
Flutter | A woman's love and growth during the American Civil War

author:A book of word clouds
Flutter | A woman's love and growth during the American Civil War

American writer Margaret Mitchell

Dear readers and friends, hello, today is the 55th issue, word cloud accompanies you every day.

In this issue, we continue to launch the "World's Top Ten Masterpieces" series of word clouds, "Gone with the Wind" is the tenth famous book, which is the last article in the series.

I believe that many friends are familiar with "Gone with the Wind" and its adaptation of "Gone with the Wind" - Brad and Scarlett played by Clark Gable and Vivien Leigh have become eternal classics in the hearts of movie fans.

The novel is based on the history of the American Civil War and post-war reconstruction, and vividly reproduces the social life of the people in the South before and after the American Civil War by depicting the love entanglement and life pursuit of the protagonist Scarlett.

Without further ado, relive the classics with the word cloud.

Flutter | A woman's love and growth during the American Civil War



Margaret Mitchell

Age or nationality

United States, early 20th century


Literature, international literature, novels

This issue of Word Cloud is based on the picture of Scarlett and Brider hugging each other in the movie as a reference. Red is shown wearing a black dress, while Scarlett wears a black mourning dress. Red heavily invited the newly widowed Scarlett to dance, reflecting the commonality of their personalities - informality, willfulness.

This picture has become a classic scene in the movie, and it is also an important part of the novel to describe the love entanglement between the two people.

(Word cloud description: The word cloud is a visual highlight of the key words in the text, and the larger the words, the more they are mentioned in the instruction manual.) Unrelated words are eliminated from the vocabulary statistics process and synonyms are merged. The translation of personal names in this issue has oriental characteristics, the last name is in the front, the first name is in the back, which is more in line with our reading habits, such as Scarlett's literal translation should be Scarlett O'Hara. If you have interested friends, you can leave a message or communicate by private message. )

Flutter | A woman's love and growth during the American Civil War

Cloud of fluttering words

Some readers may wonder whether the English in our "book word cloud" Logo is "decoration", here is a special explanation, we also do English word cloud, but the Chinese word cloud is the mainstay, as for other languages, limited to the author level can not be launched -_-.

Well, back to the theme, in this issue, we specially launched the English version of "Gone with the Wind" word cloud, I hope you can like it. Since this is the first one, relatively crude, we will continue to learn and improve in the future.

Flutter | A woman's love and growth during the American Civil War

Fluttering Word Cloud English Version

"Scarlett Hao", "Han Meilan", "Wei Xili", "Brad", "Child", "Miss", "Yankee", "Wife", "Tara", "Atlanta", "Man", "Woman", etc. are the more words that appear in the book, and these words can reflect the main content of the book to a certain extent.

Scarlett Hao is the main character in the book, she is complex, unique and full of charm.

On the one hand, she is beautiful and charming, spontaneous but lacks calmness and thinking, she ignores the meaning of marriage, marries at will, and misses the person who is really suitable for her;

On the other hand, she is strong and courageous, optimistic and positive, dares to fight, keeps her promise to take care of Melanie in the war, she loves Tara, the land, and her homeland deeply, and single-handedly opens a timber factory to relieve the life difficulties of a large family.

Scarlett's rich and full image has been loved by most readers and has inspired many female friends who are interested in careers.

Flutter | A woman's love and growth during the American Civil War

Tomorrow is another day

At the end of the article, readers, do you appreciate Red or Scarlett more? Which of the two word clouds in this issue do you prefer? Welcome to leave your high opinion and we will learn together. Like our word cloud, remember to like and follow the forwarding three times ^_^.

Reference: [1] Translated by Li Meihua

[2] Medium figure classification query

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