
How can elderly people with hypertension care at home? Do these 3 points well, and the blood pressure may be stable

The number of deaths caused by heart, brain and kidney diseases induced by hypertension in China is about 12 million every year, which seriously threatens the safety of patients' lives and is known as "silent killer". The elderly population is a high-incidence group of hypertension, usually do not need hospitalization, more at home medication treatment, so home care for patients with hypertension is particularly important. So how do elderly patients with hypertension care at home? Let's take a look.

How can elderly people with hypertension care at home? Do these 3 points well, and the blood pressure may be stable

1. Standardized medication

Taking medication when hypertension is severe is one of the common misunderstandings of taking medication. Patients should follow the doctor's instructions to improve the compliance of drugs, and patients should standardize the use of drugs without interruption. Intermittent medication is not conducive to blood pressure stability, and may also lead to a substantial increase in blood pressure in a short period of time, inducing other diseases. Therefore, patients must adhere to long-term medication.

For patients with low attention to hypertension, family members should supervise their medication, strengthen the knowledge of hypertensive diseases, and fully realize the danger of hypertension. When you get up, go to bed, and after eating, put the medication in a prominent position. Family members can also use larger font labels that indicate the dosage and duration of medication to facilitate memories in the elderly.

How can elderly people with hypertension care at home? Do these 3 points well, and the blood pressure may be stable

2. Measure blood pressure regularly

The symptoms of pre-hypertension are not obvious, some hypertensive patients have insufficient understanding of the characteristics, self-awareness is not strong, only occasionally find physiological hypertension, such patients are more likely to ignore the disease.

Critical hypertension refers to the fact that the blood pressure value is between normal blood pressure and confirmed hypertension, and there are no obvious symptoms for the diagnosis of hypertension. However, critical hypertension is more harmful to the body and the fatality rate is high, so it must be paid attention to, blood pressure should be measured regularly, and asymptomatic hypertension should be detected early. Especially in people at high risk of hypertension, such as the elderly and people with a family history of hypertension, obese people should appropriately increase the number of measurements.

Elderly patients with hypertension should go to the hospital at least once a month to review and inform the doctor of the self-recorded blood pressure test results, which will help the doctor to diagnose the clinical diagnosis of the disease and adopt reasonable treatment measures.

How can elderly people with hypertension care at home? Do these 3 points well, and the blood pressure may be stable

3. Pay attention to diet

The results of relevant studies show that salt intake is positively proportional to the incidence of hypertension. The World Health Organization points out that the daily salt intake per person should be controlled at 3 to 5 g to effectively prevent hypertension, especially in people with a genetic history of hypertension, and the salt intake should be maintained at 2 to 3 g/ day. In fact, the sodium contained in salt is the real culprit that induces high blood pressure, sodium is not only derived from salt, but also contains a certain amount of "sodium" in pickles, meat products, snacks, soy products, etc. that are often consumed in daily life. Therefore, to prevent high blood pressure, it is not only necessary to control the intake of salt, but also to reduce the consumption of foods with high sodium content. Improve the diet structure, mainly cereals, maintain the diversity of food, eat more fruits, vegetables, etc., and avoid eating too many foods with high cholesterol.

How can elderly people with hypertension care at home? Do these 3 points well, and the blood pressure may be stable

4. Develop good living habits

Smoking and drinking alcohol are an important factor in the increase in blood pressure, and smoking a cigarette raises blood pressure by about 3.33kpa (25mmHg). When smoke burns, local high temperatures produce chemical reactions that produce harmful substances entering the bloodstream and inducing high blood pressure. For example, when nicotine enters the bloodstream, it can lead to an increase in adrenaline, causing arterioles to contract. In the long run, it can lead to degeneration of arterial walls, hardening, and luminal stenosis, increasing the incidence of hypertension.

How can elderly people with hypertension care at home? Do these 3 points well, and the blood pressure may be stable

5. Weight control

Excessive weight will increase the burden on the body, especially the elderly, metabolic function decline, more prone to obesity, life should pay attention to weight control. The incidence of hypertension in obese patients is 2 to 6 times that of the average person. In clinical treatment, it was found that obese patients lost weight and hypertension also decreased. Relevant scholars have followed up on patients with hypertension for 5 years, and the study found that the patient's weight loss reduced the amount of drugs taken, and even some patients no longer relied on drugs to treat high blood pressure after losing weight. Controlling your diet and increasing your exercise is a great way to control your weight.

How can elderly people with hypertension care at home? Do these 3 points well, and the blood pressure may be stable

6. Exercise in moderation

Lack of physical activity can lead to fat accumulation, weight gain, and increased blood pressure. Physical exercise not only helps people to be physically healthy, but also relaxes their spirits and avoids being in a state of mental tension. Jogging, walking, and swimming can all help prevent high blood pressure, but care should be taken to avoid strenuous exercise. The elderly should pay attention to the appropriate amount of exercise to avoid excessive and damage to the body.

How can elderly people with hypertension care at home? Do these 3 points well, and the blood pressure may be stable

Hypertension is one of the culprits that induce cardiovascular and cerebrovascular diseases, and the fatality rate of cardiovascular and cerebrovascular diseases is very high. Therefore, the prevention and treatment of hypertension is of great significance for the prevention and treatment of cardiovascular and cerebrovascular diseases. The elderly are a special group, although most patients do not need to be hospitalized, but must pay attention to self-care at home to improve the quality of life of the elderly.

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