
A farmer chopping wood heard a sentence of epiphany, promoting Zen Buddhism peach and plum all over the world

author:The wisdom of the mind

How much does a farmer who chops firewood have an epiphany when he hears a sentence? Welcome to Xu Theory.

The famous Zen Master Huineng, originally from Hebei, his father was exiled to Lingnan to present-day Yunfu, Guangdong, hardship and poverty, one day in the market selling firewood, a customer asked him to send firewood to the guest house, took the money out of the door and heard a customer chanting, a smell of enlightenment, and then asked the reciter what is this sutra? Where did this sutra come from, and the guest told him that it came from the Dongchan Temple in Huangmei County, and that there were more than a thousand people under the Five Ancestors' Gate, who listened to this sutra there. The master said that by holding the Diamond Sutra constantly, one can see that one has become a Buddha. Later, his guests gave Huineng food and clothing to the twelve, and asked him to pay homage to the five ancestors in Huangmei.

After Huineng arranged his mother, he went to Huangmei to worship the five ancestors, and the five ancestors asked, "Where are you from, what do you want?" Huineng replied, "The disciple is a native of Xinzhou, Lingnan, who has come from afar to be a master, and only seeks to be a Buddha and not to seek other things."

When he first came to seek the Fa, he pointed out that he only wanted to be a Buddha and asked for other things, and this kind of courage was not an ordinary disciple who had just come to seek the Fa, and the Five Patriarchs wanted to test whether he really had such a heart and courage.

Specifically, he said in a percussive tone: "You are a Lingnanian and a beast (meaning evil and ugly), how can you be a Buddha?" Huineng said: Although people have north and south, buddha-nature has no distinction between north and south, and although the body of a beast is different from that of a monk, what is the difference between Buddha-nature?

Although they are different, and the Buddha-nature essence is the same, there is not much when becoming a Buddha, there is no less when doing sentient beings, in the holy does not increase in all things, all sentient beings have the same wisdom and virtue, all of them are not obtained because of delusional separation, and the fundamental wisdom is that Buddha-nature is everyone has, and it is necessary to recognize it first, and then develop it to obtain wisdom. All sentient beings are Buddhas, originally in meditation, all because they are confused and unconscious, so after recognizing the self-nature, it is to cultivate wisdom, wisdom is to use, it must be the body, there is no need to find concentration, Buddha-nature is self-sufficient, it must be fixed, it must be the concentration of wisdom, wisdom is the wisdom of concentration, wisdom is the wisdom of concentration, and so on. Confucian Buddhism has a common law and a non-common law, Buddhist characteristics, six into the twelve places and eighteen realms, this is the eighteen non-common law, clear mind view, through the root of the body to produce consciousness of the mind, understand the mind to the dust, that is, the mind sees the pure self-nature of immortality and immortality, this view is not the naked eye, but the open if the wisdom sees, the wisdom of the Law sees, the enlightened person is the Buddha, the chanting of the Buddha, the recitation of the ,,, can be paid attention to, and the follow-up continues to share.

Wu Zuben also wanted to talk to Huineng more, and seeing that his disciples were always around, he asked him to go with the masses. Huineng said, "I would like to ask the monk, the disciple is always born with wisdom in his heart, and it is a blessing to not depart from his own nature, but he does not know what the monk wants to teach?" Wu Zuyun: "This beast is rooted in great profit!" You don't have to say anything more, go to the tank factory. The Five Patriarchs were enlightened saints, and many of his disciples were too heavy because of their habits, some of them felt that they read a lot, and some of them were arrogant, and some of them had strong jealousy, in order to protect Huineng, they could not show too much attention, prevent others from harming him, and let him cut wood in the monastery as a volunteer.

The revelation given here cannot be taken lightly by any person, measured by the external appearance of identity and status, and what the eyes see is often not true, and it is only believed that the external sight will often look away. In addition, we should always be aware of ourselves, whether we have arrogance because of our small achievements or feel that we are superior, and we must look up to and surrender ourselves. At the same time, it is necessary to reflect on seeing that others are stronger than themselves, not to be jealous, but to learn from others that they are stronger than themselves, to like others, and to increase their personal cultivation.

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