
Illegal Mining in Coal Mines "Resurgence" the Office of the State Council Safety Commission and the Ministry of Emergency Management emphasized that they should be investigated and dealt with together

Beijing, 16 Dec (China Youth Daily) -- A reporter learned from the Ministry of Emergency Management that this afternoon, the Office of the State Council Safety Committee and the Ministry of Emergency Management held a national video conference to make solid arrangements for safety precautions at the end of the year and the beginning of the year. The meeting stressed that it is necessary to deeply absorb the lessons of recent accidents, further strengthen the implementation of safety responsibility measures in coal mines and key industries, effectively prevent and resolve major safety risks, and ensure the stability of the safety situation at the end of the year and the beginning of the year.

The meeting pointed out that since the beginning of this year, there have been many major mining accidents throughout the country, and the safety situation is very grim. In particular, the current demand for coal is large, all localities are making every effort to ensure supply, and under the joint pull of volume and price, the illegal illegal mining dens that were almost extinct before have resurrected. A water leakage accident in Duxigou Village, Xixinzhuang Town, Xiaoyi City, Shanxi Province, due to coal theft is a typical example. The relevant departments of all coal-producing provinces should earnestly shoulder their responsibilities, quickly organize and carry out special rectification of cracking down on illegal mining of mineral resources, comprehensively and deeply investigate and investigate the illegal mining of private mining, waiting for customs and mining, waiting for construction to be mined, resurging after closure, stopping production and rectifying illegal mining, as well as the early entry into production of technologically modified coal mines that do not have safety conditions, and the production of coal in normal production mines beyond the authorized capacity. Where it is discovered that public employees have derelicted their duties or even served as "protective umbrellas," relevant clues should be promptly transferred to the discipline inspection and supervision departments for serious accountability and accountability.

At the same time, it is necessary to take multiple measures to carry out comprehensive rectification at the same time, and relevant departments should establish information sharing and joint law enforcement mechanisms, extensively mobilize mass reports, severely crack down on illegal illegal mining, and must not let them be in the blind spot of supervision and long-term impunity. All localities and departments should accurately control illegal overproduction, make overall plans for development and safety, correctly handle the relationship between safety and supply assurance, scientifically and rationally approve production capacity, release high-quality production capacity in an orderly manner, and ensure supply and supply safely and steadily; all relevant departments should implement classified and accurate supervision and supervision, strictly enforce the law and never be soft on coal mines with super-authorized capacity and illegal coal mines; all kinds of coal enterprises should strictly implement the main responsibility for safe production, and central enterprises and local state-owned enterprises should take the lead and set an example.

Illegal Mining in Coal Mines "Resurgence" the Office of the State Council Safety Commission and the Ministry of Emergency Management emphasized that they should be investigated and dealt with together

Shanxi Xiaoyi coal accident rescue site. Image source: Visual China

The meeting stressed that while doing a good job in the safe production of coal mines, it is necessary to accurately study and judge and accurately grasp various safety risks in view of the characteristics of the end of the year and the beginning of the year and the festival, learn from each other, and keep a close eye on the safety precautions in key areas and key industries. These include doing a good job in the safety of non-coal mines, strictly controlling the safety of dangerous chemicals and fireworks, increasing the intensity of fire safety governance, strengthening the joint law enforcement of key means of transportation such as "two passengers, one dangerous and one cargo", and paying close attention to the investigation and rectification of urban gas safety.

In addition, the meeting also demanded that we should unremittingly and effectively respond to natural disasters in winter, give timely early warning and strengthen targeted prevention, and do a good job in preparing for disaster rescue and rescue such as rain, snow and ice and winter disaster relief and relief work.

Source: China Youth Daily client

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