
Of the 6 great world recognized leaders, two of whom are Chinese, who are they?

author:Extraordinary scenery

The truly great leader is not a war maniac who can only fight wars, nor is he an economic expert who can only engage in economic construction, but a leader who can make the people gain sovereignty, enjoy the sense of honor brought by the country, and give the country a place among the nations of the world.

The first great leader recognized by the world was our Chairman Mao. Chairman Mao raised the people's banner at the lowest tide in China, led the broad masses of the people and the Chinese nation to start the war of anti-aggression, and also made the Chinese nation truly stand up, and it was also our great Chairman Mao who led us to get rid of the title of the sick man of East Asia.

After the May Fourth Movement, Mao Zedong accepted the idea of communism, and Chairman Mao founded the Communist Organization in the 1920s, and attended the CPC Congress in Jiaxing, leading the workers' movement in Changsha and other places. During the War of Resistance Against Japan, Chairman Mao carried out the agrarian revolution, which constantly enhanced the status of our Party in the hearts of the people. During the Long March, Mao Zedong was established as the new central leadership, and thus Chairman Mao began the journey of leading the Chinese nation to independence.

In the War of Resistance Against Japan, Chairman Mao put the country and the nation first regardless of his sons and daughters, and in order to strengthen the strength of the Chinese army, Chairman Mao also forced Chiang Kai-shek to agree to the cooperation between the Kuomintang and the Communist Party, established an anti-Japanese national united front, and finally won the victory in the War of Resistance Against Japan.

After the founding of New China, Chairman Mao made greater efforts to build China into an independent and democratic power, and the sick man of East Asia became the dragon of the East.

The second great leader was Dr. Sun Yat-sen. The Qing government was unable to defeat foreign invaders and was forced to sign various treaties, which seriously damaged China's interests and land, and western countries also caught China's vast colonial land and market and began to divide China. Japan, which is close to our country, sent troops to attack, but given the corruption of the Qing Dynasty and the ministers on duty in order to retain their naval strength, the Qing Dynasty eventually lost the Battle of Jiawu.

And the Chinese nation has also reached the point of extinction. People realized the seriousness of the problem, so they made suggestions one after another, Mr. Sun Yat-sen was one of them, but the Qing government really made decay, only concerned about maintaining its own rule, saw through the corruption of the Qing government, Mr. Sun Yat-sen decided to overthrow the rule of the Qing Dynasty, so he launched the Xinhai Revolution, overthrew the Qing Dynasty by force, and established the Republic of China. Subsequently, Dr. Sun Yat-sen made great efforts to govern, promulgate laws, and change society, and the democratic republic gradually became popular in the hearts of the people.

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