
In the first anniversary, why did the car subversive Xingrui "subvert" in the customer experience?

With the continuous advancement and development of China's automobile industry, the gap between the current domestic cars and joint venture cars is getting smaller and smaller. Even many places have become joint venture models to emulate, and domestic independent brands have also seized the difference in design, configuration and power, and successfully sat on an equal footing with joint venture car companies.

In the first anniversary, why did the car subversive Xingrui "subvert" in the customer experience?

For example, Geely recently announced sales in November, of which the two models of Xingyue L and Xingrui both broke through 10,000. As Geely's main "family car subversive", Xingrui has sold more than 120,000 vehicles in the first 11 months of this year, and its total sales since its listing have reached nearly 140,000 vehicles.

In the first anniversary, why did the car subversive Xingrui "subvert" in the customer experience?

Xingrui's aura ranges from the question of "subversion" to the obvious

Before Xingrui, the market for A-class cars was indeed the world of joint venture models, and it was difficult for any domestic independent brand to compete with it if it did not lower itself.

In the "China Star. Under the prefix of "flagship car", Xingrui has filled the long-term gap of Chinese brands in the home car market of more than 120,000 yuan with the benchmark level of China's manufacturing industry, and broken the limitation of the "100,000 yuan ceiling" of the main sales price of the Chinese car.

Online car reviews learned that Xingrui's high-end models accounted for up to 65%, and the average transaction price exceeded 134,000 yuan. Previously, we are familiar with the Japanese Xuanyi, Corolla and German Langyi, these mainstream joint venture cars, their average transaction price is in the range of 110,000-120,000 yuan. In horizontal comparison, Xingrui has successfully entered the price hinterland of the joint venture brand, and truly confronted the joint venture brand with high value, and the success of Xingrui is of great significance to Geely's high-quality development, brand upwards and even the entire Chinese brand. And this is the reason for the success of Geely China Star CMA's high-end series.

In the first anniversary, why did the car subversive Xingrui "subvert" in the customer experience?

Needless to say, if the SUV market is the advent of Haval H6, which has driven the hundred flowers of independent brands, then Xingrui, as a classic in the family car, has indeed subverted the cognition of domestic consumers.

For example, the product values re-presented by Geely Car are: to fully enhance the adaptability of the user's full-cycle experience as the premise, so that users no longer have just a car, but a car as the center, radiating out a complete hardware + software + service of the whole value chain of rights and interests experience, for users to achieve a free switch between urban business and life mood, "spontaneous, go with the flow" lifestyle.

In the first anniversary, why did the car subversive Xingrui "subvert" in the customer experience?

The advantages and disadvantages are obvious, and the user's love and hate are entangled

On the performance of the product, Geely has absolutely shown sincerity in Xingrui, whether it is from the platform or the engine supported by Volvo technology, Xingrui is one of the most popular models in the market in 2021.

In particular, its top price is less than 150,000, compared with the joint venture model, it has an advantage that cannot be ignored, and also interprets the epitome of Geely in the future. However, while it is expected to be high, many problems have emerged.

In the first anniversary, why did the car subversive Xingrui "subvert" in the customer experience?

Recently, the online car review learned from the relevant complaint platform that some owners of Geely Xingrui complained about the problem of car lag. According to data, Geely Xingrui was complained about 328 times in November, ranking second in the complaint list, second only to the Great Wall Euler Good Cat.

Checking the complaints of Geely Xingrui, it is found that its complaints are mainly concentrated in the car and machine system caton, frequent crash restart, slow start-up, high-speed navigation failure, the system and chip are too old, and there is a black screen. After the emergence of related problems, the appeal of most Xingrui car owners is to require manufacturers to upgrade or replace the car machine system. The relevant complaint content shows that "the Old Chip of Xingrui Car (the old chip of MediaTek a few years ago), the performance is very poor and easy to black screen, stuck; basically no malleability; as a "China Star" high-end brand, it cannot be upgraded and the same galaxy OS system as the "China Star" high-end brand Xingyue L, and the low-grade Emgrand L and Binrui can upgrade the Galaxy OS, but The star cannot be upgraded, and the owner cannot accept it." Complaints have asked manufacturers to solve the problem, but they may not have received a reply.

Not only that, we also learned in the community and forums that There will be a phenomenon of abnormal gas tank noise in Xingrui, and some owners also said that the steering wheel will have a different sound when the new car is turned, and even the steering wheel of the new car less than 500 kilometers has been deviated.

In the first anniversary, why did the car subversive Xingrui "subvert" in the customer experience?

It should be known that Geely Xingrui has been listed for a whole year now, and in a year's time, there have been problems from the system to the details. According to the understanding of the general public, this is the detail quality control of the production and manufacturing is not in place, in order to complete the order volume as soon as possible to choose to speed up production, but ignore the detailed quality of the vehicle.

In the first anniversary, why did the car subversive Xingrui "subvert" in the customer experience?

In the era of intelligence, the core of competition is to pay attention to user experience

In the face of the influx of complaints, Geely including 4S stores did not have any specific solutions, just a perfunctory sentence: "does not affect safe driving."

However, the so-called subversive Xingrui reconstructs the new standard of home car intelligence, advertising it as the industry's first vehicle OTA fuel home car, and covering both FOTA (hardware) and SOTA (software) aspects. Supplemented by the world's leading chassis in-line, L2-level driver assistance technology is realized. Only in terms of car and machine caton, helpless, so that its reputation is greatly affected.

Regarding the car machine OTA upgrade Caton, the online car review communicated with a senior automotive product technical manager of a brand, who said that "the vehicle OTA upgrade should be based on the upgrade within the scope of the existing hardware functions, if the demand for the hardware capabilities of the car and machine OTA upgrade is beyond the scope of hardware support, either it cannot be OTA, or it will not be used after the OTA upgrade, so it has caused the occurrence of Star-Ray stuttering, poor user experience and other situations". If the hardware capabilities of the vehicle and machine system can fully meet the needs of the OTA upgrade function, and the system software and hardware are fully adapted, theoretically there will be no stuttering and other situations. Since the cockpit hardware and software systems used by each model are different, problems such as the caton of the car and the machine need to be analyzed on a case-by-case basis. ”

Not only Xingrui, but also has a similar situation in Xingyue's body, Geely Vice President Song Jun once mentioned that Geely Xingyue will take the lead in carrying the latest generation of GKUI19 car machine system, but after the official listing of Geely Xingyue, car owners found that the engine version used by Xingyue is GKUI1.2.0, which is not the latest GKUI19 vehicle system officially promoted. In the process of actual use, many car owners found that the GKUI1.2.0 car machine system equipped by Xingyue was frequently stuck, crashed, and black screens frequently.

Online car reviews believe that in terms of vehicle design and performance, Geely's Xingrui is not lagging behind, and even far ahead in the same level. But the vehicle is not just a driving experience, The defects of Xingrui in the system are already objective facts, and manufacturers should look at it head-on, rather than the current perfunctory and ignored. If you want to do a good job in the long run, you must respect the support and trust of consumers for their real money, rather than living up to everyone's expectations and tolerance.

Wang Zhigang Wen

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