
Underground party members who have been tortured to death by the Japanese and false will call themselves dead for China and demand that their sons inherit their father's business

The 9th Detachment of the 3rd Route Army of the Northeast Anti-Japanese Coalition, which was active on the Songnen Plain, attacked the counties of Nehe and Keshan County, occupied the pseudo-county offices and police stations, opened prisons to release political prisoners and victimized people, and carried out anti-Japanese propaganda activities in the activity area, dealing a heavy blow to the Japanese and puppet rule.

Underground party members who have been tortured to death by the Japanese and false will call themselves dead for China and demand that their sons inherit their father's business

On September 20, 1941, a team of more than 30 people led by Guo Tiejian, chief of staff of the Ninth Detachment, was marching at Guo Nitun at the junction of the Nen River and the Nehe River, and encountered the White Pill Crusade team under the Japanese army stationed in Tanaka, AangXi. Fierce fighting ensued between the two sides, in which Guo Zhijian's troops, except for three people who were captured, were all heroically sacrificed. Guo Zhijian was only 30 years old when he died.

After the battle, the Japanese army searched the list of personnel of the First Executive Committee of the North Manchurian Provincial Party Committee spelled in phonetic symbols from the backpack that Guo Zhijian carried with him, and found the residential addresses of Shi Lusheng, the executive committee member of the executive committee, and Nie Hongtu, an inspector, from the diary.

On July 25, 1941, the First Headquarters of the North Manchurian Provincial Party Committee, founded in Qiqihar City, was an underground anti-Japanese organization under the leadership of the Party. Its main tasks are to establish reliable relations with the anti-Japanese organizations, publicize the idea of resisting Japan and saving the country, expand the political influence of the Anti-Japanese League, investigate the facilities, property, and dynamics of the Japanese puppet army, provide military intelligence to the Anti-Japanese Coalition, and provide material support.

Underground party members who have been tortured to death by the Japanese and false will call themselves dead for China and demand that their sons inherit their father's business

The list and address fell to the White Pill Crusade and was quickly sent to the Japanese gendarmerie in Qiqihar. This is a treasure for the Japanese gendarmerie, which is bent on eradicating the anti-Japanese underground. They quickly took a word from each of tanaka's troops and the Shiramaru crusade, calling the incident of sabotaging the underground party organization "The Tanabashi Incident."

According to the list, the Japanese army set up special search squads from various police stations and gendarmerie units to conduct a comprehensive investigation and investigation. It was quickly determined that most of the people on the list were employees of the Qi Railway train section. The initial focus of the Japanese army's investigation was on Shi Lusheng, and then through disguised reconnaissance and secret follow-up, Yan Ruilin, Tong Yunwen, Wang Yaojun, Zhou Shanen, Nie Hongtu, Zhao Shu, Wang Hongtu and others were successively discovered.

In October 1941, when Xia Huimin, a member of the Executive Committee, was visiting a relative's house, he happened to meet a person who was on duty in the Japanese gendarmerie and asked him if he had heard of Shi Lusheng. Xia Huimin immediately sensed that there might be a problem and immediately reported this information to Shi Lusheng. After Shi Lusheng learned of this situation, he realized that he had been stalked. In the case of losing contact with the superior organization, in order to save the underground organization, it was decided to go to Guannei with Yan Ruilin to temporarily take refuge.

Underground party members who have been tortured to death by the Japanese and false will call themselves dead for China and demand that their sons inherit their father's business

The Qiqihar Japanese Gendarmerie also realized that their stalking operations might be discovered, and underground anti-Japanese elements might flee. So on October 8, 1941, a telegram was sent to the commander of the Kwantung Gendarmerie, saying that Operation Tabura had been exposed and that some of the reconnaissancers were preparing to flee, so they were ready to collect the net at 4 a.m. on November 9.

At the same time on 9 November, following the order to allow advance action, the Special Search Squad launched a unified arrest operation everywhere on the orders of the Qiqihar Police Ruling Committee. Members of the Executive Committee, including Wang Yaojun, Zhou Shanen, Nie Hongtu, and Zhao Shu, were arrested, and by November 15, the Japanese army had arrested more than 110 people. Shi Lusheng and Yan Ruilin, who had already been transferred to Guannei and were hiding in Jinan, were found in the mail by the Japanese and pseudo-gendarmes when they wrote to Harbin to inquire about the situation of the executive committee. On December 12, the two were also arrested in Jinan and subsequently escorted back to Qiqihar by Japanese gendarmes.

In prison, the Japanese army used all kinds of torture to torture these underground party comrades to extract confessions. According to Cui Huimin's recollection, every time he entered the interrogation room, the Japanese gendarmes and traitors surrounded him, punched and kicked him, and then pushed him into the water supply room, first stripped off his clothes, handcuffed his hands, and lay on his back on a stool with water. As soon as the stomach bulged up, the Japanese slammed down on the stomach, and the water spurted out of the mouth, nose and lower body. Sometimes a towel is used to cover the mouth and nose, and water is poured on the towel, and as soon as the victim gasps, the water will be pumped into the lungs, and even if he faints.

Underground party members who have been tortured to death by the Japanese and false will call themselves dead for China and demand that their sons inherit their father's business

In addition to the above torture, there are also electric doors, rib cutting, nail pricking, kneeling bricks, squatting in the water tank in winter, and splashing cold water. Japanese and pseudo agents hoped that through these tortures, they would pry open the mouths of the underground party comrades and obtain the information they needed. But these arrested underground party comrades and patriots, who had firm convictions in the face of torture, did not waver, and persisted in the struggle until the last moment.

Zhou Shan'en said in prison: "I died today for China, there is nothing to linger on, it is a pity. He also gave his two sons who had not yet grown up in prison a profound name of "Blazing Light" and "Yanguang", that is, to tell his wife and children that although his wife was still honored after her death, she hoped that her wife would be able to educate her children well and inherit her father's business, and the other shore she insisted on was the light.

On December 29, 1942, the Special Public Security Department of the Pseudo-High Court pronounced judgments on more than 30 people arrested in the "Tianbai Incident." Wang Yaojun, Shi Lusheng, and Zhou Shan'en were sentenced to death, and the rest were sentenced to prison terms ranging from 10 to 20 years.

On March 3, 1943, Wang Yaojun, Shi Lusheng, Zhou Shan'en and three others were hanged by Japanese and pseudo agents in Qiqihar Prison. At the time of his death, Wang Yaojun was 34 years old, Shi Lusheng was 34 years old, and Zhou Shan'en was 25 years old.

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