
Evening news| be vigilant! Chinese mainland the First Ofilon variant was detected

1. National Health Commission: 51 new local cases were added on the 13th

According to the National Health Commission, at 0-24:00 on December 13, 31 provinces (autonomous regions and municipalities directly under the Central Government) and the Xinjiang Production and Construction Corps reported 76 new confirmed cases. Among them, there were 25 imported cases (7 cases in Guangxi, 6 cases in Shanghai, 4 cases in Guangdong, 3 cases in Yunnan, 2 cases in Fujian, 1 case in Zhejiang, 1 case in Henan, 1 case in Hunan), including 2 cases from asymptomatic infected people to confirmed cases (1 case in Henan and 1 case in Guangxi); 51 cases in local cases (44 cases in Zhejiang, including 38 cases in Shaoxing City, 4 cases in Ningbo City, and 2 cases in Hangzhou City; 5 cases in Inner Mongolia, all in Hulunbuir City; 1 case in Heilongjiang, in Qiqihar City; 1 case in Shaanxi Province, in Xi'an City). There were no new deaths. There were no new suspected cases.

2. Be vigilant! Chinese mainland the First Ofilon variant was detected

It was learned from the Tianjin Municipal Epidemic Prevention and Control Command that the Omicron strain of the new coronavirus was detected among the inbound personnel. The infected person is an entry control officer and is currently isolated and treated in a designated hospital. It is reported that this is the first time that the new coronavirus Olmi kerong variant has been found in the Chinese mainland.

The Tianjin Municipal Center for Disease Control and Prevention conducted whole genome sequencing and sequence analysis of the new coronavirus on the respiratory specimens of asymptomatic infected persons imported from abroad on December 9, and after review by the Chinese Center for Disease Control and Prevention, it was confirmed that the New Coronavirus Semikron variant (B.1.1.529 evolutionary branch) was detected.

According to the information released by Kexing Holding Biotechnology Co., Ltd. on December 11, it has obtained nasopharyngeal swab samples of people infected with the Omicron variant of the new coronavirus on December 5, and cooperated with the team of Professor Qin Chuan of the Institute of Medical Laboratory Animals of the Chinese Academy of Medical Sciences to carry out virus isolation and whole gene sequencing, and has successfully isolated the Omiljung variant and obtained sequencing results.

Coxing said that after obtaining the New Coronavirus Semicroton variant, the impact of the Semikron variant on the existing COVID-19 vaccine can be better understood.

3, the United States new crown confirmed to exceed 50 million! 75% of those who died were over the age of 65

The latest data released by the Center for Systems Science and Engineering at Johns Hopkins University shows that as of the 13th, the cumulative number of confirmed covid-19 cases in the United States exceeded 50 million, and the death toll also exceeded 800,000. Since January this year, the number of COVID-19 infections has increased by 30 million, surpassing the number of infections in 2020. The U.S. population accounts for less than 5 percent of the world's population, but COVID-19 accounts for 18 percent of the world's cases and 15 percent of the world's deaths.

Adults over the age of 65 account for 75 percent of all COVID-19 deaths in the United States, and about 600,000 people have died from covid-19, which means that 1 in 100 Americans over the age of 65 have died. Among the under-65 people, the proportion of deaths from the new crown is 1 in 1400.

From Delta to Omikeron, the new mutant virus has put new pressure on older people in the United States. Medical scientists point out that due to the weakening of the immune system's organ function, coupled with complications, people over the age of 65 are still vulnerable to the new crown virus. Even after vaccination, a small percentage of people will die from breakthrough infections.

4. Qiqihar: The source of the epidemic infection is preliminarily judged to be contact with the environment and articles polluted by the new crown virus

On the 14th, the thirteenth press conference on the prevention and control of the epidemic in Qiqihar City was held, and after tracing the source of the epidemic, the source of infection in Qiqihar was initially judged to be the environment and items contaminated with the new crown virus, causing accidental infection, and the specific source of infection was further verified after the genetic sequencing results came out.

On December 13, the Office of the Qiqihar Epidemic Prevention and Control Headquarters reported that nehe City had 1 new confirmed case of new coronary pneumonia and 4 asymptomatic infected people. After preliminary epidemiological investigation, there was an epidemiological association with asymptomatic infected people reported in Nehe City on 28 November, and it has been managed according to key populations since the same day.

Heilongjiang Province, Qiqihar City and Nehe City, the flow adjustment team mixed into groups, quickly and rigorously and meticulously carried out the flow adjustment work, as of 8 o'clock on the 14th, 94 people were identified as close contacts, 129 people were connected, and now centralized isolation and control measures have been implemented, and the nucleic acid test results are negative.

Since November 28, there have been no people in the construction village of Changfa Town. Since November 28, 12 people have left Changfa Town, including 8 in the province and 4 outside the province, all of whom have been pushed to manage their current place of residence.

At the same time, combined with the positive personnel and the close living environment and the places involved to carry out environmental sampling, since December 12, a total of 261 environmental samples have been collected, and 28 positive samples were detected in the living environment of the infected person on the 12th, all of which were negative.

This outbreak is characterized by a long incubation period and a strong insidiousness of infection. After tracing the source, the source of infection was preliminarily judged to be contact with the environment and articles contaminated by the new crown virus, causing accidental infection, and the specific source of infection was further verified after the genetic sequencing results were released.

5. The Premier League is likely to be suspended, and 42 players in one week are infected with the new crown

According to the Daily Mail, on the evening of December 31, local time, the Premier League announced that 42 players tested positive for the new crown in one week, breaking the single-week record. The Premier League is likely to face another suspension.

Premier League clubs said at least five clubs had confirmed players, including Manchester United, and a match that had been planned for Brentford on the 14th had been delayed.

Due to the rapid spread of "Omi Kerong" in the UK and the slow progress in the vaccination of players, the game is likely to be delayed on a large scale or even shut down completely.

Last week's Games against Rennes and Brighton were cancelled, and on the evening of the 13th, the Champions League of Sheffield United and Queen's Park Rangers was also cancelled. Leicester City and Norwich City also considered postponing their matches against Newcastle and Manchester United respectively last weekend.

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