
Holding cultural and creative products to find the collection of "real body" punch card Henan's museum fans have a lot of momentum

Holding cultural and creative products to find the collection of "real body" punch card Henan's museum fans have a lot of momentum
Holding cultural and creative products to find the collection of "real body" punch card Henan's museum fans have a lot of momentum

□ top news reporter Zhang Yi

From the Tang Palace Night Banquet at the beginning of the year, to the hot year-round archaeological blind box and jade pendant lollipop, to the Yellow River Treasure Exhibition, which brings together 42 fine cultural relics from the Huangjiu Provincial Museum... This year, although the Henan museum industry has been affected by the flood and the epidemic, it is still frequently out of the circle and on the hot search. The top news interview learned that the sales amount of cultural and creative products of the Henan Museum has reached 40 million yuan, and when the institute was recruited shortly before its establishment, 1200 people were recruited 10 people, and the admission ratio was as high as 120:1.

Some people say that 2021 is the year of Henan's cultural awakening, and Henan Wenbo people are really "winning the hemp". So, how should the word "awakening" be understood? Behind the compliment of netizens "winning the ma", what unknown efforts have Henan Wenbo people made? After several days of visits, the reporter concluded that the popularity of Henan Wenbo is by no means accidental.

This year, Tmall invited a number of museums to enter the Henan Museum to sell cultural and creative products has reached 40 million yuan

On the first day of the Tmall Double 11 sale this year (as of 10:00 a.m. on the same day), the museum's cultural and creative products ushered in an outbreak, surging by more than 400% year-on-year, becoming one of the largest dark horses of Tmall Double 11.

Song Hua, director of the founding of the Henan Museum, said in an interview with the top news reporter that as of now, the sales amount of cultural and creative products of the Henan Museum has reached 40 million yuan.

"The cultural creation of the Henan Museum began in 2019, and our literary founding was also established at that time, with only an 18-square-meter small shop." Song Hua said that there are now several stores in the courtyard alone, with an area of more than 1,000 square meters, and online stores are also expanding. The team has also grown from three or four people at the beginning to more than 20 people. "Two days ago, we conducted a recruitment, recruiting 10 people with 1200 applicants, and the admission ratio was 120:1."

This year, many museums such as the Henan Museum and the Gansu Provincial Museum have concentrated on Tmall, which is after the top Sanxingdui, and the museum group has settled in Tmall. "They actually invited Tmall to enter Tmall, and we have not yet met the requirements for entering Tmall." Song Hua believes that on the one hand, this is a recognition of the cultural and creative achievements of the Henan Museum, and on the other hand, it is also the extreme demand for the cultural creation of the museum in the market.

Other museums in Henan have also taken steps in the development of cultural and creative products this year. For example, when the new museum was opened, the Zhengzhou Museum held an exhibition of fine cultural relics along the Huangjiu Provincial District, and at the same time invited the cultural and creative products of the Huangjiu Provincial Museum to the Zhengzhou Museum for exhibition and sales; the Nanyang Museum not only held its own cultural and creative competition on May 18 International Museum Day, but also hosted the annual meeting of the Cultural and Creative Committee of the Henan Provincial Museum Society, and also had its own set of cultural and creative models and ideas; Luohe Museum undertook the 8th Henan Provincial Museum Cultural and Creative Competition, and also made many breakthroughs. So far, it has received more than 1,000 submissions; Zhoukou Museum is preparing its own cultural and creative store, and has also given birth to its own brand, from brand to IP, which is the only way for the museum's cultural and creative development. In addition, there is the Yangshao Cultural Site Museum, which has also created its own brand "Yangshao Youli".

Holding a jade pendant lollipop to find cultural relics to punch the card, how much does the "Z generation" favor museum cultural creation?

Xiao Chen, born in 1999, bought an archaeological blind box on Double 11 this year, which is her third purchase. "The first two were given to a friend, and this one was left to dig for yourself." She told reporters that digging soil can bring her pleasure more than dismantling the courier. "Dig harder and harder. Heard that it will also be hollowed out? Isn't it even higher? ”

This year's double 11, Henan Museum, Sanxingdui Museum's most popular cultural and creative products are archaeological blind boxes. Song Hua told reporters that this year, the Henan Museum sold 30 million yuan for the blind box alone, accounting for about 75% of the total revenue.

In the past two years, blind boxes, ornaments, intangible cultural heritage goods and IP cross-border joint models have become the most popular categories for young consumers.

The generation born between 1995 and 2009 was born seamlessly with the internet information age and is known as the "Z generation". Why does the "Z generation" prefer museum culture and creativity?

In Song Hua's view, the significance of museum cultural creation already exists not only in the price tag, but also in the history and cultural value behind this cultural relic, as well as the spirit of reflecting the silent struggle of archaeology and museum workers. "In fact, it is a subtle guide for everyone who buys cultural and creative products, and they will get their own cultural self-confidence from it."

"Generation Z is in the middle of a trend, their cultural self-confidence and values are not yet mature, and they need to be guided. If China's historical and traditional culture does not bring the cultural self-confidence of the 'Z generation' in this time period, it is easy to be occupied by foreign cultural IP. "Song Hua believes that it is necessary to plant excellent history and culture in everyone's heart like a seed." Therefore, the main target of museum cultural creation is definitely this part of the population. ”

Interestingly, after the lollipop launched by the Henan Museum some time ago based on the human head snake body jade exploded, many viewers took it to the museum to find this cultural relic to take photos and punch cards, and learned about the story and cultural connotation of this cultural relic from the docent. "This cultural relic is not a particularly heavy cultural relic in the hospital, but through cultural and creative products, this cultural relic can be made into an Internet celebrity, and I think this is the significance of the museum's development of cultural and creative products."

In the view of Liu Haiwang, president of the Henan Provincial Institute of Cultural Relics and Archaeology, the cultural creation of the museum is to convey the wisdom of the ancient ancestors and the symbols of ancient civilization to the public in a new way. "We archaeologists put the results of research, collation and restoration of cultural relics in the museum for display, but this is not enough, we need our museum staff to further innovate the way of exhibition, in a form that the public likes to hear and convey the value of the cultural relics themselves."

Bu Xiting, deputy dean of the Institute of Cultural Development of the Communication University of China, said in an interview with the media that in the face of "Generation Z" consumers, museums must follow the trend and do a good job in translating the era of museum culture, not only to maintain the original cultural intention of the museum, but also to rejuvenate the fashion style of the museum; not only to continue the classics, carry forward the tradition, but also to embrace the times and be good as an Internet celebrity.

The Henan Museum, which is "both quantitative and qualitative", is a strong spiritual support for cultural self-confidence

Henan Museum, Zhengzhou Museum, Luoyang Museum, Erlitou Xiadu Site Museum... Henan large and small museums, can you count the family treasures?

In August last year, the Henan Provincial Bureau of Cultural Relics released the 2019 Henan Provincial Museum Directory. By the end of 2019, there were 348 museums in Henan Province, including 6 first-class museums, 19 second-level museums, 23 third-level museums, and 300 unclassified museums, all of which received 71.74 million visitors a year. By the end of 2020, the number of museums in the province reached 359. In 2009, however, that number was only 155.

Henan's museums are not only at the forefront of the country in terms of quantity, but also among the best in quality.

In the list of the top 100 national hot search museums in the third quarter of 2021, The Henan Museum ranked 5 museums among them, the Henan Museum ranked 5th in the country with a 4.25 index, the Zhengzhou Museum and the Luoyang Museum ranked 44th in the country with a 3.25 index, and the Chinese Character Museum and the Kaifeng City Museum were newly listed in the top 100 museums in the country.

This list is based on 20 indexes such as exhibition, public, communication, brand, WeChat index, new list index, release index, reading index, temporary exhibition index, visitor volume index, etc., which not only reflects the degree of attention of various museums by netizens, but also puts forward references for the current development status and potential of the museum industry.

Ma Xiaolin, president of the Henan Museum, said in an interview with the media that the social functions of the museum, such as collection, protection, research, display, and education, are itself a process of creative transformation and innovative development of traditional culture. Therefore, for the transformation and development of traditional culture, museums play a vital role.

He believes that the "museum fever" not only reflects the transformation of popular cultural needs, but also indicates the continuous return of traditional culture to a certain extent.

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