'an section and the "Huafeng Coal Mine", and the brigade commander was called Wada Takagen.

On January 10, Commander Chen Yi instructed that in order to protect the Huafeng Coal Mine, the largest coal mine in the Luzhong Mountains, it was necessary to first let Watian Longgen go north, then intercept it on the way, and eat it several times.

The 1st Column 3rd Brigade was ordered to rush south, and on the 13th, 60 Japanese troops at Honggou Railway Station were forced to lay down their weapons; on the 15th, 30 Japanese troops in Zhujiabu surrendered their weapons. The 8th Regiment built fortifications on the railway line north of the East Taiping Railway Station, ready to intercept the enemy advancing north.

On the afternoon of the 19th, a certain company of the 8th Regiment intercepted a train full of Japanese troops, and a Japanese officer on the train explained that they were the 6th Brigade of the Watian Brigade regiment and were ordered to go to the "Huafeng Coal Mine" to concentrate and ask the New Fourth Army to give way.

"Refuse to surrender, annihilate on the spot!" The New Fourth Army was demoted

Commander Cai of the 8th Regiment ordered his troops to seize the heights on both sides of the railway and surround the trains tightly, and at the same time sent a chief of staff to inform the Japanese army: As long as you surrender unconditionally, the New Fourth Army will ensure the safety of your personal and personal belongings, and ask the Japanese commander to come to negotiate.

The commander of the 6th Brigade came with an interpreter, and he said with a helpless look: "I have not received orders from the brigade commander, so I have no right to surrender to your army without authorization."

Commander Cai scolded loudly, "We are on the orders of Commander-in-Chief Zhu De to accept your surrender!" If you accept surrender, we will treat you as prisoners of war, otherwise you will be our enemy! ”

"But... Our brigade commander..." The japanese brigade commander was obviously weak-hearted, unable to utter a complete sentence, and his eyes fluttered as he meowed the soldiers of the New Fourth Army loaded with guns on both sides of the train.

"Give you 3 minutes to think about it, don't you miss the times!" Commander Cai looked at his pocket watch and said.

Deputy Regiment Commander Chen Changsheng was a cannon barrel temper, he waited patiently for a while, seeing that the devil looked nervous, wiped the sweat on his forehead from time to time, or looked embarrassed, Chen Changsheng couldn't hold back, angrily stared at the devil's captain, smashed on the table with one slap, and shook the teacup and jumped up: "If you dare to refuse to surrender, we will destroy you!" ”

The Japanese captain was startled, and he sighed helplessly and said, "Well, I will now order the whole brigade to surrender to your army!" Please be sure to keep our lives safe, please. ”

"Refuse to surrender, annihilate on the spot!" The New Fourth Army was demoted

He wrote an order to the interpreter to read it out in each carriage. After a while, hundreds of Japanese soldiers stepped out of the carriages with their bare hands and lined up on one side of the train. The last few soldiers who got off the train carried the yellow-green military blanket and spread it on the snow along the train, and dozens of other soldiers got on the train to carry all the guns and ammunition under the car, neatly arranged on the military carpet, and every 3 guns were put together into a triangular bracket and placed on the ground.

After counting, the New Fourth Army received more than 300 Japanese "three-eight large covers, 8 pistols, more than 30,000 rounds of ammunition, and more than 500 grenades."

The Japanese brigade commander ran to commander Cai, and after performing the military salute, he held the roster and the list of all weapons in both hands and handed it to Commander Cai, and then read out the surrender words: "A total of 500 people from the sixth brigade of the independent security infantry brigade of the Watian Brigade surrendered to your army." Submit the roster of officers and men and the list of weapons, please accept your army! ”

"Refuse to surrender, annihilate on the spot!" The New Fourth Army was demoted

The 8th Regiment successfully completed the task of accepting the surrender of the 6th Brigade. At the East Taiping Station, Wata also concentrated more than 40 wagons of ordnance materials, which was their main equipment. Our 1st Column 2nd Brigade had already surrounded and controlled its regiment, waiting for instructions from its superiors.

Ye Fei, commander of the 1st Column, sent Feng Shaobai, deputy chief of staff of the 2nd Brigade, into the "Huafeng Coal Mine" to negotiate with Watian, and Deputy Chief of Staff Feng clearly told him that the New Fourth Army had the right to surrender, and said: "According to the Potsdam Proclamation, you should have surrendered to the New Fourth Army long ago, and if you refuse to surrender, it is in accordance with international law that we annihilate you on the spot!" ”

Seeing that the New Fourth Army was so strong, Wada had to hand over its heavy equipment to the New Fourth Army. However, Wada played a trick, handing over heavy equipment to the New Fourth Army, while taking advantage of the night to load a large number of light weapons into dozens of large trucks, and drove away.

"Refuse to surrender, annihilate on the spot!" The New Fourth Army was demoted

Commander Chen Yi ordered Ye Fei's 2nd Brigade to quickly catch up. The soldiers crossed the mountains and cut the trails, suffering so much that they finally saw the Japanese convoy on the road on the other side of the Dawen River at dawn the next day.

Ye Fei decisively issued the order: "Wade across the river!" The warriors ignored the cold weather and the cold water, gritted their teeth and waded across the river, and finally caught up with the Watian troops in Tai'annan.

In fact, when Commander Chen gave the 2nd Brigade an order to pursue the Wata force, he also ordered the 3rd Brigade to go south along the road to intercept it, so that even if the 2nd Brigade did not catch up, it would be intercepted by the troops of the 3rd Brigade going south.

Feng Shaobai rushed to the scene to negotiate with Watian again.

This time, although Deputy Chief of Staff Feng's attitude toward Watian was still reasonable and restrained, his tone was obviously much harsher, and after some persuasion, he said sharply to Watian: "If you are obstinate and still refuse to surrender, I will order you to be annihilated on the spot!" ”

At this time, Wada was in a canyon, with mountains on three sides and a blockade before and after, and Wada helplessly admitted to "instigation" and obediently handed over all his weapons and ammunition.

"Refuse to surrender, annihilate on the spot!" The New Fourth Army was demoted

The weapons and ammunition handed over by the Japanese were neatly stacked on the snow-covered road, and it took a lot of time for the commanders and fighters of the 2nd Brigade to count them.

Ye Fei saw that the warriors who had crossed the river were still wet, and asked the warriors with concern: "Is it cold or not, go to the fire and bake clothes." ”

Some warriors replied happily, "It's not cold, I've caught the devil, and it's too late to be happy!" ”

Another soldier quipped: "Don't hide from the chief, I have never seen so many guns, so many bullets, this time I can open my eyes, my old gun can finally 'eat'."

On this mission, the 1st Column 2nd and 3rd Brigades seized the Japanese Watian Brigade before the Kuomintang army, and a total of more than 4,000 Japanese troops were surrendered, receiving countless equipment and materials, and the whole process did not shoot a single shot.

Our New Fourth Army broke Chiang Kai-shek's "ban," defended the hard-won fruits of victory, and once again defended the sacred dignity of the New Fourth Army.

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