
How wise was the Qing Dynasty in signing treaties? Seemingly unequal, it has laid the foundation for 9.6 million legal territories

I believe that many students have been exposed to the new version of the high school history textbook, this history textbook is a little different from the usual, this time some new knowledge has been added, which also means that students can be exposed to more new knowledge, this time the textbook for the first time adopted the general history model.

How wise was the Qing Dynasty in signing treaties? Seemingly unequal, it has laid the foundation for 9.6 million legal territories

In the new knowledge, more world history was introduced, mainly introducing the three continents of Asia, Europe and the United States in the Middle Ages, which allowed more students to have a most basic sense of world history, the most eye-catching of which was the content of the Qing Dynasty's "Laying the Territory".

In the original textbook, only mention some of the politics, economy, culture of the Qing Dynasty, rarely mention the issue of territory, the Qing Dynasty is the last feudal dynasty, since the establishment of Nurhaci into the Jin, the Qing Dynasty officially began to have a prototype, in 1636, the Emperor Taiji changed the name of the country to Daqing, in 1644 the Ming Dynasty fell, Dolgun supported the Emperor Taiji into the customs.

How wise was the Qing Dynasty in signing treaties? Seemingly unequal, it has laid the foundation for 9.6 million legal territories

On how the Qing Dynasty laid the territory of China, the author will only briefly introduce, in 1661, after Wu Sangui quelled the San Francisco Rebellion, Zheng successfully repelled the Netherlands, but Zheng Chenggong's son continued to use the Southern Ming Yong calendar name to treat the descendants of the Ming Dynasty, and in 1683, the Qing Dynasty conquered the "Bay Bay", and Ming Zheng ended.

In 1685, the repulsed Russian army made a comeback and captured Yaksa, and the following year, Kangxi sent two thousand soldiers to attack Yaksa, and after several months of fighting, the Russian leader Tolbuzin was killed, the Russian army suffered heavy casualties, and Tsarist Russia had to send diplomatic envoys to negotiate with the Qing Dynasty.

How wise was the Qing Dynasty in signing treaties? Seemingly unequal, it has laid the foundation for 9.6 million legal territories

In 1688 (the twenty-seventh year of the Kangxi Dynasty), the two sides held the first negotiation, but during which the Gar leader Gardan invaded the Khalkha Mongols in a big way, this time the negotiation was temporarily postponed due to the war, and in 1689, the place of negotiation was changed to Nebuchu, and this time the treaty demarcated the eastern territory between the two countries.

However, it is worth noting that the Treaty of Nebuchu used the name of China for the first time, for example, the full title of the chief representative of China, Soetu, was "the Great Holy Emperor of China, the Minister of State, the Minister of State, the Minister of State, and the Minister of Internal Affairs", who was the Chincha of the Chinese Emperor and exercised China's sovereignty, which was also the first time that the international treaty form used "China" as a sovereign state.

How wise was the Qing Dynasty in signing treaties? Seemingly unequal, it has laid the foundation for 9.6 million legal territories

In the fourth unit, Lesson 14, it is about the heyday of the middle of the Qing Dynasty, the territory of the Qing Dynasty was gradually laid up at this time, in 1760, after the pacification of the Dzungar Khanate, the territory of the Qing Dynasty entered the peak period, with a total area of 13.16 million equal minute kilometers.

There are 19 vassal states, the Emperor Taiji, Kangxi period there are Korea and Ryukyu countries, Qianlong period expanded to Southeast Asia Annam (Vietnam), Central Asia has Kazakh Khanate, Aiwuhan (Afghanistan) and other countries, after the middle of the Qing Dynasty, the Western powers began to enter the era of great navigation, Spain, Britain, the United States are colonial expansion.

How wise was the Qing Dynasty in signing treaties? Seemingly unequal, it has laid the foundation for 9.6 million legal territories

Even though the Qing Dynasty signed a series of unequal treaties in the late Qing Dynasty, the territory had shrunk to 11.35 million square kilometers in 1908, and although in this grim situation, the Qing Dynasty still made a great contribution to China's territory.

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