
These 3 times are not recommended to take a bath, and the article understands the 10 truths of bathing

After a busy day, come home and take a hot shower, cool!

Annoyance, pressure seems to be washed away together, the more rushed the more refreshing, the more refreshing the more rushed, forget the time, forget themselves...

These 3 times are not recommended to take a bath, and the article understands the 10 truths of bathing

(Source: soogif)

But you really can't get too involved in the bath!

The time, method, and operation after the bath are exquisite.

This one, Brother Dian will take you to an "immersive bath".

1. Is it appropriate to take a bath once a few days?

As long as you are willing, there is no hard rule to wash once a few days, and students in the north and south do not have to argue about it.

Bathing every day will not "wash out the problem", and washing for 2 to 3 days is no problem.

If it is a winter in the north, there is hardly much sweating, in fact, there is no need to wash every day.

If you are engaged in heavy physical labor, or sweat a lot, it is best to wash every day.

2. How long is the right time to take each bath?

Within 20 minutes [1] it is best, especially friends with cardiovascular diseases, pay more attention to time!

Brother Dian also reminded that when the old man takes a bath, it is best to have someone in the house.

3. When is the best time of day to wash?

Nothing is the best, except for the following 3 times, the time you want to wash is the best time:

Don't take a bath on an empty stomach: Friends who usually have low blood pressure should pay more attention to [1], the blood sugar is low in the fasting state, and it is easy to have low blood sugar in hot baths, and dizziness, nausea, vomiting and so on.

Don't take a shower just after drinking: accidents such as fainting are prone to occur [2].

Do not bathe before falling asleep: otherwise it is not conducive to quick sleep.

1. Do you have to rub mud every time you take a shower?

You don't have to rub it every time! Not friendly to the skin.

But this is a favorite link of friends in the north, and Brother Dian also likes it.

If you really want to rub it, here are 3 tips:

Don't rub hard: wash every day and rub desperately, especially in winter, be careful to rub the skin. The skin is like a city wall, and scrubbing hard will damage the skin barrier, resist the invasion of viruses and bacteria, and easily lead to dermatitis, eczema, and even secondary infection [2].

The bath ball material is soft, the cleaning ability is not bad, you can use it!

The scrub towel is specially used for personal use and is often boiled in boiling water for disinfection.

2. How to choose the right bath products?

Don't be confused by the "rhetoric" of the merchant, elaborate as follows:

Shower Gel:

Shower gel does not have to be used all over the body: the hands, armpits, buttocks and other areas of the skin that are prone to sweating can be used, and other parts of the water rinse is enough.

Navel eyes, it is not recommended to clean it regularly!


Do not use scrub regularly: oily, aging skin should be used once every 2 to 4 weeks; dry, sensitive skin is best not used [3].

It is enough to use shower gel, but as for milk, vinegar, wine and the like, don't wipe it on your body.

Bath salts can be considered when you need to deeply cleanse the skin, and you don't have to use them every time.

3. Isn't the hotter the water, the better?


Don't fall into the trap of "heat", the water temperature is slightly higher than the body temperature.

1. Apply lotion

Skincare is available regardless of gender, age, season, and basic moisturizing lotion is sufficient.

Take care to keep warm, wipe your skin to 70% dry (no water droplets), and apply emollient products immediately.

2. Blow your hair

Long hair, short hair, the first choice of natural dry is the best.

But if you are in a hurry, or are about to go to sleep, the hair dryer can be used, but it should be blown like this:

Blow dry the roots of the hair first, then blow the tail.

Hair dryers should be kept as far away from hair as possible.

Blow in the direction of hair growth.

Blow your hair until it's all separated, and you can feel a little wet.

Finally, Brother Dian said two more sentences:

1, @ all girls, menstruation can wash their hair and bathe!

2, winter bathing, need to be vigilant against carbon monoxide poisoning, it is best to do these 3 things: kitchen window, bathroom door seam, mobile phone cover waterproof bag into the bathroom.

This article is sacrificed to accompany Zhimei (Tencent Medical Code she knows) time to sort out, don't forget to like, watch, and then share it!

Review expert: Ma Xiaolei

Attending Physician, Department of Dermatology, Peking University International Hospital


Mao Qian, Bi Qinqin, He Liyun, et al. Discussion on health education methods from bath-induced acute incidence of coronary heart disease[J]. Journal of Practical Nursing, 2003, 19(024):50-51.

Jin Hongzhong, Zhou Guangji, Liu Keying. Investigation on the pathogenesis of nylon bath towel and adult molluscum infectiousis[J]. Chinese Journal of Dermatology and Venereology, 1994, 01:32-33.

[3] Dermatologist Branch of Chinese Medical Doctor Association. Chinese Skin Cleansing Guide[J]. Chin J Dermatology, 2016, 49(8):537-540.

Author: Guo Qian | Editors: Guo Qian, Emgrand, Zhang Liang

Typesetting: Han Ningning | Proofreader: Wu Yihe

Operations: Li Yongmin | Coordinator: Wu Wei

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