
Is the stand-alone open world too lonely? Come here to experience the big world where you can go online

When it comes to open-world games, it is estimated that many people will think of many stand-alone AAA masterpieces for the first time. This kind of work, whether it is the picture quality or the gameplay, is quite outstanding, but it is limited to single-player games, and it is always almost interesting in terms of social experience. This has also led to many players being full of curiosity when they first come into contact with the open world, but slowly they will feel bored and lonely. In order to solve this problem, many manufacturers have begun to consciously increase social gameplay in the game.

Is the stand-alone open world too lonely? Come here to experience the big world where you can go online

But adding social play in the open world is also a technical activity: if you add too little, the player will not feel it; if you add too much, it will make the player feel that social is forced, and the game experience is reduced. In this regard, the open-world mobile game "Magic Tower" is just right, the light social design in the game, so that players are no longer lonely at the same time, will not let players have a feeling of being socially bound.

Is the stand-alone open world too lonely? Come here to experience the big world where you can go online

For example, the dungeon gameplay, which should be a headache for many people, because many games must form a team if they want to play a dungeon, which is a kind of torture for social terrorist players. But in Towers of Illusion, the quest is clearly divided into two parts: team and solo. If you want to experience team socializing, you can choose team quests such as "Hyena Arena" and "Deep Sea Base"; if you want a quiet single brush, you can choose single-player quests such as "Ruins" and "Old Days Illusion". The game does not force the player to play which one, but puts the choice in our hands and gives us the freedom to choose according to our preferences.

Is the stand-alone open world too lonely? Come here to experience the big world where you can go online

Of course, not only the dungeons, but many of the gameplay in the game are based on the concept of light social. For example, in the most common open-world game, such as map exploration, puzzle chests, search for resources, and killing bosses, we will meet many other players, and if you feel lonely, you can choose to team up with them. Of course, even if you don't team up, one person can complete these challenges, treat these passers-by as scenery along the way, and can also dilute the loneliness of the game.

Is the stand-alone open world too lonely? Come here to experience the big world where you can go online

In fact, for players, social networking is definitely an indispensable part of the game, but different players have different needs for social networking. Players of "Social Cow" like to team up, nag, and play together, while players of "Social Fear" may feel at ease as long as they see someone around them. The light social concept in "Magic Tower" is a good way to meet the different social needs of the two types of players. This mobile game will be officially tested on December 16, whether you are a "social cow" or a "social fear", you may wish to come to the game to feel this comfortable and light social atmosphere.

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