
28 Chinese martyrs sacrificed to defend the territory of the motherland, and now China has regained this land in a domineering manner

In modern China, due to the decay and incompetence of the Qing government, it was forced to sign a large number of unequal treaties with Western countries, and its land area was greatly reduced. It was not until after the founding of New China that China's territory stabilized. Judging from the background of the times, when New China was first founded, the international situation had basically stabilized, and there was no previous large-scale conflict. However, China's international status is not particularly stable, and Western countries are still like jackals, and they may attack at any time. Fortunately, the Soviet Union has provided a lot of help to China because of its system, and to a certain extent, it has curbed the ambitions of Western countries. Unfortunately, this friendly and cooperative relationship between China and the Soviet Union has not lasted forever.

28 Chinese martyrs sacrificed to defend the territory of the motherland, and now China has regained this land in a domineering manner

Because of the difference in political concepts, China and the Soviet Union gradually developed differences, their contradictions became more and more acute, and even a fierce battle broke out. Especially in the Battle of Zhenbao Island, the Soviet side launched attacks on our country again and again, trying to forcibly occupy China's land and resources by force. During this period, Chinese fighters fought tenaciously, risking their lives to fend off soviet attacks and forcing them to abandon their ambitions.

28 Chinese martyrs sacrificed to defend the territory of the motherland, and now China has regained this land in a domineering manner

After the Soviet Union had no choice but to retreat, it felt very humiliated and always wanted to find an opportunity to save face. Soon after, the Soviets mobilized a large number of aircraft and tanks and launched an extremely fierce attack on the Thalekti region of our country. The soldiers stationed here, after learning of the enemy's movements, immediately took up arms and counterattacked. Well-trained Chinese soldiers, far inferior in weaponry and equipment, forcibly repelled three Soviet attacks. In the course of the battle, the Soviet Union found that our army had not sent reinforcements, so it was relieved to suppress it with firepower and carried out a covered bombardment of the positions held by the Chinese soldiers. The non-commissioned officers stationed in the positions, knowing that they could not resist the bombing by the Soviet side, immediately picked up the communicator and reported the military situation to the superior leaders, hoping that the state could send people and resources as soon as possible to drive the Soviets out.

28 Chinese martyrs sacrificed to defend the territory of the motherland, and now China has regained this land in a domineering manner

Before the non-commissioned officer turned off the communicator, he solemnly said that we might be defeated, but we would never be taken prisoner. After the rear reinforcements arrived at the scene, only the remains of 28 martyrs were found, and they were admired for their heroic sacrifices to protect China's territory. Now, when China has regained the land of Tielekti, the souls of the martyrs can finally be at peace.

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