
Sichuan McDonald's: A leader in food safety, providing safe and high-quality food

2021 is coming to an end, this year is affected by the epidemic, the catering business environment has changed drastically, and the market has presented a situation of ice and fire: many merchants are difficult to sustain, store closures and layoffs, and a number of brands are aiming at the opportunity to take advantage of the rise. 2022 is coming, how To seize the industry outlet under the unpredictable market competition, innovate and change while ensuring food safety, is particularly important for catering brands.

Sichuan McDonald's: A leader in food safety, providing safe and high-quality food

On the afternoon of December 16, the 12th (2021) Sichuan Internet + Catering Summit was held at the Hilton Chengdu Hotel. The summit brought together catering brands, catering Internet brands, catering supply chains and other partners to discuss the practice path of digital intelligence of catering enterprises and talk about the digital wisdom future of the catering industry.

"McDonald's is more than just a restaurant," this phrase precisely encompasses McDonald's philosophy. McDonald's thousands of stores can provide high-quality, delicious and safe food for many consumers for a long time, relying on a complete and thorough food safety management system. At the summit site, Lu Hongming, general manager of McDonald's Sichuan market, shared the "McDonald's Food Safety Journey" to the guests.

Sichuan McDonald's: A leader in food safety, providing safe and high-quality food

Be a food safety leader

Provide safe and high-quality food

According to Lu Hongming, McDonald's vision for food safety has always been committed to becoming a food safety leader highly recognized by customers, suppliers and public health social groups, as well as a food safety brand fully trusted by customers. McDonald's' mission has also been to always provide customers with safe and high-quality food. The contribution of the supply chain to the McDonald's system does not stop at the safe and delicious and value-added supply of products.

Sichuan McDonald's: A leader in food safety, providing safe and high-quality food

The most important value that McDonald's supply chain brings to the system is to continuously improve competitive advantage and create long-term wealth. The focus is on competitiveness and long-term sustainability, the most basic value of the supply chain is of course to provide the system with adequate, safe, high-quality food and packaging, at the same time, through commodity risk locking, long-term price negotiation mechanism, etc., so that McDonald's has the ability to maintain predictable and competitive prices, to ensure that menu prices do not fluctuate frequently, and finally add to continuous innovation, especially in products, technology, and processes to continuously improve efficiency.

"Three Great Forces"

Ensure the success of McDonald's supply chain

The success of McDonald's supply chain is inseparable from three major forces: partner power, system power and quality force. Partner Power, McDonald's "Three-Legged Stool Partnership." The three-legged stool partnership is the foundation of McDonald's culture, and the other two "good" partners are the operator/franchisee of a McDonald's restaurant and a supplier of McDonald's. In the three-legged stool partnership, every member is expected to think and act for the long-term interests of the system and the group, and McDonald's advocates common development with suppliers to promote win-win results.

Sichuan McDonald's: A leader in food safety, providing safe and high-quality food

It is understood that McDonald's has many international suppliers, these suppliers in their daily work, can concentrate global resources, apply to the local market, while combining the actual situation and needs of the local market, to provide consumers with the best dining experience. Taking McDonald's fries as an example, to make McDonald's fries, the right potato varieties are needed, but initially no suitable potatoes were found in China. However, McDonald's supplier Simplo entered China five years earlier than McDonald's, only to cultivate the potato varieties required for McDonald's golden fries, and went through a long process of potato variety breeding and planting, and finally planted potato varieties that met McDonald's requirements. McDonald's China needs 500 million potatoes a year, and one potato, at least three years to cultivate. McDonald's China has cultivated "sleeping beauties" who prefer a suitable temperature and humidity, cool and light-sheltered environment. The harvested potatoes are then peeled in the "sauna" and cut by water to form standard shape gold medal fries.

Quality, service, cleanliness, great value for money

McDonald's business philosophy

McDonald's commitment to food safety and quality is why McDonald's is loved and patronized by customers from all over the world, and is the cornerstone of McDonald's success. McDonald's business philosophy is "QSCV", which is quality, service, cleanliness and value for money.

First of all, McDonald's provides customers and employees with a safe and secure dining environment, during the epidemic, McDonald's also took the lead in launching a contactless meal pick-up service; McDonald's has a standardized food safety system, such as a food safety management system, an evaluation system, and also listens to the voice of customers. McDonald's operations are based on a common combination of systems that achieve the overall goal. These systems were established after a thorough analysis of the most frequently performed activities performed by McDonald's restaurant managers and employees.

Sichuan McDonald's: A leader in food safety, providing safe and high-quality food

McDonald's regularly conducts food safety training and appraisal for employees, requiring 100% completion. The food safety assessment system includes daily food safety inspections, monthly food safety internal inspections, and annual food safety external inspections. McDonald's will use professional research tools to analyze customer feedback to achieve improvement.

Sichuan McDonald's: A leader in food safety, providing safe and high-quality food

It is reported that the 12th (2021) Sichuan Internet + Catering Summit of "Gathering Momentum to Break the Situation and Wisdom Collar 'Taste' to Come" is guided by the Sichuan Provincial Department of Commerce, the Sichuan Federation of Industry and Commerce, the Sichuan Daily Newspaper Group, the cover news, the West China Metropolis Daily, Chengdu Faner, Tianhu Technology, Sichuan Food Search, the Chengdu Restaurant Association co-sponsored, the huge engine West China Local Direct Operation Center, Alibaba Local Life, Lenovo Southwest Region to provide support for the event.

Cover News Han Jianwen

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