
He was a general born and died for the country, and his life was bright and upright, and he knew that his father-in-law was sentenced to death and did not intercede

Born in 1902, General Huang Kecheng came to a very poor family, and when he grew up, he joined the army and became a soldier. He was particularly fond of learning, and was a well-known bookworm in the army, and without delaying the revolutionary work, he worked hard to learn a great deal of cultural knowledge. After the outbreak of the War of Resistance Against Japan, he was reused by his superiors.

He was a general born and died for the country, and his life was bright and upright, and he knew that his father-in-law was sentenced to death and did not intercede

After that, he led his soldiers to fight bloody battles against the Japanese invaders, and won many victories for the motherland in succession. This general was born and died for the country, and his life was very bright and upright, and he never did anything to disappoint the motherland and the people. His children made many rules, two of which are particularly striking. First, public cars are not allowed. Second, it is forbidden to find staff to do things for themselves.

He was a general born and died for the country, and his life was bright and upright, and he knew that his father-in-law was sentenced to death and did not intercede

General Huang Kecheng's rules are very strict, but he has always led by example to convince his children. After the founding of New China, General Huang Kecheng's father-in-law was imprisoned by the state for selling opium in his early years. The relevant departments sentenced him to death in accordance with the relevant laws. Before the execution, General Huang Kecheng personally approached his father-in-law's old party member to talk. After the two men met, General Huang Kecheng said solemnly that the state had decided to shoot him, and he had no objections. I just hope that before the shooting, I can let my wife Tang Dihua meet my father.

He was a general born and died for the country, and his life was bright and upright, and he knew that his father-in-law was sentenced to death and did not intercede

The party member in charge of this case thought that General Huang Kecheng was looking for him to intercede, and did not know how to explain it to him. It turned out that General Huang Kecheng only hoped that his wife would be able to meet with her father-in-law. This requirement is very simple and reasonable. The party member immediately agreed, and he quickly told General Huang Kecheng that this was the common sentiment of people and that they should let their father and daughter see each other for the last time.

He was a general born and died for the country, and his life was bright and upright, and he knew that his father-in-law was sentenced to death and did not intercede

In the end, General Huang Kecheng watched his father-in-law being shot by the state and did not use his rights and status to do anything for his father-in-law that violated state regulations. His wife also understood General Huang Kecheng's grievances and did not cause any contradictions with him. It was only after his father's death that his body was taken away for burial, so that the matter was completely over. On December 28, 1986, General Huang Kecheng died of illness in Beijing at the age of 84. His wife, Tang Dihua, left her job to recuperate and lived until 2000. Eventually, she died at the age of 82 in Beijing Hospital due to ineffective rescue.

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