
Symptoms of cough and dietary remedies for your baby

Speaking of cough, most parents are familiar with wind chill cough and wind fever cough, which are all external coughs. But there is also a high incidence of common cough in children, but it is not caused by external sensations, but some "disease from the mouth" meaning - that is, cough!

Symptoms of cough and dietary remedies for your baby

Chinese medicine says that "the spleen is the mother of the lung meridian", children are often born with insufficient spleen, if the feeding is improper, it is easy to accumulate food. "The spleen is the source of phlegm, the lungs are the sputum storage device", the accumulation of food will lead to the child's spleen and stomach weakness, over time will turn heat sputum, steaming in the lungs, causing lung qi unfavorable, there will be a manifestation of accumulated food cough.

Moreover, children who accumulate food and cough are actually more or less caused by the invasion of external diseases and evils. When accumulating food, the child's spleen and stomach are damaged, the righteous qi is insufficient, the resistance will also decline, it is easy to be invaded by external evils, and the promotion and suppression of lung qi is affected, resulting in cough.

Characteristics of cough:

1. At five o'clock in the evening (3 o'clock to 5 o'clock), because yin is the main body of the lung meridian, the cough will be aggravated.

2. Children cough for a long and repetitive time, and often have accumulated food first, followed by cough.

3. Cough with more phlegm, and even vomit food when coughing.

Clinical manifestations of accumulation of food cough:

The cough is heavy and turbid, but the cough is not intense, the sputum is white or thin, and the amount is large; When the accumulation of food is heated, the cough is heavy, the sputum is thick and yellow, and it is not easy to cough out; Other manifestations may include bloating, sluggishness, belching, bad breath, dry stools, or constipation, a reddish tongue, thick or yellow tongue.

Accumulation of cough diet therapy:

Hawthorn white radish water

Ingredients: 30 g fresh hawthorn (or 10 g dried hawthorn), 100 g white radish, rock sugar to taste.


Wash and slice the white radish; Hawthorn washed, cut, kerneled.

Put the white radish and hawthorn in a casserole dish, add water, cook for 30 minutes on low heat, and add sugar; Drink soup, eat white radish, hawthorn.

Effect: Eliminate food accumulation, clear the lungs and dissolve phlegm, suitable for children with mild symptoms of cough.

Symptoms of cough and dietary remedies for your baby

If the child has been eating cough for a long time, or the child's cough symptoms are more obvious, affecting the daily life routine, you can give the child some orange terrier clearing agent on the basis of dietary therapy to help the child promote lung sputum, strengthen the spleen and stomach, and alleviate cough symptoms.

Finally, please also ask parents to maintain a vegetarian diet during the period of children's accumulation of food, try to eat as little as possible which messy snacks, exercise appropriately, and ensure adequate sleep, which is conducive to the early recovery of spleen and stomach function.

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