
Tesla really driverless on the road The driver's seat has only one dog

In the field of automatic driving, Tesla belongs to the industry's top level, but the AP function currently used in China still belongs to the L2 level of automatic driving, and there is still a long way to go from the real unmanned driving.

But even so, there are still people who ignore the risk, joke about their own lives, and test the real people for Tesla's "driverless".

A few days ago, a video uploaded by netizens showed that there are Tesla owners overseas, who do not drive their own vehicles, but a dog sitting in the driver's seat to "drive".


The Tesla slowly advanced, and there were no occupants in the front seat, and there were no pedestrians behind the seats.

Seeing such a scene, the occupants of the vehicle photographed on the road also called crazy, and the owner of this Tesla did not pay attention to the safety of his own life and the lives of others.

It should be noted that such behavior in China is suspected of dangerous driving and will be punished by corresponding laws, and domestic car owners must not imitate it at will.

Tesla really driverless on the road The driver's seat has only one dog

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