
Uremia is in its advanced stages, how long is the survival period? You may wish to do these 5 treatments first

Uremia signals were found to represent significantly reduced kidney function, and it was necessary to reduce adverse symptoms through symptomatic treatment and prolong life. There are many people who think that uremia is an incurable disease, and may not live long in the late stage, so a variety of negative emotions appear, in fact, there are many factors that affect the length of life of patients, if there is correct regulation, there may be a glimmer of life. So, how long can a patient with uremia live in the late stages?

Uremia is in its advanced stages, how long is the survival period? You may wish to do these 5 treatments first

Take correct treatment measures in time after the emergence of uremia, of course, all kinds of nursing work in life are done well, develop good habits to improve kidney function, the survival rate of patients will be improved, living for a few years is not a problem, and some people have a longer survival period. If you let it go unchecked in the late stages, the treatment is impatient, and there is a bad mentality that brings effects, you may live for a short time, and the specific situation varies from person to person.

How can I extend the life of my patients?

1. Maintain a good attitude

To prolong the patient's life, the most critical thing is to maintain a good attitude, even if the disease is serious, not excessive panic, anxiety all day, depression, because the negative emotions on human health bring obvious impact, long-term emotional fluctuations after the impact of endocrine, reduce resistance, the original disease will be more and more serious on the basis. And those who remain optimistic and confident of overcoming the disease tend to have better physical conditioning.

2. Correctly cooperate with treatment

Correct cooperation with treatment, according to the patient's condition, physical conditions to choose the appropriate treatment methods, the disease is well controlled, the survival period will be much longer. Some people listen to rumors, blindly use folk remedies, or are impatient in the process of treatment, and feel that the serious disease has no meaning to treat and directly give up, and life expectancy is easy to shorten. And the correct response to the treatment of people is more cooperative, in order to extend the life after effective control.

Uremia is in its advanced stages, how long is the survival period? You may wish to do these 5 treatments first

3. Control diet during illness

Properly regulated diet, various nutrients to meet the needs, but will increase the burden on the kidneys away from food, is a way to prolong life. The human body must have enough nutrition and energy to provide every day, so whether the diet is appropriate determines the health of the body, at this time to supplement more vitamins, minerals, trace elements, etc., protein intake to grasp well, of course, those will hurt the body of spicy food, pickled food, barbecue food, high-fat food and so on eat less.

4. Check the body regularly

To prolong the life of uremia patients, follow-up regular examinations, assess the development of the disease, whether there are complications detected in time, early intervention, can also achieve better results. If the treatment of uremia alone is carried out, but the impact of other complications is not understood in time, the correct response measures may be taken because of the impact of other diseases. It can be seen that the inspection of this matter cannot be left behind.

Uremia is in its advanced stages, how long is the survival period? You may wish to do these 5 treatments first

5. Refuse tobacco and alcohol

Quit smoking and alcohol is a thing that needs to be strictly done, some people have uremia to the advanced stage, the kidney function is obviously reduced, but the bad behavior that will hurt the body has not been corrected, still tobacco and alcohol do not leave the body, a variety of harmful substances are obtained in large quantities, and the kidneys will continue to be affected and the function will be reduced. Of course, alcohol is obviously harmful to the liver, and the lungs will be more susceptible to disease after smoking, and it is necessary to refuse alcohol and tobacco to reduce the damage.

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