
Wuhan painters take to the streets and record the old street style with paintbrushes

Reporter You Yuting

Recently, more than 30 painters in Wuhan took to the streets and recorded the style of Wuhan's old streets with paintbrushes. The oldest of them, 83 years old, voluntarily took to the streets to interpret the unique features of old buildings through artistic perspectives, hoping to leave the city's memories for future generations.

Wuhan painters take to the streets and record the old street style with paintbrushes

When the reporter came to Lihuangpi Road in Jiang'an District, he saw a painter sitting in front of a red house, using his own brush to record the unique style of this old building. After comparing with the real scene, people do not sigh that the real world seems to have entered the painting.

Wuhan painters take to the streets and record the old street style with paintbrushes

Painter Cheng Yehao told reporters that he had been painting here for more than three hours. The house he chose to paint this time is an excellent historical building, luojiashan street house, built between 1910 and 1927, on the one hand, hoping to interpret the unique style of the old building from an artistic perspective, but also hoping to leave the memory of the city for future generations. "Architecture is the history of a city and a symbol of urban civilization."

Wuhan painters take to the streets and record the old street style with paintbrushes

The reporter found that there were many painters painting on the street side of Lihuangpi Road, including well-known painters Xiong Tianxiang and Wang Pinfang. Painter Xiong Tianxiang said: "These excellent historical buildings are very popular in painting, and in a painting there must be a little history, a little culture, a little trace, to be more flexible and more vital." ”

Wuhan painters take to the streets and record the old street style with paintbrushes

Painter Wang Pinfang said: "These are some of the most important buildings in Wuhan and the most representative of Wuhan, as a painter, I also want to use a paintbrush to express, which is of great historical significance." ”

Wuhan painters take to the streets and record the old street style with paintbrushes

The reporter observed at the scene and found that although it is the same building and the same scene, it has different interpretations under the pen of different painters, which may be the charm of painting. Zhang Danfeng, an 83-year-old man, told reporters that she was infected by these painters, so she took to the streets for the first time to try to record old buildings with paintbrushes. Many onlookers in the surrounding area also said that the painters painted old buildings not only to enhance the cultural atmosphere of the city, but also to leave more works of art for everyone.

Wuhan painters take to the streets and record the old street style with paintbrushes

The reporter learned on the spot that at present, many painters have painted some old buildings with a long history in Wuhan, such as Lifen, Jianghan Village, Dongting Village, etc., and will also select good works to be exhibited to the public. It is expected that the exhibition will be after the Spring Festival and before May Day next year, and the exhibition is also public welfare, mainly to show the vicissitudes of Wuhan's history and reflect the new face of Wuhan.

Edit: Zhang Yin

Source: Wuhan Radio and Television Station

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