
With the collapse of the Soviet Union, this marshal was very sad and chose to commit suicide and martyrdom, and said a word before his death to move the world

In the feudal history of our country for more than two thousand years, there have been dozens of large and small dynasties, which were either once called kings in the storm or ascended to the top with absolute strength. Of course, there are also lows, such as some of the last dynasties that were once crumbling, and many of them chose to martyr for the country, the most famous of which was the Chongzhen Emperor in the late Ming Dynasty.

With the collapse of the Soviet Union, this marshal was very sad and chose to commit suicide and martyrdom, and said a word before his death to move the world

Chongzhen reigned for seventeen years, and spent his life working for the country, but the Ming Dynasty at that time was in a state of turmoil, even if Chongzhen worked day and night, it was still useless, and finally when Li Zicheng's army attacked Beijing, Chongzhen martyred the country with death and hanged himself in the coal mountains. In addition to china's ancient times, many other countries in the world also have many examples of martyrdom, such as the highest marshal of the Soviet Union "Akhromeyev", who committed suicide and martyrdom for the disintegration of the Soviet Union.

With the collapse of the Soviet Union, this marshal was very sad and chose to commit suicide and martyrdom, and said a word before his death to move the world

Born into an ordinary family in Tambov, Akhromeyev left his farm at the age of 17 to join the army, fought in countless battles, was one of the few veterans who fought in World War II and still served after the war, still worked in the front line after World War II, served the country, and in 1983 became chief of staff of the armed forces of the State Ministry of Defense, promoted to the rank of field marshal. It can be said that the state rose and became powerful under the defense of Akhromeyev. So, after Akhromeyev saw the imminent disintegration of the Soviet Union, he joined forces with several other veteran generals to launch a coup d'état in an attempt to save his country, but ultimately failed.

With the collapse of the Soviet Union, this marshal was very sad and chose to commit suicide and martyrdom, and said a word before his death to move the world

For a soldier like him, defending the country is not only a responsibility and mission, but the entire sustenance of life. So after the collapse of the Soviet Union was irreversible, the nearly seventy-year-old man chose to end his life in his office. Before dying, Akhromeyev also left a last word that shocked the whole world: "When I see that the motherland is dying, and all the sustenance of my life is destroyed, I can no longer live... For the sake of my country, I fought until the last moment."

With the collapse of the Soviet Union, this marshal was very sad and chose to commit suicide and martyrdom, and said a word before his death to move the world

This short sentence reveals the highest-ranking marshal of the Soviet Union, the despair and helplessness of the motherland he has loved and guarded all his life, which is about to disappear but is powerless to save, and finally chose to disappear with the motherland, and the military spirit of Akhromeyev also makes us admire.

With the collapse of the Soviet Union, this marshal was very sad and chose to commit suicide and martyrdom, and said a word before his death to move the world

In order to be able to better develop the economy and promote economic globalization, the disintegration of the Soviet Union is the trend of the times. But for the people who witnessed the birth, rise, and strength of the state, and the enjoyment of this high welfare state policy, they still do not want to disintegrate, so in the last referendum, the proportion of the people's opposition was as high as 77%, and even then they were powerless.

With the collapse of the Soviet Union, this marshal was very sad and chose to commit suicide and martyrdom, and said a word before his death to move the world

In late August 1991, a few days after Akhromeyev committed suicide, several other veteran generals who had fought with him all their lives, wearing old medals and military uniforms, held a funeral for him with his wife. In fact, in addition to the marshal, there were also senior officers and many members of the Central Committee at that time, who also chose to commit suicide and martyrdom.

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