
After the fall of the Qing Dynasty, why did Outer Mongolia want independence? Where does his confidence come from?

As a nomadic people in northern China, the Mongols have always been a major problem for the Central Plains Dynasty. Until the Qing Dynasty, the Mongolian problem was completely solved, and the northern border of the Qing Dynasty was also in a relatively stable situation. But another enemy appeared in the north of the Qing Dynasty, and he was Tsarist Russia. The emergence of Tsarist Russia made it necessary for the Qing Dynasty to take it seriously. As a colonial power in the West, it has a strong aggressiveness. In the first and middle periods, the Qing Dynasty, with its strong strength, was able to suppress the chaos of Tsarist Russia. Until the later period, the decline of the Qing Dynasty, Tsarist Russia took the opportunity to invade and seize a large amount of Territory in China. With the development of history, the time for the fall of the Qing Dynasty is also approaching. The declining and incompetent Qing government was doomed to be overthrown. On February 12, 1912, the Qing court announced its abdication and the Qing Dynasty came to an end.

After the fall of the Qing Dynasty, why did Outer Mongolia want independence? Where does his confidence come from?

At the time of the Xinhai Revolution, the Mongols in the north were also stirring, especially In Outer Mongolia. Under the coercion and inducement of Tsarist Russia, on December 28, 1911, Outer Mongolia urgently declared independence, which was opposed by the Provisional Government. Independence was abolished in 1915 and independence again in 1921. With the intervention of Tsarist Russia, Outer Mongolia was given an umbrella. At the time of the change of power in Russia, Outer Mongolia was taken back by the Beiyang government, but for a short time. As the Beiyang warlords withdrew their forces here, participated in the struggle for power in the Central Plains, and added to the Soviet Union's "protection" of Mongolia, he finally chose independence. Judging from the situation at that time, Outer Mongolia also deliberately chose independence. What made Outer Mongolia choose to break away from China?

After the fall of the Qing Dynasty, why did Outer Mongolia want independence? Where does his confidence come from?

In addition to soviet support and assistance, the main thing was the rise of Mongol nationalism. After the fall of the Qing Dynasty, many movements broke out in Mongolia, which threatened the stability of the Republic of China and the unity of the country, and made it impossible for the Republic of China to inherit the legitimacy of all the territory of the Qing Dynasty. Tsarist Russia instigated the defection of the Mongol princes and nobles, and even more instigated the contradictions between the Mongols and other nationalities, further aggravating the contradictions between the nationalities. When Outer Mongolia broke away, he declared that he had been abused by the Qing Dynasty and suffered unspeakably, and now that the Qing Dynasty was destroyed, he declared himself on his own.

After the fall of the Qing Dynasty, why did Outer Mongolia want independence? Where does his confidence come from?

And the central government sent a telegram to Outer Mongolia: Outer Mongolia is the same as the Chinese nation, for hundreds of years, shaped like a family, each Mongolia and the Han Realm, lips and death are interdependent, the combination is two benefits, and the separation is two injuries. However, Outer Mongolia still ignored the telegrams of the central authorities and tried to win Inner Mongolia together to resist. At his instigation, Inner Mongolia successively had thirty-five flags echoing it. Later, under the benefits and suppression given by the Beiyang government, Inner Mongolia returned to calm. But Outer Mongolia did not, and still chose to break away. After the awakening of nationalism, Outer Mongolia was not so easy to control. With the support of Tsarist Russia and the fact that they did not want to be ruled by the Han Chinese, they had a huge sense of detachment. In the following years, Outer Mongolia was pit by Tsarist Russia and could not develop, he wanted to come back, and finally was taken back by the Beiyang government.

After the fall of the Qing Dynasty, why did Outer Mongolia want independence? Where does his confidence come from?

Judging from Outer Mongolia's opposition to a democratic republic, Outer Mongolia was particularly disgusted by the Xinhai Revolution, which raised the slogan of expelling the Tartars, which made the Mongols very vigilant. This involves the interests of ethnic minorities, who fear that the re-establishment of the Han regime will bring them oppression, which also makes them feel detached. In the face of the opposition of ethnic minorities, a five-ethnic republic later emerged. This reduced the concerns of the Mongols, after all, there were Mongols in the Republic of the Five Tribes. After the abdication of the Qing court, the Republic of Five ethnic groups became the policy of the Republic of China to govern the country. The title "Chinese nation" also appeared at this time.

Proceeding from their own national interests, the princes and nobles of Outer Mongolia were worried that they would not be able to obtain their own interests. The Qing Dynasty was able to rule the Mongol region for such a long time, in addition to the Manchu-Mongolian marriage, it also gave great benefits to these princes and nobles, who although they had no real power, but they were in a prominent position and could obtain a large amount of property. If they change the rulers, these will be lost, so they naturally want to get rid of it. And Outer Mongolia dared to break away from China, and his greatest confidence came from the support of Tsarist Russia. Because of Tsarist support and threats to Outer Mongolia, Outer Mongolia finally chose this path.

After the fall of the Qing Dynasty, why did Outer Mongolia want independence? Where does his confidence come from?

As the situation of warlord division in the Central Plains became more and more intense, the rule of Outer Mongolia was not very attentive, and they were busy competing for territory, which also allowed Russia to take the opportunity to invade Outer Mongolia, and Russia and the princes and nobles of Outer Mongolia colluded with each other, making Outer Mongolia break away from China. After the end of World War II, the Soviet Union tried to preserve the independence of Outer Mongolia. Although Outer Mongolia gained independence, its development today is not ideal. Only because the geographical location is a relatively poor country, surrounded by China and Russia, the entry and exit must be agreed by one party. From a security point of view, he is the safest, after all, he is protected by China and Russia. The future of Outer Mongolia is uncertain.

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