
After having a relationship with someone outside of marriage, minimizing the harm is the best way to deal with it

author:Marriage and love expert Wei Tingting
Zhang Xiaoxian said: "Love, if you don't let the other party see the most beautiful side of you, is the ugliest side; and marriage, but let the other party see the most real side of you." ”

During the relationship, two people will each show their best side. If you want this love to have a good ending, each other will definitely treat this relationship with the most loyal attitude.

However, when two people get married and become husband and wife, it seems to become lazy, and even the loyalty that was valued most in the past has become something that can be challenged at will.

Whether on the screen or in real life, betrayal of marriage has become a common thing. No matter how perfect the marriage is in the eyes of others, how good the other half is, it seems that there is no guarantee of the integrity of the marriage.

After having a relationship with someone outside of marriage, minimizing the harm is the best way to deal with it

Remember that in the TV series "Thirty Only", Gu Jia and Xu Huanshan were originally a good couple, one was young and promising, and had a successful career; although the other was a full-time wife in the eyes of others, she could also run a good company while taking care of her family, and she was also a very perfect full-time wife.

For this family, Gu Jia has made a lot of efforts. But when she thought that her marriage was very happy, she ushered in Xu Huanshan's betrayal. And Xu Huanshan? In fact, he had always loved Gu Jia in his heart, but because he did not get the girlish adoration and admiration on Gu Jia, he quickly fell after Lin Youyou appeared.

In fact, after the betrayal occurred, Xu Huanshan also regretted it and wanted to end this extramarital relationship many times.

However, under the attack of Lin Youyou, until finally Gu Jia knew about this matter, Xu Huanshan did not handle this relationship well. If he can be decisive and see the reality early, he will not end up with a loss of marriage and career.

After having a relationship with someone outside of marriage, minimizing the harm is the best way to deal with it

Although this kind of thing is seen from the screen, in real life, the same type of thing is not a minority. Some people obviously have a very stable family, but they betrayed their marriage because of their own impulsiveness.

After the betrayal occurs, it is either because of his own indecision or because he is immersed in it and cannot extricate himself, and finally let this hurt more and more.

For this kind of betrayal of marriage, although we can't change this fact, as long as we don't plan to give up our marriage, we must decisively solve the problem, rather than being immersed in it all the time and unwilling to make a choice.

After having a relationship with someone outside of marriage, minimizing the harm is the best way to deal with it
Gibran once said: "Marriage is two strong people who love each other in the same boat, in order to overcome the ups and downs of the journey of time together." ”

Since marriage has been chosen, the husband and wife should work together to manage the marriage well. Instead of reaching a certain stage, it began to let go of itself and was unwilling to take the initiative to restrain itself, thus betraying the marriage and bringing different degrees of harm to many people.

Therefore, if we have a relationship with someone outside of marriage, even if we can't change this fact, we must know that minimizing the harm is the best way to deal with it.

So, after betraying the marriage, what should be done, is the best way to deal with it?

After having a relationship with someone outside of marriage, minimizing the harm is the best way to deal with it

First of all, we must maintain our sanity and recognize the seriousness of the situation.

A person who betrays a marriage can solve all problems by saying "I met true love outside of marriage" without saying a word. If it is true love, it is possible to choose this true love after ending their marriage, rather than bringing harm to the family in a betrayal way.

There has been a betrayal of the marriage, hurting not only the other half, but also the children, as well as the parents of both sides. If you are not willing to solve the problem in time and let this matter continue to develop, even you will regret such an act in the end. It's just that by then, everything is irretrievable.

When we have a relationship with someone outside of marriage, we must first realize the seriousness of the matter. If we are not willing to give up the relationship, we can foresee the consequences of the matter in advance.

Paper can never contain fire, it is only a matter of time. Even if you have always carried the psychology of luck, sooner or later, things will be revealed.

After having a relationship with someone outside of marriage, minimizing the harm is the best way to deal with it

Second, stop the loss in time and cut off contact with people outside the marriage as soon as possible.

Schopenhauer said: "Marriage means dividing personal rights equally and assuming double obligations." ”

Since we have chosen marriage, in marriage, we should assume our responsibilities and obligations and be the most basic fidelity to marriage. Even if you have some thoughts in your heart, you must control your thoughts and maintain your marriage well. Instead of letting go of the ego and ignoring marriage and family.

If we have a relationship with someone else, after the incident, we should also wake up in time and realize our mistakes, so as to reduce the harm of this matter.

After having a relationship with someone outside of marriage, minimizing the harm is the best way to deal with it

Generally speaking, the sooner such a thing is resolved, the less damage will be caused to everyone. The longer it drags on, the final damage must be difficult to estimate.

Therefore, the best way is to stop the loss in time, completely cut off contact with people outside the marriage, and return to their own life trajectory.

Finally, use this mistake to wake yourself up, put an end to such things from happening in the future, and run your own family well.

Bai Yang said: "Married people, half-open eyes and half-closed eyes, there is no perfect man or woman in the world, if the eyes are open for too long, or with the mirror of the demon for too long, I am afraid that even God can pick out the faults." ”
After having a relationship with someone outside of marriage, minimizing the harm is the best way to deal with it

When the marriage reaches a certain stage, it will return to plain. Couples have been together for a long time, and it is common for feelings to get tired. But we can't do something that betrays the marriage because of the circumstances.

A person who is responsible for the marriage and is loyal to the other half, even if the couple's feelings are flat, will accept this reality and continue the marriage well, rather than thinking about finding something new outside the marriage.

If there is a case of betrayal of marriage, after choosing to return to the family, you must be at ease to keep your home. Use this mistake to warn yourself not to challenge the bottom line of the other half again and do something that hurts people.

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