
He is a Chinese collector who donated 183 national treasures to the United States free of charge, but asked for tens of millions of dollars for the motherland

In the modern 100 years, it is a very painful history of our country, when the Eight-Power Alliance invaded, many important cultural relics were snatched from our country, according to records, once a French second-class soldier, after looting the treasure, became a tycoon in France, and France called him "China's James"

He is a Chinese collector who donated 183 national treasures to the United States free of charge, but asked for tens of millions of dollars for the motherland

Since the end of World War II, with the improvement of China's international status, some countries have also returned China's cultural relics, but there is such a person, born in China, collected many Chinese cultural relics, but donated these cultural relics to the United States free of charge, but asked for tens of millions of dollars for their motherland.

This person is Weng Wange, Weng Wange's ancestors are two generations of Qing Dynasty officials, officials to the prime minister, the fifth generation of Weng Tonggong's grandson, Weng Tonggong during his period as an official, he was very fond of calligraphy and painting, when he was an official, he collected a lot of calligraphy and painting cultural relics, etc., these cultural relics were passed down from generation to generation, until they were inherited into the hands of Weng Wange.

He is a Chinese collector who donated 183 national treasures to the United States free of charge, but asked for tens of millions of dollars for the motherland

Weng Wange is also the same as his ancestors, very interested in cultural relics, because his family is a family of eunuchs, the economic conditions are good, he began to collect cultural relics everywhere in the folk, in 1936, Weng Wange took Shanghai Jiao Tong University, with the outbreak of the War of Resistance Against Japan, he in order to complete his studies, he packed all the cultural relics in his home and moved to the United States.

At this time, WengWange only went to the United States to study, but under the influence of the peaceful environment in the United States, Wengwango officially stayed in the United States after graduation, and then joined the United States nationality, his generations of ancestors are guarding this batch of cultural relics, Wengwango is the same, he once said: "I live for the family collection, and the family collection has become my life."

He is a Chinese collector who donated 183 national treasures to the United States free of charge, but asked for tens of millions of dollars for the motherland

From his experience, this remark does show his determination to spend his life guarding his family collection, but when he was close to his old age, he donated the cultural relics preserved by his ancestors to the United States free of charge, a total of 183 Chinese national treasures, including 130 paintings, 31 calligraphy paintings, 18 rubbings, 4 weaving notes, and 7 are Dong Qichang's works.

What he did, got the attention of the American media, in the face of the media, he also used a previous sentence to respond, he is now old, these cultural relics will be better guarded in the museum, his words sound very reasonable, but Onwango also did such a thing.

He is a Chinese collector who donated 183 national treasures to the United States free of charge, but asked for tens of millions of dollars for the motherland

He has also contacted the relevant Chinese departments, and transferred 542 rare ancient books of the Song, Yuan, Ming, and Qing dynasties at a high price of 4.5 million US dollars, these cultural relics are China's national treasures, naturally they were purchased, which not only caused a great response in the Chinese volume, but even the Overseas Chinese in the United States felt strange.

He is a Chinese collector who donated 183 national treasures to the United States free of charge, but asked for tens of millions of dollars for the motherland

Weng Wange's cultural relics originally belonged to the motherland, and china wanted to retrieve cultural relics, but it cost tens of millions, while the United States got 183 Chinese national treasures of China free of charge. What do you think about that?

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